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UnrealIRCd 6.1.5

This is just a regular release with various enhancements and bug fixes.


  • You can now use oper::auto-join in an oper block to override the generic set::oper-auto-join setting.
  • The operclass property is now available in the security-group block and mask items.
    Eg: security-group netadmin { operclass { netadmin; netadmin-with-override; } }
  • Support for IRCv3 draft/no-implicit-names
  • Improved performance by skipping useless TAGMSG spamfilter checks (e.g. for typing notifications).
  • Improved performance if you have hundreds of non-regex spamfilters.
  • Add more Crule functions:
    • is_away() returns true if the client is currently away
    • has_user_mode('x') returns true if all the user modes are set on the client.
    • has_channel_mode('x') can be used for spamfilters with a destination channel, such as messages: it returns true if all specified channel modes are set on the channel.
  • Add example.pt.conf - (Brazilian) Portuguese example configuration file.


  • The config parser now logs a warning if you have a /* within a /*


  • The whowasdb module caused WHOWAS entries to vanish (way too soon)
  • If your shell account only allowed very few file descriptors (eg: ulimit -n returned 150), then UnrealIRCd would fail to boot. This, because due to reserved file descriptors you would have 0 left, or even a negative number.
  • Crash when running SPAMFILTER as an IRCOp when using UTF8 spamfilters.
  • Set blocks for a security group allow you to set a custom set::modes-on-connect for a security group. However this setting happened too early, so security groups matching account names or 'identified' (when using SASL) were not working.
  • +I ~operclass was not working properly.
  • Removed confusing "Central blocklist too slow to respond" message when using soft bans or a require authentication block.

UnrealIRCd 6.1.4

This release fixes a crash issue with websockets in UnrealIRCd 6.1.0 - 6.1.3.

The full advisory with all details is available at: https://forums.unrealircd.org/viewtopic.php?t=9340

See that advisory also for a way to hot-patch, to fix the crash issue on *NIX without restarting (zero downtime). If you choose to go with the hot-patch, then you don't need to upgrade to 6.1.4.

UnrealIRCd 6.1.4 is for those people who run Windows, or otherwise just feel like it is a good time to do a full upgrade (with restart). It's naturally also for new installations.


  • Crash that can be triggered by users when Websockets are in use (a listen block with listen::options::websocket). This was assigned CVE-2023-50784.
  • In 6.1.3, Websockets were not working with Chrome and possibly other browsers. The fix for this is also included in the hot-patch (for 6.1.3 only).

UnrealIRCd 6.1.3

The main focus of this release is adding countermeasures against large scale spam/drones. We do this by offering a central API which can be used for accessing Central Blocklist, Central Spamreport and Central Spamfilter.


  • Central anti-spam services:
    • The services from below require a central-api key, which you can request here.
    • Central Blocklist is an attempt to detect and block spammers. It works similar to DNS Blacklists but the central blocklist receives many more details about the user that is trying to connect and therefore can make a better decision on whether a user is likely a spammer.
    • Central Spamreport allows you to send spam reports (user details, last sent lines) via the SPAMREPORT command. This information may then be used to improve Central Blocklist and/or Central Spamfilter.
    • The Central Spamfilter, which provides spamfilter { } blocks that are centrally managed, is now fetched from a different URL if you have an Central API key set. This way, we can later provide spamfilter { } blocks that build on central blocklist scoring functionality, and also so we don't have to reveal all the central spamfilter blocks to the world.
  • New option auto for set::hide-ban-reason, which is now the default. This will hide the *LINE reason to other users if the *LINE reason contains the IP of the user, for example when it contains a DroneBL URL which has lookup?ip=XXX. This to protect the privacy of the user. Other possible settings are no (never hide, the previous default) and yes to always hide the *LINE reason. In all cases the user affected by the server ban can still see the reason and IRCOps too.
  • Make Deny channel support escaped sequences like channel "#xyz\*"; so you can match a literal * or ? via \* and \?.
  • New option listen::options::websocket::allow-origin: this allows to restrict websocket connections to a list of websites (the sites hosting the HTML/JS page that makes the websocket connection). It doesn't securely restrict it though, non-browsers will bypass this restriction, but it can still be useful to restrict regular webchat users.
  • The Proxy block already had support for reverse proxying with the Forwarded header. Now it also properly supports X-Forwarded-For. If you previously used a proxy block with type web, then you now need to choose one of the new types explicitly. Note that using a reverse proxy for IRC traffic is rare (see the proxy block docs for details), but we offer the option.


  • Reserve more file descriptors for internal use. For example, when there are 10,000 fd's are available we now reserve 250, and when 2048 are available we reserve 32. This so we have more fd's available to handle things like log files, do HTTPS callbacks to blacklists, etc.
  • Get rid of compiler check for modules vs core, this is mostly an issue when you are upgrading a system (eg. Linux distro) and it would previously make REHASHing impossible after such an upgrade. Though, if you are doing a major distro upgrade you can still be bitten by things like library removals such as major openssl upgrades.
  • Make $client.details in logs follow the ident rules for users in the handshake too, so use the ~ prefix if ident lookups are enabled and identd fails etc.
  • More validation for operclass names (a-zA-Z0-9_-)
  • Hits for central-blocklist are now broadcasted globally instead of staying on the same server.


  • When using a trusted reverse proxy with the Proxy block, under some circumstances it was possible for end-users to spoof IP's.
  • Crash issue when a module is reloaded (not unloaded) and that module no longer provides a particular moddata object, e.g. because it was renamed or no longer needed. This is rare, but did happen for one third party module recently.
  • The crash reporter was no longer able to submit reports.
  • Module manager fixes
  • For people running git versions, who did not use 'make clean', 3rd party modules were not always automatically recompiled, causing potential problems such as crashes.
  • Fix memory leak when unloading a module for good and that module provided ModData objects for "unknown users" (users still in the handshake).
  • Don't ask to generate TLS certificate if one already exists (issue introduced in 6.1.2).

Developers and protocol:

  • The hook HOOKTYPE_IS_HANDSHAKE_FINISHED is now properly called at all places.
  • A new URL API to easily fetch URLs from modules.

UnrealIRCd 6.1.2

UnrealIRCd 6.1.2 focuses on adding spamfilter features but also contains various other new features and some fixes.

The release fixed a spamfilter::rule crash in 6.1.2.
The release fixed: tkldb accidentally storing central spamfilters, a crash while booting if you previously used spamfilters with non-UTF8 characters in them, and fix a possible crash with SETNAME when using the SPAMFILTER 'u' target.
The release fixed: UTF8 not working in spamfilter { } blocks and a possible crash on REHASH if you have typos or other errors in the config file. Also fixing ::exclude-security-group not working and we now give DNSBL lookups some more time.


