
1720 lines
52 KiB

* IRC - Internet Relay Chat, src/modules/server.c
* (C) 2004-present The UnrealIRCd Team
* See file AUTHORS in IRC package for additional names of
* the programmers.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "unrealircd.h"
/* Definitions */
typedef enum AutoConnectStrategy {
} AutoConnectStrategy;
typedef struct cfgstruct cfgstruct;
struct cfgstruct {
AutoConnectStrategy autoconnect_strategy;
long connect_timeout;
long handshake_timeout;
/* Forward declarations */
void server_config_setdefaults(cfgstruct *cfg);
int server_config_test(ConfigFile *cf, ConfigEntry *ce, int type, int *errs);
int server_config_run(ConfigFile *cf, ConfigEntry *ce, int type);
void send_channel_modes_sjoin3(Client *to, Channel *channel);
int _verify_link(Client *client, char *servername, ConfigItem_link **link_out);
void _send_protoctl_servers(Client *client, int response);
void _send_server_message(Client *client);
void _introduce_user(Client *to, Client *acptr);
int _check_deny_version(Client *cptr, char *software, int protocol, char *flags);
void _broadcast_sinfo(Client *acptr, Client *to, Client *except);
int server_sync(Client *cptr, ConfigItem_link *conf);
void server_generic_free(ModData *m);
int server_post_connect(Client *client);
/* Global variables */
static char buf[BUFSIZE];
static cfgstruct cfg;
static char *last_autoconnect_server = NULL;
ModuleHeader MOD_HEADER
= {
"command /server",
"UnrealIRCd Team",
EfunctionAddVoid(modinfo->handle, EFUNC_SEND_PROTOCTL_SERVERS, _send_protoctl_servers);
EfunctionAddVoid(modinfo->handle, EFUNC_SEND_SERVER_MESSAGE, _send_server_message);
EfunctionAdd(modinfo->handle, EFUNC_VERIFY_LINK, _verify_link);
EfunctionAddVoid(modinfo->handle, EFUNC_INTRODUCE_USER, _introduce_user);
EfunctionAdd(modinfo->handle, EFUNC_CHECK_DENY_VERSION, _check_deny_version);
EfunctionAddVoid(modinfo->handle, EFUNC_BROADCAST_SINFO, _broadcast_sinfo);
HookAdd(modinfo->handle, HOOKTYPE_CONFIGTEST, 0, server_config_test);
LoadPersistentPointer(modinfo, last_autoconnect_server, server_generic_free);
HookAdd(modinfo->handle, HOOKTYPE_CONFIGRUN, 0, server_config_run);
HookAdd(modinfo->handle, HOOKTYPE_POST_SERVER_CONNECT, 0, server_post_connect);
CommandAdd(modinfo->handle, "SERVER", cmd_server, MAXPARA, CMD_UNREGISTERED|CMD_SERVER);
CommandAdd(modinfo->handle, "SID", cmd_sid, MAXPARA, CMD_SERVER);
EventAdd(modinfo->handle, "server_autoconnect", server_autoconnect, NULL, 2000, 0);
EventAdd(modinfo->handle, "server_handshake_timeout", server_handshake_timeout, NULL, 1000, 0);
SavePersistentPointer(modinfo, last_autoconnect_server);
/** Convert 'str' to a AutoConnectStrategy value.
* @param str The string, eg "parallel"
* @returns a valid AutoConnectStrategy value or -1 if not found.
AutoConnectStrategy autoconnect_strategy_strtoval(char *str)
if (!strcmp(str, "parallel"))
if (!strcmp(str, "sequential"))
if (!strcmp(str, "sequential-fallback"))
return -1;
/** Convert an AutoConnectStrategy value to a string.
* @param val The value to convert to a string
* @returns a string, such as "parallel".
char *autoconnect_strategy_valtostr(AutoConnectStrategy val)
switch (val)
return "parallel";
return "sequential";
return "sequential-fallback";
return "???";
void server_config_setdefaults(cfgstruct *cfg)
cfg->autoconnect_strategy = AUTOCONNECT_SEQUENTIAL;
cfg->connect_timeout = 10;
cfg->handshake_timeout = 20;
int server_config_test(ConfigFile *cf, ConfigEntry *ce, int type, int *errs)
int errors = 0;
ConfigEntry *cep;
if (type != CONFIG_SET)
return 0;
/* We are only interrested in set::server-linking.. */
if (!ce || strcmp(ce->ce_varname, "server-linking"))
return 0;
for (cep = ce->ce_entries; cep; cep = cep->ce_next)
if (!cep->ce_vardata)
config_error("%s:%i: blank set::server-linking::%s without value",
cep->ce_fileptr->cf_filename, cep->ce_varlinenum, cep->ce_varname);
} else
if (!strcmp(cep->ce_varname, "autoconnect-strategy"))
if (autoconnect_strategy_strtoval(cep->ce_vardata) < 0)
config_error("%s:%i: set::server-linking::autoconnect-strategy: invalid value '%s'. "
"Should be one of: parallel",
cep->ce_fileptr->cf_filename, cep->ce_varlinenum, cep->ce_vardata);
} else
if (!strcmp(cep->ce_varname, "connect-timeout"))
long v = config_checkval(cep->ce_vardata, CFG_TIME);
if ((v < 5) || (v > 30))
config_error("%s:%i: set::server-linking::connect-timeout should be between 5 and 60 seconds",
cep->ce_fileptr->cf_filename, cep->ce_varlinenum);
} else
if (!strcmp(cep->ce_varname, "handshake-timeout"))
long v = config_checkval(cep->ce_vardata, CFG_TIME);
if ((v < 10) || (v > 120))
config_error("%s:%i: set::server-linking::handshake-timeout should be between 10 and 120 seconds",
cep->ce_fileptr->cf_filename, cep->ce_varlinenum);
} else
config_error("%s:%i: unknown directive set::server-linking::%s",
cep->ce_fileptr->cf_filename, cep->ce_varlinenum, cep->ce_varname);
*errs = errors;
return errors ? -1 : 1;
int server_config_run(ConfigFile *cf, ConfigEntry *ce, int type)
ConfigEntry *cep;
if (type != CONFIG_SET)
return 0;
/* We are only interrested in set::server-linking.. */
if (!ce || strcmp(ce->ce_varname, "server-linking"))
return 0;
for (cep = ce->ce_entries; cep; cep = cep->ce_next)
if (!strcmp(cep->ce_varname, "autoconnect-strategy"))
cfg.autoconnect_strategy = autoconnect_strategy_strtoval(cep->ce_vardata);
} else
if (!strcmp(cep->ce_varname, "connect-timeout"))
cfg.connect_timeout = config_checkval(cep->ce_vardata, CFG_TIME);
} else
if (!strcmp(cep->ce_varname, "handshake-timeout"))
cfg.handshake_timeout = config_checkval(cep->ce_vardata, CFG_TIME);
return 1;
int server_needs_linking(ConfigItem_link *aconf)
ConfigItem_deny_link *deny;
Client *client;
ConfigItem_class *class;
/* We're only interested in autoconnect blocks that are valid. Also, we ignore temporary link blocks. */
if (!(aconf->outgoing.options & CONNECT_AUTO) || !aconf->outgoing.hostname || (aconf->flag.temporary == 1))
return 0;
class = aconf->class;
/* Never do more than one connection attempt per <connfreq> seconds (for the same server) */
if ((aconf->hold > TStime()))
return 0;
aconf->hold = TStime() + class->connfreq;
client = find_client(aconf->servername, NULL);
if (client)
return 0; /* Server already connected (or connecting) */
if (class->clients >= class->maxclients)
return 0; /* Class is full */
/* Check connect rules to see if we're allowed to try the link */
for (deny = conf_deny_link; deny; deny = deny->next)
if (unreal_mask_match_string(aconf->servername, deny->mask) && crule_eval(deny->rule))
return 0;
/* Yes, this server is a linking candidate */
return 1;
void server_autoconnect_parallel(void)
ConfigItem_link *aconf;
for (aconf = conf_link; aconf; aconf = aconf->next)
if (!server_needs_linking(aconf))
if (connect_server(aconf, NULL, NULL) == 0)
sendto_ops_and_log("Trying to activate link with server %s[%s]...",
aconf->servername, aconf->outgoing.hostname);
/** Find first (valid) autoconnect server in link blocks.
* This function should not be used directly. It is a helper function
* for find_next_autoconnect_server().
ConfigItem_link *find_first_autoconnect_server(void)
ConfigItem_link *aconf;
for (aconf = conf_link; aconf; aconf = aconf->next)
if (!server_needs_linking(aconf))
return aconf; /* found! */
return NULL; /* none */
/** Find next server that we should try to autoconnect to.