  • We now give tips on (security) best practices depending on settings in your configuration file, such as using plaintext oper passwords in the config file. It is generally suggested to follow this advice, but you could disable such advice via set::best-practices.
  • security-group { } block and mask item enhancements:
    • Add support for channel "#xyz"; and channel "@#need_ops_here";
    • Add support for Crule to allow things like rule "inchannel('@#main')||reputation()>1000";
  • DNS Blacklists are now checked again some time after the user is connected. This will kill/ban users who are already online and got blacklisted later by for example DroneBL.
  • The reputation score of connected users (actually IP's) is increased every 5 minutes. We still do this, but only for users who are at least in one channel that has 3 or more members. This setting is tweakable via set::reputation::score-bump-timer-minimum-channel-members. Setting this to 0 means to bump scores also for people who are in no channels at all, which was the behavior in previous UnrealIRCd versions.
    Note: this new feature won't work properly when you have any older UnrealIRCd servers on the network (older than 6.1.2), as the older servers will still bump scores for everyone, including users in no channels, and this higher score will get synced back eventually to all other servers.
  • spamfilter { } block improvements:
    • Spamfilters now always run, even for users that are exempt via a except ban block with type spamfilter. However, for exempt users no action is taken or logged. This allows us to count normal hits and count hits for except users. The idea is that the hits for except users can be a useful measurement to detect false positives. These hit counts are exposed in SPAMFILTER and STATS spamfilter.
    • Optional items allowing more complex rules:
      • spamfilter::rule: with minimal 'if'-like preconditions and functions. If this returns false then the spamfilter will not run at all (no hit).
      • spamfilter::except: this is meant as an alternative to 'rule' and works like a regular except item. If this matches, then the spamfilter will not run at all (no hit).
    • New target type raw (or R on IRC) to match a raw command / IRC protocol line (except message tags), such as LIST*. Naturally one needs to be very careful with these since a wrong filter could cause all/essential traffic to be rejected.
    • The action item now supports multiple actions:
      • A new action stop to stop other spamfilters from processing.
      • A new action set to set a TAG on a user, or change the value of one. It also supports changing the reputation score.
      • A new action report to call a spamreport block, see next.
  • A new spamreport { } block:
    • This can do a HTTP(S) call to services like DroneBL to report spam hits, so they can blacklist the IP address and other users on IRC can benefit.
  • Optional Central Spamfilter: This will fetch and refresh spamfilter rules every hour from unrealircd.org.
    • This feature is not enabled by default. Use set { central-spamfilter { enabled yes; } } to enable.
    • set::central-spamfilter::feed decides which feed to use: fast for early access to spamfilter rules that are new, and standard (the default) for rules that have been in fast for a while.
    • set::central-spamfilter::except defines who will never be affected by central spamfilters. By default it is: users with a reputation score of more than 2016 (7 days online unregged, or 3.5 days as identified user) or having a host of *.irccloud.com. Spam matches for users that fall in this ::except group are counted as false positives and no action is taken or logged.
    • See the Central Spamfilter article for the disclaimer and all other options you can set.
  • set::spamfilter::utf8 is now on by default:
    • This means you can safely use UTF8 characters in like [] in regex.
    • Case insensitive matches work better. For example, for extended Latin, a spamfilter on ę then also matches Ę.
    • Other PCRE2 features such as \p can then be used. For example the regex \p{Arabic} would block all Arabic script. See also this full list of scripts. Please use this new tool with care. Blocking an entire language or script is quite a drastic measure.
    • You can turn it off via: set { spamfilter { utf8 no; } }
  • Via set::spamfilter::show-message-content-on-hit you can now configure to hide the message content in spamfilter hit messages. Generally it is very useful to see if a spamfilter hit is correct or not, so the default is 'always', but it also has privacy implications so there is now this option to disable it.
  • You can restrict includes to only contain certain blocks, the style is:
    include "some-file-or-url" { restrict-config { name-of-block; name-of-block2; } }
  • A new ~flood extended ban. This mode allows you to exempt users from channel mode +f and +F. It was actually added in a previous version (6.1.0) but never made it to the release notes. The syntax is: ~flood:types:mask, where types are the same letters as used in channel mode +f. Example: +e ~flood:t:*!*@*.textflood.example.org


  • We now compile the argon2 library shipped with UnrealIRCd by default, because it is often two times faster than the OS library. If you don't want this, which would be quite rare but for example because you are packaging UnrealIRCd as a .deb or .rpm, then you can use --with-system-argon2 as a configure option.
  • The argon2 parameters have been lowered a bit, this so the hashing speed is acceptable for our purposes.


  • Temporary high CPU usage (99%) under some conditions
  • UnrealIRCd has watch away notification since 2008, this is indicated in RPL_ISUPPORT via WATCHOPTS=A and then the syntax to actually use this is WATCH A +Nick1 +Nick2 etc.. In UnrealIRCd 6 there was a bug where it would not always correctly inform about the away status, that bug has now been fixed.
  • On 32 bit architectures you can now use more than 32 channel modes.
  • Set block for a security group: was not working for the unknown-users group.
  • A leading slash was silently stripped in config file items, when not in quotes.
  • ./unrealircd module upgrade only showed output for one module upgrade, even when multiple modules were upgraded.

Developers and protocol:

  • Changes in numeric 229 (RPL_STATSSPAMF): Now includes hits and hits for users that are exempt, two counters inserted right before the last argument (the regex).
  • Several API changes, like place_host_ban to take_action


This version is an update to 6.1.1: a bug and memory leak was fixed related to maxperip handling if a WEBIRC proxy/gateway was used. To trigger this bug the WEBIRC proxy would need to use an IPv6 connection to UnrealIRCd and serve/spoof an IPv4 client, or vice-versa (be on IPv4 and spoof an IPv6).

The original 6.1.1 announcement is below:

UnrealIRCd 6.1.1

UnrealIRCd 6.1.1 comes with various bug fixes and performance improvements, especially for channels with thousands of users.

It also has more options to override settings per security group, for example if you want to give trusted users or bots more rights or higher flood rates than regular users. All these options are now in a single Special users article on the wiki.

Other notable features are better connection errors to SSL/TLS users and a new proxy { } block for websocket reverse proxies.

See the full release notes below. As usual on *NIX you can upgrade easily with the command: ./unrealircd upgrade


  • Two new features that are conditionally on:
    • SSL/TLS users will now correctly receive the error message if they are rejected due to throttling (connect-flood) and some other situations.
    • DNS lookups are done before throttling. This allows exempting a hostname from both maxperip and connect-flood restrictions.
      A good example for IRCCloud would be:
      except ban {
          mask *.irccloud.com;
          type { maxperip; connect-flood; }
    • Both features are temporarily disabled whenever a high rate of connection attempts is detected, to save CPU and other resources during such an attack. The default rate is 1000 per second, so this would be unusual to trigger accidentally.
  • It is now possible to override some set settings per-security group by having a set block with a name, like set unknown-users { }
    • You could use this to set more limitations for unknown-users:
      set unknown-users {
              max-channels-per-user 5;
              static-quit "Quit";
              static-part yes;
    • Or to set higher values (higher than the normal set block) for trusted users:
      security-group trusted-bots {
              account { BotOne; BotTwo; }
      set trusted-bots {
              max-channels-per-user 25;
    • Currently the following settings can be used in a set xxx { } block: set::auto-join, set::modes-on-connect, set::restrict-usermodes, set::max-channels-per-user, set::static-quit, set::static-part.
    • See also Special users in the documentation for applying settings to a security groups.
  • New proxy { } block that can be used for spoofing IP addresses when:
    • Reverse proxying websocket connections (eg. via NGINX, a load balancer or other reverse proxy)
    • WEBIRC/CGI:IRC gateways. This will replace the old webirc { } block in the future, though the old one will still work for now.
  • New setting set::handshake-boot-delay which allows server linking autoconnects to kick in (and incoming servers on serversonly ports), before allowing clients in. This potentially avoids part of the mess when initially linking on-boot. This option is not turned on by default, you have to set it explicitly.
    • This is not a useful feature on hubs, as they don't have clients.
    • It can be useful on client servers, if you autoconnect to your hub.
    • If you connect services to a server with clients this can be useful as well, especially in single-server setups. You would have to set a low retrywait in your anope conf (or similar services package) of like 5s instead of the default 60s. Then after an IRCd restart, your services link in before your clients and your IRC users have SASL available straight from the start.
    • New call log.list to fetch past 1000 log entries. This functionality is only loaded if you include rpc.modules.default.conf, so not wasting any memory on servers that are not used for JSON-RPC.


  • set::topic-setter and set::ban-setter are now by default set to nick-user-host instead of nick, so you can see the full nick!user@host of who set the topic/ban/exempt/invex.
  • You can no longer (accidentally) load an old modules.default.conf. People must always use the shipped version of this file as the file VERY clearly says in the beginning (see also that file for instructions on how to deal with customizations). People run into lots of (strange) problems, not only missing nice new functionality, but also Services not working because the svslogin module is not loaded, etc.
    Usually mistakes with an old modules.default.conf are not deliberate, like a cp *.conf of an old installation, so this error should be helpful for those users (who otherwise tend to bang their head for hours).
  • Some small DNS performance improvements:
    • We now 'negatively cache' unresolved hosts for 60 seconds.
    • The maximum number of cached records (positive and negative) was raised to 4096.
    • We no longer use "search domains" to avoid silly lookups for like
  • Data buffer chunks bumped from 512 bytes to ~4K. This results in less write calls (lower CPU usage) and more data per TCP/IP packet.
  • We now cache sending of lines in sendto_channel via a new "LineCache" system. It saves CPU on (very) large channels.
  • Several other performance improvements such as checking maxperip via a hash table and faster invisibility checks for delayjoin.
  • Blacklist hits are now logged globally. This means they show up in snomask B, are logged, and show up in the webpanel "Logs" view.
  • The event REMOTE_CLIENT_JOIN was mass-triggered when servers were syncing. They are now hidden, like REMOTE_CLIENT_CONNECT.
  • Update shipped libraries: c-ares to 1.19.1


  • Crash on FreeBSD/NetBSD when using JSON-RPC, due to clashing rpc_call symbol in their libc library.
  • Crash when removing a listen { } block for websocket or rpc (or changin the port number)
  • When using the webpanel, if an IRC client tried to connect with the same IP as the webpanel server, it would often receive the error "Too many unknown connections". This only affected non-localhost connections.
  • The require module block was only checked of one side of the link, thus partially not working.


  • set::maxbanlength has been removed as it was not deemed useful and only confusing to users and admins.

Developers and protocol:

  • Server to server lines can now be 16384 bytes in size when PROTOCTL BIGLINES is set. This will allow us to do things more efficiently and possibly raise some other limits in the future. This 16k is the size of the complete line, including sender, message tags, content and \r\n. Also, in server-to-server traffic we now allow 30 parameters (MAXPARA*2).
    The original input size limits for non-servers remain the same: the complete line can be 4k+512, with the non-mtag portion limit set at 512 bytes (including \r\n), and MAXPARA is still 15 as well.
  • In command handlers, individual parv[] elements can be 510 bytes max, even if they add up like parv[1] and parv[2] both being 510 bytes each. If you need more than that, then you need to set the flag CMD_BIGLINES in CommandAdd(), then an individual parameter can be near ~16k. This is so, because a lot of the code does not expect parameters bigger than 512 bytes (but can still handle the total of parameters being greater than 512). The new flag allows gradually opting in commands to allow bigger parameters, after such code has been checked and modified to handle it.
  • In HOOKTYPE_PRE_CHANMSG the mtags is now a MessageTag **, so a pointer-to-a-pointer rather than a pointer, to allow stripping message tags by modules.

UnrealIRCd 6.1.0

This is UnrealIRCd 6.1.0 stable. It is the direct successor to 6.0.7, there will be no 6.0.8.

This release contains several channel mode +f enhancements and introduces a new channel mode +F which works with flood profiles like +F normal and +F strict. It is much easier for users than the scary looking mode +f.

UnrealIRCd 6.1.0 also contains lots of JSON-RPC improvements, which is used by the UnrealIRCd admin panel. Live streaming of logs has been added and the webpanel now communicates to UnrealIRCd which web user issued a command (eg: who issued a kill, who changed a channel mode, ..).

Other improvements are whowasdb (persistent WHOWAS history) and a new guide on running a Tor Onion service. The release also fixes a crash bug related to remote includes and fixes multiple memory leaks.


  • Channel flood protection improvements:
    • New channel mode +F (uppercase F). This allows the user to choose a "flood profile", which (behind the scenes) translates to something similar to an +f mode. This so end-users can simply choose an +F profile without having to learn the complex channel mode +f.
      • For example +F normal effectively results in [7c#C15,30j#R10,10k#K15,40m#M10,8n#N15]:15
      • Multiple profiles are available and changing them is possible, see the documentation.
      • Any settings in mode +f will override the ones of the +F profile. To see the effective flood settings, use MODE #channel F.
    • You can optionally set a default profile via set::anti-flood::channel::default-profile. This profile is used if the channel is -F. If the user does not want channel flood protection then they have to use an explicit +F off.
    • When channel mode +f or +F detect that a flood is caused by >75% of "unknown-users", the server will now set a temporary ban on ~security-group:unknown-users. It will still set +i and other modes if the flood keeps on going (eg. is caused by known-users).
    • Forced nick changes (eg. by NickServ) are no longer counted in nick flood for channel mode +f/+F.
    • When a server splits on the network, we now temporarily disable +f/+F join-flood protection for 75 seconds (set::anti-flood::channel::split-delay). This because a server splitting could mean that server has network problems or has died (or restarted), in which case the clients would typically reconnect to the remaining other servers, triggering an +f/+F join-flood and channels ending up being +i and such. That is not good because we want +f/+F to be as effortless as possible, with as little false positives as possible.
      • If your network has 5+ servers and the user load is spread evenly among them, then you could disable this feature by setting the amount of seconds to 0. This because in such a scenario only 1/5th (20%) of the users would reconnect and hopefully don't trigger +f/+F join floods.
    • All these features only work properly if all servers are on 6.1.0-rc1 or later.
  • New module whowasdb (persistent WHOWAS history): this saves the WHOWAS history on disk periodically and when we terminate, so next server boot still has the WHOWAS history. This module is currently not loaded by default.
  • New option listen::spoof-ip, only valid when using UNIX domain sockets (so listen::file). This way you can override the IP address that users come online with when they use the socket (default was and still is
  • Add a new guide Running Tor Onion service with UnrealIRCd which uses the new listen::spoof-ip and optionally requires a services account.
    • Logging of JSON-RPC requests (eg. via snomask +R) has been improved, it now shows:
      • The issuer, such as the user logged in to the admin panel (if known)
      • The parameters of the request
    • The JSON-RPC calls channel.list, channel.get, user.list and user.get now support an optional argument object_detail_level which specifies how detailed the Channel and User response object will be. Especially useful if you don't need all the details in the list calls.
    • New JSON-RPC methods log.subscribe and log.unsubscribe to allow real-time streaming of JSON log events.
    • New JSON-RPC method rpc.set_issuer to indiciate who is actually issuing the requests. The admin panel uses this to communicate who is logged in to the panel so this info can be used in logging.
    • New JSON-RPC methods rpc.add_timer and rpc.del_timer so you can schedule JSON-RPC calls, like stats.get, to be executed every xyz msec.
    • New JSON-RPC method whowas.get to fetch WHOWAS history.
    • Low ASCII is no longer filtered out in strings in JSON-RPC, only in JSON logging.
  • A new message tag unrealircd.org/issued-by which is IRCOp-only (and used intra-server) to communicate who actually issued a command. See docs.