* Taking into account that we last tried server 'current'.
* @param current Server the previous autoconnect attempt was made to
* @returns A link block, or NULL if no servers are suitable.
ConfigItem_link *find_next_autoconnect_server(char *current)
ConfigItem_link *aconf;
/* If the current autoconnect server is NULL then
* just find whichever valid server is first.
if (current == NULL)
return find_first_autoconnect_server();
/* Next code is a bit convulted, it would have
* been easier if conf_link was a circular list ;)
/* Otherwise, walk the list up to 'current' */
for (aconf = conf_link; aconf; aconf = aconf->next)
if (!strcmp(aconf->servername, current))
/* If the 'current' server dissapeared, then let's
* just pick the first one from the list.
* It is a rare event to have the link { } block
* removed of a server that we just happened to
* try to link to before, so we can afford to do
* it this way.
if (!aconf)
return find_first_autoconnect_server();
/* Check the remainder for the list, in other words:
* check all servers after 'current' if they are
* ready for an outgoing connection attempt...
for (aconf = aconf->next; aconf; aconf = aconf->next)
if (!server_needs_linking(aconf))
return aconf; /* found! */
/* If we get here then there are no valid servers
* after 'current', so now check for before 'current'
* (and including 'current', since we may
* have to autoconnect to that one again,
* eg if it is the only autoconnect server)...
for (aconf = conf_link; aconf; aconf = aconf->next)
if (!server_needs_linking(aconf))
if (!strcmp(aconf->servername, current))
break; /* need to stop here */
return aconf; /* found! */
return NULL; /* none */
/** Check if we are currently connecting to a server (outgoing).
* This function takes into account not only an outgoing TCP/IP connect
* or TLS handshake, but also if we are 'somewhat connected' to that
* server but have not completed the full sync, eg we may still need
* to receive SIDs or other sync data.
* NOTE: This implicitly assumes that outgoing links only go to
* servers that will (eventually) send "EOS".
* Should be a reasonable assumption given that in nearly all
* cases we only connect to UnrealIRCd servers for the outgoing
* case, as services are "always" incoming links.
* @returns 1 if an outgoing link is in progress, 0 if not.
int current_outgoing_link_in_process(void)
Client *client;
list_for_each_entry(client, &unknown_list, lclient_node)
if (client->serv && *client->serv->by && client->local->firsttime &&
(IsConnecting(client) || IsTLSConnectHandshake(client) || !IsSynched(client)))
return 1;
list_for_each_entry(client, &server_list, special_node)
if (client->serv && *client->serv->by && client->local->firsttime &&
(IsConnecting(client) || IsTLSConnectHandshake(client) || !IsSynched(client)))
return 1;
return 0;
void server_autoconnect_sequential(void)
ConfigItem_link *aconf;
if (current_outgoing_link_in_process())
/* We are currently not in the process of doing an outgoing connect,
* let's see if we need to connect to somewhere...
aconf = find_next_autoconnect_server(last_autoconnect_server);
if (aconf == NULL)
return; /* No server to connect to at this time */
/* Start outgoing link attempt */
safe_strdup(last_autoconnect_server, aconf->servername);
if (connect_server(aconf, NULL, NULL) == 0)
sendto_ops_and_log("Trying to activate link with server %s[%s]...",
aconf->servername, aconf->outgoing.hostname);
/** Perform autoconnect to servers that are not linked yet. */
switch (cfg.autoconnect_strategy)
/* Fallback is the same as sequential but we reset last_autoconnect_server on connect */
Client *client, *next;
list_for_each_entry_safe(client, next, &unknown_list, lclient_node)
/* We are only interested in outgoing server connects */
if (!client->serv || !*client->serv->by || !client->local->firsttime)
/* Handle set::server-linking::connect-timeout */
if ((IsConnecting(client) || IsTLSConnectHandshake(client)) &&
((TStime() - client->local->firsttime) >= cfg.connect_timeout))
/* If this is a connect timeout to an outgoing server then notify ops & log it */
sendto_ops_and_log("Connect timeout while trying to link to server '%s' (%s)",
client->name, client->ip?client->ip:"<unknown ip>");
exit_client(client, NULL, "Connection timeout");
/* Handle set::server-linking::handshake-timeout */
if ((TStime() - client->local->firsttime) >= cfg.handshake_timeout)
/* If this is a handshake timeout to an outgoing server then notify ops & log it */
sendto_ops_and_log("Connection handshake timeout while trying to link to server '%s' (%s)",
client->name, client->ip?client->ip:"<unknown ip>");
exit_client(client, NULL, "Handshake Timeout");
/** Check deny version { } blocks.