  • The RPC modules are enabled by default now. This so remote RPC works from other IRC servers for calls like modules.list. The default configuration does NOT enable the webserver nor does it cause listening on any socket for RPC, for that you need to follow the JSON-RPC instructions.
  • The blacklist-module directive now accepts wildcards, eg blacklist-module rpc/*;
  • The setting set::modef-boot-delay has been moved to set::anti-flood::channel::boot-delay.
  • We now only exempt and ::1 from banning by default (hardcoded in the source). Previously we exempted whole 127.* but that gets in the way if you want to allow Tor with a require authentication block or soft-ban. Now you can just tell Tor to bind to so its not affected by the default exemption.


  • Crash if there is a parse error in an included file and there are other remote included files still being downloaded.
  • Memory leak in WHOWAS
  • Memory leak when connecting to a TLS server fails
  • Workaround a bug in some websocket implementations where the WSOP_PONG frame is unmasked (now permitted).

Developers and protocol:

  • The cmode.free_param definition changed. It now has an extra argument int soft and for return value you will normally return 0 here. You can return 1 if you resist freeing, which is rare and only used by +F with set::anti-flood::channel::default-profile.
  • New cmode.flood_type_action which can be used to indicate a channel mode can be used from +f/+F as an action. You need to specify for which flood type your mode is, eg cmode.flood_type_action = 'j'; for joinflood.
  • JSON-RPC supports UNIX domain sockets for making RPC calls. If this is used, we now split on \n (newline) so multiple parallel requests can be handled properly.
  • Message tag unrealircd.org/issued-by, sent to IRCOps only. See docs.

UnrealIRCd 6.0.7

UnrealIRCd 6.0.7 makes WHOWAS show more information to IRCOps and adds an experimental spamfilter feature. It also contains other enhancements and quite a number of bug fixes. One notable change is that on linking of anope or atheme, every server will now check if they have ulines { } for that services server, since it's a common mistake to forget this, leading to desyncs or other weird problems.


  • Spamfilter can now be made UTF8-aware:
    • This is experimental, to enable: set { spamfilter { utf8 yes; } }
    • Case insensitive matches will then work better. For example, for extended Latin, a spamfilter on ę then also matches Ę.
    • Other PCRE2 features such as \p can then be used. For example the regex \p{Arabic} would block all Arabic script. See also this full list of scripts. Please use this new tool with care. Blocking an entire language or script is quite a drastic measure.
    • As a consequence of this we require PCRE2 10.36 or newer. If your system PCRE2 is older, then the UnrealIRCd-shipped-library version will be compiled and ./Config may take a little longer than usual.
  • WHOWAS now shows IP address and account information to IRCOps
  • Allow services to send a couple of protocol messages in the unregistered / SASL stage. These are: CHGHOST, CHGIDENT and SREPLY
    • This allows services to set the vhost on a user during SASL, so the user receives the vhost straight from the start, before all the auto-joining/re-rejoining of channels.
    • Future anope/atheme/etc services will presumably support this.
  • WebSocket status is now synced over the network and an extra default security group websocket-users has been added. Similarly there is now security-group::websocket and security-group::exclude-websocket item. Same for mask items such as in set::restrict-commands::command::except.
  • Support for IRCv3 Standard Replies. Right now nothing fancy yet, other than us sending ACCOUNT_REQUIRED_TO_CONNECT from the authprompt module when a user is soft-banned.
  • Add support for sending IRCv3 Standard Replies intra-server, eg from services (SREPLY server-to-server command)
  • Support NO_COLOR environment variable, as per no-color.org.


  • We now verify that all servers have ulines { } for Anope and Atheme servers and reject the link if this is not the case.
  • The FLOOD_BLOCKED log message now shows the target of the flood for target-flood-user and target-flood-channel.
  • When an IRCOp sets +H to hide ircop status, only the swhois items that were added through oper will be hidden (and not the ones added by eg. vhost). Previously all were hidden.
  • Update shipped libraries: c-ares to 1.19.0, Jansson to 2.14, PCRE2 to 10.42, and on Windows LibreSSL to 3.6.2 and cURL to 8.0.1.


  • Crash if a third party module is loaded which allows very large message tags (e.g. has no length check)
  • Crash if an IRCOp uses unrealircd.org/json-log on IRC and during REHASH some module sends log output during MOD_INIT (eg. with some 3rd party modules)
  • Crash when parsing deny link block
  • The Module manager now works on FreeBSD and similar.
  • In LUSERS the "unknown connection(s)" count was wrong. This was just a harmless counting error with no other effects.
  • Silence warnings on Clang 15+ (eg. Ubuntu 23.04)
  • Don't download GeoIP.dat if you have blacklist-module geoip_classic;
  • Channel mode +S stripping too much on incorrect color codes.
  • Make @if module-loaded() work correctly for modules that are about to be unloaded during REHASH.
  • Some missing notices if remotely REHASHing a server, and one duplicate line.
  • Check invalid host setting in oper::vhost, just like we already have in vhost::vhost.

UnrealIRCd 6.0.6

The main objective of this release is to enhance the new JSON-RPC functionality. In 6.0.5 we made a start and in 6.0.6 it is expanded a lot, plus some important bugs were fixed in it. Thanks everyone who has been testing the functionality!

The new UnrealIRCd Administration Webpanel (which uses JSON-RPC) is very much usable now. It allows admins to view the users/channels/servers lists, view detailed information on users and channels, manage server bans and spamfilters, all from the browser.

Both the JSON-RPC API and the webpanel are work in progress. They will improve and expand with more features over time.

If you are already using UnrealIRCd 6.0.5 and you are NOT interested in JSON-RPC or the webpanel then there is NO reason to upgrade to 6.0.6.