* @param cptr Client (a server)
* @param software Software version in use (can be NULL)
* @param protoctol UnrealIRCd protocol version in use (can be 0)
* @param flags Server flags (hardly ever used, can be NULL)
* @returns 1 if link is denied (client is already killed), 0 if not.
int _check_deny_version(Client *cptr, char *software, int protocol, char *flags)
ConfigItem_deny_version *vlines;
for (vlines = conf_deny_version; vlines; vlines = vlines->next)
if (match_simple(vlines->mask, cptr->name))
if (vlines)
char *proto = vlines->version;
char *vflags = vlines->flags;
int result = 0, i;
switch (*proto)
case '<':
if (protocol < atoi(proto))
result = 1;
case '>':
if (protocol > atoi(proto))
result = 1;
case '=':
if (protocol == atoi(proto))
result = 1;
case '!':
if (protocol != atoi(proto))
result = 1;
if (protocol == atoi(proto))
result = 1;
if (protocol == 0 || *proto == '*')
result = 0;
if (result)
exit_client(cptr, NULL, "Denied by deny version { } block");
return 0;
if (flags)
for (i = 0; vflags[i]; i++)
if (vflags[i] == '!')
if (strchr(flags, vflags[i])) {
result = 1;
else if (!strchr(flags, vflags[i]))
result = 1;
if (*vflags == '*' || !strcmp(flags, "0"))
result = 0;
if (result)
exit_client(cptr, NULL, "Denied by deny version { } block");
return 0;
return 1;
/** Send our PROTOCTL SERVERS=x,x,x,x stuff.
* When response is set, it will be PROTOCTL SERVERS=*x,x,x (mind the asterisk).
void _send_protoctl_servers(Client *client, int response)
char buf[512];
Client *acptr;
int sendit = 1;
sendto_one(client, NULL, "PROTOCTL EAUTH=%s,%d,%s%s,%s",
me.name, UnrealProtocol, serveropts, extraflags ? extraflags : "", version);
ircsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "PROTOCTL SERVERS=%s", response ? "*" : "");
list_for_each_entry(acptr, &global_server_list, client_node)
snprintf(buf+strlen(buf), sizeof(buf)-strlen(buf), "%s,", acptr->id);
sendit = 1;
if (strlen(buf) > sizeof(buf)-12)
if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == ',')
buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0';
sendto_one(client, NULL, "%s", buf);
/* We use the asterisk here too for continuation lines */
ircsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "PROTOCTL SERVERS=*");
sendit = 0;
/* Remove final comma (if any) */
if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == ',')
buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0';
if (sendit)
sendto_one(client, NULL, "%s", buf);
void _send_server_message(Client *client)
if (client->serv && client->serv->flags.server_sent)
sendto_one(client, NULL, "SERVER %s 1 :U%d-%s%s-%s %s",
me.name, UnrealProtocol, serveropts, extraflags ? extraflags : "", me.id, me.info);
if (client->serv)
client->serv->flags.server_sent = 1;
/** Verify server link.
* This does authentication and authorization checks.
* @param cptr The client directly connected to us (cptr).
* @param client The client which (originally) issued the server command (client).
* @param servername The server name provided by the client.
* @param link_out Pointer-to-pointer-to-link block. Will be set when auth OK. Caller may pass NULL if he doesn't care.
* @returns This function returns 1 on successful authentication, 0 otherwise - in which case the client has been killed.
int _verify_link(Client *client, char *servername, ConfigItem_link **link_out)
char xerrmsg[256];
ConfigItem_link *link;
char *inpath = get_client_name(client, TRUE);
Client *acptr = NULL, *ocptr = NULL;
ConfigItem_ban *bconf;
/* We set the sockhost here so you can have incoming masks based on hostnames.
* Perhaps a bit late to do it here, but does anyone care?
if (client->local->hostp && client->local->hostp->h_name)
set_sockhost(client, client->local->hostp->h_name);
if (link_out)
*link_out = NULL;
strcpy(xerrmsg, "No matching link configuration");
if (!client->local->passwd)
sendto_one(client, NULL, "ERROR :Missing password");
exit_client(client, NULL, "Missing password");
return 0;
/* First check if the server is in the list */
if (!servername) {
strcpy(xerrmsg, "Null servername");
goto errlink;
if (client->serv && client->serv->conf)
/* This is an outgoing connect so we already know what link block we are
* dealing with. It's the one in: client->serv->conf
/* Actually we still need to double check the servername to avoid confusion. */
if (strcasecmp(servername, client->serv->conf->servername))
ircsnprintf(xerrmsg, sizeof(xerrmsg), "Outgoing connect from link block '%s' but server "
"introduced himself as '%s'. Server name mismatch.",
sendto_one(client, NULL, "ERROR :%s", xerrmsg);
sendto_ops_and_log("Outgoing link aborted to %s(%s@%s) (%s) %s",
client->serv->conf->servername, client->ident, client->local->sockhost, xerrmsg, inpath);
exit_client(client, NULL, xerrmsg);
return 0;
link = client->serv->conf;
goto skip_host_check;
} else {
/* Hunt the linkblock down ;) */
for(link = conf_link; link; link = link->next)
if (match_simple(link->servername, servername))
if (!link)
ircsnprintf(xerrmsg, sizeof(xerrmsg), "No link block named '%s'", servername);
goto errlink;
if (!link->incoming.mask)
ircsnprintf(xerrmsg, sizeof(xerrmsg), "Link block '%s' exists but has no link::incoming::mask", servername);
goto errlink;
link = find_link(servername, client);
if (!link)
ircsnprintf(xerrmsg, sizeof(xerrmsg), "Server is in link block but link::incoming::mask didn't match");
/* Send the "simple" error msg to the server */
sendto_one(client, NULL,
"ERROR :Link denied (No link block found named '%s' or link::incoming::mask did not match your IP %s) %s",
servername, GetIP(client), inpath);
/* And send the "verbose" error msg only to locally connected ircops */
sendto_ops_and_log("Link denied for %s(%s@%s) (%s) %s",
servername, client->ident, client->local->sockhost, xerrmsg, inpath);
exit_client(client, NULL, "Link denied (No link block found with your server name or link::incoming::mask did not match)");
return 0;
/* Now for checking passwords */
if (!Auth_Check(client, link->auth, client->local->passwd))
/* Let's help admins a bit with a good error message in case
* they mix different authentication systems (plaintext password
* vs an "TLS Auth type" like spkifp/tlsclientcert/tlsclientcertfp).
* The 'if' statement below is a bit complex but it consists of 2 things:
* 1. Check if our side expects a plaintext password but we did not receive one
* 2. Check if our side expects a non-plaintext password but we did receive one
if (((link->auth->type == AUTHTYPE_PLAINTEXT) && client->local->passwd && !strcmp(client->local->passwd, "*")) ||
((link->auth->type != AUTHTYPE_PLAINTEXT) && client->local->passwd && strcmp(client->local->passwd, "*")))
sendto_ops_and_log("Link denied for '%s' (Authentication failed due to different password types on both sides of the link) %s",
servername, inpath);
sendto_ops_and_log("Read https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/FAQ#auth-fail-mixed for more information");
} else
if (link->auth->type == AUTHTYPE_SPKIFP)
sendto_ops_and_log("Link denied for '%s' (Authentication failed [spkifp mismatch]) %s",
servername, inpath);
} else
if (link->auth->type == AUTHTYPE_TLS_CLIENTCERT)
sendto_ops_and_log("Link denied for '%s' (Authentication failed [tlsclientcert mismatch]) %s",
servername, inpath);
} else
if (link->auth->type == AUTHTYPE_TLS_CLIENTCERTFP)
sendto_ops_and_log("Link denied for '%s' (Authentication failed [tlsclientcertfp mismatch]) %s",
servername, inpath);
} else
sendto_ops_and_log("Link denied for '%s' (Authentication failed [Bad password?]) %s",
servername, inpath);
sendto_one(client, NULL,
"ERROR :Link '%s' denied (Authentication failed) %s",
servername, inpath);
exit_client(client, NULL, "Link denied (Authentication failed)");