As usual, on *NIX you can easily upgrade with ./unrealircd upgrade


  • The JSON-RPC API for UnrealIRCd has been expanded a lot. From 12 API methods to 42: stats.get, rpc.info, user.part, user.join, user.quit, user.kill, user.set_oper, user.set_snomask, user.set_mode, user.set_vhost, user.set_realname, user.set_username, user.set_nick, user.get, user.list, server.module_list, server.disconnect, server.connect, server.rehash, server.get, server.list, channel.kick, channel.set_topic, channel.set_mode, channel.get, channel.list, server_ban.add, server_ban.del, server_ban.get, server_ban.list, server_ban_exception.add, server_ban_exception.del, server_ban_exception.get, server_ban_exception.list, name_ban.add, name_ban.del, name_ban.get, name_ban.list, spamfilter.add, spamfilter.del, spamfilter.get, spamfilter.list.
    • Server admins can read the JSON-RPC documentation on how to get started. For developers, see the Technical documentation for all info on the different RPC calls and the protocol.
    • Some functionality requires all servers to be on 6.0.6 or later.
    • Some functionality requires all servers to include rpc.modules.default.conf instead of only the single server that the webpanel interfaces with through JSON-RPC. When all servers have that file included then the API call server.module_list can work for remote servers, and the API call server.rehash for remote servers can return the actual rehash result and a full log of the rehash process. It is not used for any other API call at the moment, but in the future more API calls may need this functionality because it allows us to do things that are otherwise impossible or very hard.
    • Known issue: logging of RPC actions needs to be improved. For some API calls, like adding of server bans and spamfilters, this already works, but in other API calls it is not clearly logged yet "who did what".


  • Previously some server protocol commands could only be used by services, commands such as SVSJOIN and SVSPART. We now allow SVS* command to be used by any servers, so the JSON-RPC API can use them. There's a new option set::limit-svscmds so one can revert back to the original situation, if needed.
  • All JSON-RPC calls that don't change anything, such as user.list are now logged in the rpc.debug facility. Any call that changes anything like user.join or spamfilter.add is logged via rpc.info. This because JSON-RPC calls can be quite noisy and logging the read-only calls is generally not so interesting.


  • When using JSON-RPC with UnrealIRCd 6.0.5 it would often crash
  • Fix parsing services version (anope) in EAUTH.

Developers and protocol:

  • A new RRPC server to server command to handle RPC-over-IRC. This way the JSON-RPC user, like the admin panel, can interface with a remote server. If you are writing an RPC handler, then the remote RPC request does not look much different than a local one, so you can just process it as usual. See the code for server.rehash or server.module_list for an example (src/modules/rpc/server.c).

UnrealIRCd 6.0.5

This release adds experimental JSON-RPC support, a new TLINE command, the ./unrealircd restart command has been improved to check for config errors, logging to files has been improved and there are several other enhancements.

There are also two important changes: 1) servers that use websockets now also need to load the "webserver" module (so you may need to edit your config file). 2) we now require TLSv1.2 or higher and a modern cipher for IRC clients. This should be no problem for clients using any reasonably new SSL/TLS library (from 2014 or later).

I would also like to take this opportunity to say that we are looking for webdevs to create an UnrealIRCd admin panel. The previous attempt at this failed so we are looking for new people.

See the full release notes below for all changes in more detail.

As usual, on *NIX you can easily upgrade with ./unrealircd upgrade


  • Internally the websocket module has been split up into 3 modules: websocket_common, webserver and websocket. The websocket_common one is loaded by default via modules.default.conf, the other two are not.
    Important: if you use websockets then you need to load two modules now (instead of only one):
    loadmodule "websocket";
    loadmodule "webserver";
  • JSON-RPC API for UnrealIRCd. This is work in progress.
  • New TLINE command to test *LINEs. This can be especially useful for checking how many people match an extended server ban such as TLINE ~C:NL
  • The ./unrealircd start command will now refuse to start if UnrealIRCd is already running.
  • The ./unrealircd restart command will validate the configuration file (it will call ./unrealircd configtest). If there is a configuration error then the restart will not go through and the current UnrealIRCd process is kept running.
  • When an IRCOp is outside the channel and does MODE #channel they will now get to see the mode parameters too. This depends on the channel:see:mode:remote operclass permission which all IRCOps have by default if you use the default operclasses.
  • Logging to a file now creates a directory structure if needed.
    • You could already use:
      log { source { !debug; all; } destination { file "ircd.%Y-%m-%d.log"; } }
    • But now you can also use:
      log { source { !debug; all; } destination { file "%Y-%m-%d/ircd.log"; } }
      This is especially useful if you output to multiple log files and then want them grouped by date in a directory.
  • Add additional variables in blacklist::reason:
    • $blacklist: name of the blacklist block
    • $dnsname: the blacklist::dns::name
    • $dnsreply: the DNS reply code
  • Resolved technical issue so opers can REHASH from Websocket connections.
  • In the TLD block the use of tld::motd and tld::rules is now optional.
  • Log which oper actually initiated a server link request (CONNECT)


  • SSL/TLS: By default we now require TLSv1.2 or later and a modern cipher with forward secrecy. Otherwise the connection is refused.
    • Since UnrealIRCd 4.2.2 (March 2019) users see an on-connect notice with a warning when they use an outdated TLS protocol or cipher that does not meet these requirements.
    • This move also reflects the phase out of versions below TLSv1.2 which happened in browsers in 2020/2021.
    • In practice on the client-side this requires at least:
      • OpenSSL 1.0.1 (released in 2012)
      • GnuTLS 3.2.6 (2013)
      • Android 4.4.2 (2013)
      • Or presumably any other SSL/TLS library that is not 9+ years old
    • If you want to revert back to the previous less secure settings, then look under ''Previous less secure setting'' in TLS Ciphers and protocols.
  • The code for handling set::anti-flood::everyone::connect-flood is now in its own module connect-flood. This module is loaded by default, no changes needed in your configuration file.
  • Similarly, set:max-unknown-connections-per-ip is now handled by the new module max-unknown-connections-per-ip. This module is loaded by default as well, no changes needed in your configuration file.
  • Upgrade shipped PCRE2 to 10.41, curl-ca-bundle to 2022-10-11, on Windows LibreSSL to 3.6.1 and cURL to 7.86.0.
  • After people do a major upgrade on their Linux distro, UnrealIRCd may no longer start due to an error while loading shared libraries. We now print a more helpful message and link to the new FAQ entry about it.
  • When timing out on the authprompt module, the error (quit message) is now the original (ban) reason for the prompt, instead of the generic Registration timeout.


  • Crash when linking. This requires a certain sequence of events: first a server is linked in successfully, then we need to REHASH, and then a new link attempt has to come in with the same server name (for example because there is a network issue and the old link has not timed out yet). If all that happens, then an UnreaIRCd 6 server may crash, but not always.
  • Warning message about moddata creationtime when linking.
  • Snomask +j was not showing remote joins, even though it did show remote parts and kicks.
  • Leak of 1 file descriptor per /REHASH (the control socket).
  • Ban letters showing up twice in 005 EXTBAN=
  • Setting set::authentication-prompt::enabled to no was ignored. The default is still yes.

Developers and protocol:

  • Add CALL_CMD_FUNC(cmd_func_name) for calling commands in the same module, see this commit. Benefit of this is that it will keep working if we ever change command paramters.
  • Add CALL_NEXT_COMMAND_OVERRIDE() which can be used instead of CallCommandOverride(), see also this commit. This too, will keep working if we ever change command parameters.
  • During loading and rehash we now set loop.config_status to one of CONFIG_STATUS_* so modules (and core) can see at what step we are during configuration file and module processing.
  • New RPC API. See the src/modules/rpc/ directory for examples.
  • New function get_nvplist(NameValuePrioList *list, const char *name)


Another small update to 6.0.4.x:

  • Two IRCv3 specifications were ratified which we already supported as drafts:
    • Change CAP draft/extended-monitor to extended-monitor
    • Add message-tag bot next to existing (for now) draft/bot
  • Update Turkish translations


This is a small update to 6.0.4. It fixes the following issues that were present in all 6.0.x versions:

  • Fix sporadic crash when linking a server (after successful authentication). This feels like a compiler bug. It affected only some people with GCC and only in some situations. When compiled with clang there was no problem. Hopefully we can work around it this way.
  • Make /INVITE bypass (nearly) all channel mode restrictions, as it used to be in UnrealIRCd 5.x. Both for invites by channel ops and for OperOverride. This also fixes a bug where an IRCOp with OperOverride could not bypass +l (limit) and other restrictions and would have to resort back to using MODE or SAMODE. Only +b and +i could be bypassed via INVITE OperOverride.

(This cherry picks commit 0e6fc07bd9 and commit 0d139c6e7c from 6.0.5-git)

UnrealIRCd 6.0.4

If you are already running UnrealIRCd 6 then read below. Otherwise, jump straight to the summary about UnrealIRCd 6 to learn more about UnrealIRCd 6.


  • Show security groups in WHOIS
  • The security-group block has been expanded and the same functionality is now available in mask items too:
    • This means the existing options like identified, webirc, tls and reputation-score can be used in allow::mask etc.
    • New options (in both security-group and mask) are:
      • connect-time: time a user is connected to IRC
      • security-group: to check another security group
      • account: services account name
      • country: country code, as found by GeoIP
      • realname: realname (gecos) of the user
      • certfp: certificate fingerprint
    • Every option also has an exclude- variant, eg. exclude-country. If a user matches any exclude- option then it is considered not a match.
    • The modules connthrottle, restrict-commands and antirandom now use the new except sub-block which is a mask item. The old syntax (eg set::antirandom::except-webirc) is still accepted by UnrealIRCd and converted to the appropriate new setting behind the scenes (set::antirandom::except::webirc).
    • The modules blacklist and antimixedutf8 now also support the except block (a mask item).
    • Other than that the extended functionality is available in these blocks: allow, oper, tld, vhost, deny channel, allow channel.
    • Example of direct use in a ::mask item:
      /* Spanish MOTD for Spanish speaking countries */
      tld {
          mask { country { ES; AR; BO; CL; CO; CR; DO; EC; SV; GT; HN; MX; NI; PA; PY; PE; PR; UY; VE; } }
          motd "motd.es.txt";
          rules "rules.es.txt";
    • Example of defining a security group and using it in a mask item later:
      security-group irccloud {
          mask { ip1; ip2; ip3; ip4; }
      allow {
          mask { security-group irccloud; }
          class clients;
          maxperip 128;
      except ban {
          mask { security-group irccloud; }
          type { blacklist; connect-flood; handshake-data-flood; }
  • Because the mask item is so powerful now, the password in the oper block is optional now.
  • We now support oper::auto-login, which means the user will become IRCOp automatically if they match the conditions on-connect. This can be used in combination with certificate fingerprint authentication for example:
    security-group Syzop { certfp "1234etc."; }
    oper Syzop {
        auto-login yes;
        mask { security-group Syzop; }
        operclass netadmin-with-override;
        class opers;
    except ban {
        mask { security-group Syzop; }
        type all;
  • For JSON logging a number of fields were added when a client is expanded:
    • geoip: with subitem country_code (eg. NL)
    • tls: with subitems cipher and certfp
    • Under subitem users:
      • vhost: if the visible host differs from the realhost then this is set (thus for both vhost and cloaked host)
      • cloakedhost: this is always set (except for eg. services users), even if the user is not cloaked so you can easily search on a cloaked host.
      • idle_since: last time the user has spoken (local clients only)
      • channels: list of channels (array), with a maximum of 384 chars.
  • The JSON logging now also strips ASCII below 32, so color- and control codes.
  • Support IRCv3 +draft/channel-context
  • Add example.es.conf (Spanish example configuration file)
  • The country of users is now communicated in the message-tag unrealircd.org/geoip (only to IRCOps).
  • Add support for linking servers via UNIX domain sockets (link::outgoing::file).


  • Crash in except ban with ~security-group:xyz
  • Crash if hideserver module was loaded but LINKS was not blocked.
  • Crash on Windows when using the "Rehash" GUI option.
  • Infinite loop if one security-group referred to another.
  • Duplicate entries in the +beI lists of +P channels.
  • Regular users were able to -o a service bot (that has umode +S)
  • Module manager did not stop on compile error
  • set::modes-on-join did not work with +f + timed bans properly, eg [3t#b1]:10
  • Several log messages were missing some information.
  • Reputation syncing across servers had a small glitch. Fix is mostly useful for servers that were not linked to the network for days or weeks.
  • In the config file, when not using quotes, a slash at the beginning of a variable name or value was silently discarded (eg file /tmp/xyz; resulted in a file tmp/xyz).


  • Clarified that UnrealIRCd is licensed as "GPLv2 or later"
  • Fix use of variables in set::reject-message and in blacklist::reason: previously short forms of variables were (unintentionally) expanded as well, such as $serv for $server. This is no longer supported, you need to use the correct full variable names.

Developers and protocol:

  • The creationtime is now communicated of users. Until now this information was only known locally (the thing that was communicated that came close was "last nick change" but that is not the same). This is synced via (early) moddata across servers. Module coders can use get_connected_time().
  • The RPL_HOSTHIDDEN is now sent from userhost_changed() so you don't explicitly send it yourself anymore.
  • The SVSO command is back, so services can make people IRCOp again. See HELPOP SVSO or the commit for more information.
  • Due to last change the HOOKTYPE_LOCAL_OPER parameters were changed.
  • Module coders can enhance the JSON logging expansion items for clients and channels via new hooks like HOOKTYPE_JSON_EXPAND_CLIENT. This is used by the geoip and tls modules.

UnrealIRCd 6.0.3

A number of serious issues were discovered in UnrealIRCd 6. Among these is an issue which will likely crash the IRCd sooner or later if you /REHASH with any active clients connected. We suggest everyone who is running UnrealIRCd 6 to upgrade to 6.0.3.


  • Crash in WATCH if the IRCd has been rehashed at least once. After doing a REHASH with active clients it will likely corrupt memory. It may take several days until after the rehash for the crash to occur, or even weeks/months on smaller networks (accidental triggering, that is).
  • A REHASH with certain remote includes setups could cause a crash or other weird and confusing problems such as complaining about unable to open an ipv6-database or missing snomask configuration. This only affected some people with remote includes, not all.
  • Potential out-of-bounds write in sending code. In practice it seems harmless on most servers but this cannot be 100% guaranteed.
  • Unlikely triggered log message would log uninitialized stack data to the log file or send it to ircops.
  • Channel ops could not remove halfops from a user (-h).
  • After using the RESTART command (not recommended) the new IRCd was often no longer writing to log files.
  • Fix compile problem if you choose to use cURL remote includes but don't have cURL on the system and ask UnrealIRCd to compile cURL.


  • The default text log format on disk changed. It now includes the server name where the event was generated. Without this, it was sometimes difficult to trace problems, since previously it sometimes looked like there was a problem on your server when it was actually another server on the network.
    • Old log format: [DATE TIME] subsystem.EVENT_ID loglevel: ........
    • New log format: [DATE TIME] servername subsystem.EVENT_ID loglevel: ........


  • Any MOTD lines added by services via SVSMOTD are now shown at the end of the MOTD-on-connect (unless using a shortmotd). Previously the lines were only shown if you manually ran the MOTD command.

Developers and protocol:

  • LIST C<xx now means: filter on channels that are created less than xx minutes ago. This is the opposite of what we had earlier. LIST T<xx is now supported as well (topic changed in last xx minutes), it was already advertised in ELIST but support was not enabled previously.

UnrealIRCd 6.0.2

UnrealIRCd 6.0.2 comes with several nice feature enhancements along with some fixes. It also includes a fix for a crash bug that can be triggered by ordinary users.


  • Fix crash that can be triggered by regular users if you have any deny dcc blocks in the config or any spamfilters with the d (DCC) target. NOTE: You don't have to upgrade to 6.0.2 to fix this, you can also hot-patch this issue without restart, see the news announcement.
  • Windows: fix crash with IPv6 clients (local or remote) due to GeoIP lookup
  • Fix infinite hang on "Loading IRCd configuration" if DNS is not working. For example if the 1st DNS server in /etc/resolv.conf is down or refusing requests.
  • Some MODE server-to-server commands were missing a timestamp at the end, even though this is mandatory for modes coming from a server.
  • The channeldb module now converts letter extbans to named extbans (eg ~a to ~account). Previously it did not, which caused letter extbans to appear in the banlist. Later on, when linking servers, this would cause duplicate entries to appear as well, with both the old and new format. The extbans were still effective though, so this is mostly a visual +b/+e/+I list issue.
  • Some Extended Server Bans were not working correctly for WEBIRC proxies. In particular, a server ban or exempt (ELINE) on ~country:XX was only checked against the WEBIRC proxy.


  • Support for logging to a channel. Similar to snomasks but then for channels.
  • Command line interface changes:
    • The CLI tool now communicates to the running UnrealIRCd process via a UNIX socket to send commands and retrieve output.
    • The command ./unrealircd rehash will now show the rehash output, including warnings and errors, and return a proper exit code.
    • The same for ./unrealircd reloadtls
    • New command ./unrealircd status to show if UnrealIRCd is running, the version, channel and user count, ..
    • The command ./unrealircd genlinkblock is now documented and is referred to from the Linking servers tutorial.
    • On Windows in the C:\Program Files\UnrealIRCd 6\bin directory there is now an unrealircdctl.exe that can be used to do similar things to what you can do on *NIX. Supported operations are: rehash, reloadtls, mkpasswd, gencloak and spkifp.
  • New option set::server-notice-show-event which can be set to no to hide the event information (eg connect.LOCAL_CLIENT_CONNECT) in server notices. This can be overridden per-oper in the Oper block via oper::server-notice-show-event.
  • Support for IRC over UNIX sockets (on the same machine), if you specify a file in the listen block instead of an ip/port. This probably won't be used much, but the option is there. Users will show up with a host of localhost and IP to keep things simple.
  • The MAP command now shows percentages of users
  • Add WHO option to search clients by time connected (eg. WHO <300 t to search for less than 300 seconds)
  • Rate limiting of MODE nick -x and -t via new vhost-flood option in set::anti-flood block.


  • Update Russian help.ru.conf.

Developers and protocol:

  • People packaging UnrealIRCd (eg. to an .rpm/.deb):
    • Be sure to pass the new --with-controlfile configure option
    • There is now an unrealircdctl tool that the unrealircd shell script uses, it is expected to be in bindir.
  • SVSMODE #chan -b nick will now correctly remove extbans that prevent nick from joining. This fixes a bug where it would remove too much (for ~time) or not remove extbans (most other extbans, eg ~account). SVSMODE #chan -b has also been fixed accordingly (remove all bans preventing joins). Note that all these commands do not remove bans that do not affect joins, such as ~quiet or ~text.
  • For module coders: setting the EXTBOPT_CHSVSMODE flag in extban.options is no longer useful, the flag is ignored. We now decide based on BANCHK_JOIN being in extban.is_banned_events if the ban should be removed or not upon SVS(2)MODE -b.



  • In extended bans were not properly synced between U5 and U6. This caused missing extended bans on the U5 side (MODE was working OK, this only happened when linking servers)
  • Text extbans did not have any effect (+b ~text:censor:*badword*)
  • Timed bans were not expiring if all servers on the network were on U6
  • Channel mode +f could place a timed extban with ~t instead of ~time
  • Crash when unloading any of the vhoaq modules at runtime
  • ./unrealircd upgrade not working on FreeBSD and not with self-compiled cURL
  • Some log messages being wrong (CHGIDENT, CHGNAME)
  • Remove confusing high cpu load warning


  • Error on unknown snomask in set::snomask-on-oper and oper::snomask.
  • TKL add/remove/expire messages now show [duration: 60m] instead of the [expires: ZZZ GMT] string since that is what people are more interested in and is not affected by time zones. The format in all the 3 notices is also consistent now.

UnrealIRCd 6.0.0

Many thanks to k4be for his help during development, other contributors for their feedback and patches, the people who tested the beta's and release candidates, translators and everyone else who made this release happen!


UnrealIRCd 6 comes with a completely redone logging system (with optional JSON support), named extended bans, four new IRCv3 features, geoip support and remote includes support built-in.

Additionally, things are more customizable such as what gets sent to which snomask. All the +vhoaq channel modes are now modular as well, handy for admins who don't want or need halfops or +q/+a. For WHOIS it is now customizable in detail who gets to see what.

A summary of the features is available at What's new in UnrealIRCd 6. For complete information, continue reading the release notes below. The sections below contain all the details.

Upgrading from UnrealIRCd 5

The previous stable series, UnrealIRCd 5, will no longer get any new features. We still do bug fixes until July 1, 2022. In the 12 months after that, only security issues will be fixed. Finally, after July 1, 2023, all support will stop.

If you want to hold off for a while because you are cautious or if you depend on 3rd party modules (which may not have been upgraded yet by their authors) then feel free to wait a while.

If you are upgrading from UnrealIRCd 5 to 6 then you can use your existing configuration and files. There's no need to start from scratch. However, you will need to make a few updates, see Upgrading from 5.x to 6.x.


  • Completely new log system and snomasks overhaul
    • Both logging and snomask sending is done by a single logging function
    • Support for JSON logging to disk, instead of the default text format. JSON logging adds lot of detail to log messages and consistently expands things like client with properties like hostname, connected_since, reputation, modes, etc.
    • The JSON data is also sent to all IRCOps who request the unrealircd.org/json-log capability. The data is then sent in a message-tag called unrealircd.org/json-log. This makes it ideal for client scripts and bots to do automated things.
    • A new style log { } block is used to map what log messages should be logged to disk, and which ones should be sent to snomasks.
    • The default logging to snomask configuration is in snomasks.default.conf which everyone should include from unrealircd.conf. That is, unless you wish to completely reconfigure which logging goes to which snomasks yourself, which is also an option now.
    • See Snomasks on the new snomasks - lots of letters changed!
    • See FAQ: Converting log { } block on how to change your existing log { } blocks for disk logging.
    • We now have a consistent log format and log messages can be multiline.
    • Colors are enabled by default in snomask server notices, these can be disabled via set::server-notice-colors and also in oper::server-notice-colors
    • Support for logging to a channel. Similar to snomasks but then for channels. Requires UnrealIRCd 6.0.2 or later
  • Almost all channel modes are modularized
    • Only the three list modes (+b/+e/+I) are still in the core
    • The five level modes (+vhoaq) are now also modular. They are all loaded by default but you can blacklist one or more if you don't want them. For example to disable halfop: blacklist-module chanmodes/halfop;
    • Support for compiling without PREFIX_AQ has been removed because people often confused it with disabling +a/+q which is something different.
  • Named extended bans
    • Extbans now no longer show up with single letters but with names. For example +b ~c:#channel is now +b ~channel:#channel.
    • Extbans are automatically converted from the old to the new style, both from clients and from/to older UnrealIRCd 5 servers. The auto-conversion also works fine with complex extbans such as +b ~t:5:~q:nick!user@host to +b ~time:5:~quiet:nick!user@host.
  • New IRCv3 features:
    • MONITOR: an alternative for WATCH to monitor other users ("notify list").
    • draft/extended-monitor: extensions for MONITOR, still in draft.
    • invite-notify: report channel invites to other chanops (or users) in a machine readable way.
    • setname: notify clients about realname (gecos) changes.
  • GeoIP lookups are now done by default
    • This shows the country of the user to IRCOps in WHOIS and in the "user connecting" line.
    • By default the geoip_classic module is loaded, for which we provide a mirror of database updates at unrealircd.org. This uses the classic geolite library that is now shipped with UnrealIRCd
    • Other options are the geoip_maxmind and geoip_csv modules.
  • Configure WHOIS output in a very precise way
    • You can now decide which fields (eg modes, geo, certfp, etc) you want to expose to who (everyone, self, oper).
    • See set::whois-details for more details.
  • We now ship with 3 cloaking modules and you need to load 1 explicitly via loadmodule:
    • cloak_sha256: the recommended module for anyone starting a new network. It uses the SHA256 algorithm under the hood.
    • cloak_md5: for anyone who is upgrading their network from older UnrealIRCd versions. Use this so your cloaked host bans remain the same.
    • cloak_none: if you don't want any cloaking, not even as an option to your users (rare)
  • Remote includes are now supported everywhere in the config file.
    • Support for https:// fetching is now always available, even if you don't compile with libcurl support.
    • Anywhere an URL is encountered on its own, it will be fetched automatically. This makes it work not only for includes and motd (which was already supported) but also for any other file.
    • To prevent something from being interpreted as a remote include URL you can use 'value' instead of "value".
  • Invite notification: set set::normal-user-invite-notification yes; to make chanops receive information about normal users inviting someone to their channel. The name of this setting may change in a later version.
  • Websocket: you can add a listen::options::websocket::forward option to make unrealircd accept a Forwarded (RFC 7239) header from a reverse proxy connecting from (plans to accept legacy X-Forwarded-For and a proxy password too). This feature is currently experimental.


  • TLS cipher and some other information is now visible for remote clients as well, also in [secure: xyz] connect line.
  • Error messages in remote includes use the url instead of a temporary file
  • Downgrading from UnrealIRCd 6 is only supported down to 5.2.0 (so not lower like 5.0.x). If this is a problem then make a copy of your db files (eg: reputation.db).


  • /REHASH -motd and -opermotd are gone, just use /REHASH

Breaking changes

See https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Upgrading_from_5.x, but in short:

You can use the unrealircd.conf from UnrealIRCd 5, but you need to make a few changes:

  • You need to add include "snomasks.default.conf";
  • You need to load a cloaking module explicitly. Assuming you already have a network then add: loadmodule "cloak_md5";
  • The log block(s) need to be updated, use something like:
    log {
            source {
            destination {
                file "ircd.log" { maxsize 100M; }

Module coders (API changes)

  • Be sure to bump the version in the module header from unrealircd-5 to unrealircd-6
  • We use a lot more const char * now (instead of char *). In particular parv is const now and so are a lot of arguments to hooks. This will mean that in your module you have to use more const too. The reason for this change is to indicate that certain strings should not be touched, as doing so is dangerous or could have had side-effects that were unpredictable.
  • Logging has been completely redone. Don't use ircd_log(), sendto_snomask(), sendto_ops() and sendto_realops() anymore. Instead use unreal_log() which handles both logging to disk and notifying IRCOps.
  • Various struct member names changed, in particular in ConfigEntry and ConfigFile, but also channel->chname is channel->name now.
  • get_channel() is now make_channel() and creates if needed, otherwise use find_channel()
  • The Extended Ban API has been changed a lot. We use a BanContext struct now that we pass around a lot. You also don't need to do +3 magic anymore on the string as it is handled in another layer. When registering the extended ban, .flag is now .letter, and you also need to set a .name to a string due to named extended bans. Have a look at the built-in extban modules to see how to handle the changes.
  • ModData now has an option MODDATA_SYNC_EARLY. See under Server protocol.
  • If you want to lag someone up, don't touch client->since, but instead use: add_fake_lag(client, msec)
  • Some client/user struct changes, with client->user->account (instead of svid) and client->uplink->name being the most important ones.
  • Possibly more, but above is like 90%+ of the changes that you will encounter.

Server protocol

  • When multiple related SJOIN messages are generated for the same channel then we now only send the current channel modes (eg +sntk key) in the first SJOIN and not in the other ones as they are unneeded for the immediate followup SJOINs, they waste unnecessary bytes and CPU. Such messages may be generated when syncing a channel that has dozens of users and/or bans/exempts/invexes. Ideally this should not need any changes in other software, since we already supported such messages in the past and code for handling it exists way back to 3.2.x, but you better check to be sure!
  • If you send PROTOCTL NEXTBANS then you will receive extended bans with Named EXTended BANs instead of letters (eg: +b ~account:xyz), otherwise you receive them with letters (eg: +b ~a:xyz).
  • Some ModData of users is (also) communicated in the UID message while syncing using a message tag that only appears in server-to-server traffic, s2s-md/moddataname=value. Thus, data such as operinfo, tls cipher, geoip, certfp, sasl and webirc is communicated at the same time as when a remote connection is added. This makes it that a "connecting from" server notice can include all this information and also so code can make an immediate decission on what to do with the user in hooks. ModData modules need to set mreq.sync = MODDATA_SYNC_EARLY; if they want this. Servers of course need to enable MTAGS in PROTOCTL to see this.
  • The SLOG command is used to broadcast logging messages. This is done for log::destination remote, as used in doc/conf/snomasks.default.conf, for example for link errors, oper ups, flood messages, etc. It also includes all JSON data in a message tag when PROTOCTL MTAGS is used.
  • Bounced modes are gone: these were MODEs that started with a & which servers were to act on with reversed logic (add becoming remove and vice versa) and never to send something back to that server. In practice this was almost never used and complicated the code (way) too much.

Client protocol

  • Extended bans now have names instead of letters. If a client sends the old format with letters (eg +b ~a:XYZ) then the server will convert it to the new format with names (eg: +b ~account:XYZ)
  • Support for MONITOR and the other IRCv3 features (see Enhancements)