return 0;
/* Verify the TLS certificate (if requested) */
if (link->verify_certificate)
char *errstr = NULL;
if (!IsTLS(client))
sendto_one(client, NULL,
"ERROR :Link '%s' denied (Not using SSL/TLS) %s",
servername, inpath);
sendto_ops_and_log("Link denied for '%s' (Not using SSL/TLS and verify-certificate is on) %s",
servername, inpath);
exit_client(client, NULL, "Link denied (Not using SSL/TLS)");
return 0;
if (!verify_certificate(client->local->ssl, link->servername, &errstr))
sendto_one(client, NULL,
"ERROR :Link '%s' denied (Certificate verification failed) %s",
servername, inpath);
sendto_ops_and_log("Link denied for '%s' (Certificate verification failed) %s",
servername, inpath);
sendto_ops_and_log("Reason for certificate verification failure: %s", errstr);
exit_client(client, NULL, "Link denied (Certificate verification failed)");
return 0;
* Third phase, we check that the server does not exist
* already
if ((acptr = find_server(servername, NULL)))
/* Found. Bad. Quit. */
if (IsMe(acptr))
sendto_ops_and_log("Link %s rejected, server trying to link with my name (%s)",
get_client_name(client, TRUE), me.name);
sendto_one(client, NULL, "ERROR: Server %s exists (it's me!)", me.name);
exit_client(client, NULL, "Server Exists");
return 0;
acptr = acptr->direction;
ocptr = (client->local->firsttime > acptr->local->firsttime) ? acptr : client;
acptr = (client->local->firsttime > acptr->local->firsttime) ? client : acptr;
sendto_one(acptr, NULL,
"ERROR :Server %s already exists from %s",
(ocptr->direction ? ocptr->direction->name : "<nobody>"));
("Link %s cancelled, server %s already exists from %s",
get_client_name(acptr, TRUE), servername,
(ocptr->direction ? ocptr->direction->name : "<nobody>"));
exit_client(acptr, NULL, "Server Exists");
return 0;
if ((bconf = find_ban(NULL, servername, CONF_BAN_SERVER)))
("Cancelling link %s, banned server",
get_client_name(client, TRUE));
sendto_one(client, NULL, "ERROR :Banned server (%s)", bconf->reason ? bconf->reason : "no reason");
exit_client(client, NULL, "Banned server");
return 0;
if (link->class->clients + 1 > link->class->maxclients)
sendto_ops_and_log("Cancelling link %s, full class",
get_client_name(client, TRUE));
exit_client(client, NULL, "Full class");
return 0;
if (!IsLocalhost(client) && (iConf.plaintext_policy_server == POLICY_DENY) && !IsSecure(client))
sendto_one(client, NULL, "ERROR :Servers need to use SSL/TLS (set::plaintext-policy::server is 'deny')");
sendto_ops_and_log("Rejected insecure server %s. See https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/FAQ#ERROR:_Servers_need_to_use_SSL.2FTLS", client->name);
exit_client(client, NULL, "Servers need to use SSL/TLS (set::plaintext-policy::server is 'deny')");
return 0;
if (IsSecure(client) && (iConf.outdated_tls_policy_server == POLICY_DENY) && outdated_tls_client(client))
sendto_one(client, NULL, "ERROR :Server is using an outdated SSL/TLS protocol or cipher (set::outdated-tls-policy::server is 'deny')");
sendto_ops_and_log("Rejected server %s using outdated %s. See https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/FAQ#server-outdated-tls", tls_get_cipher(client->local->ssl), client->name);
exit_client(client, NULL, "Server using outdates SSL/TLS protocol or cipher (set::outdated-tls-policy::server is 'deny')");
return 0;
if (link_out)
*link_out = link;
return 1;
/** Server command. Only for locally connected servers!!.
* parv[1] = server name
* parv[2] = hop count
* parv[3] = server description, may include protocol version and other stuff too (VL)
char *servername = NULL; /* Pointer for servername */
char *ch = NULL; /* */
char descbuf[BUFSIZE];
int hop = 0;
char info[REALLEN + 61];
ConfigItem_link *aconf = NULL;
ConfigItem_deny_link *deny;
char *flags = NULL, *protocol = NULL, *inf = NULL, *num = NULL;
if (IsUser(client))
sendnumeric(client, ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED);
sendnotice(client, "*** Sorry, but your IRC program doesn't appear to support changing servers.");
if (parc < 4 || (!*parv[3]))
sendto_one(client, NULL, "ERROR :Not enough SERVER parameters");
exit_client(client, NULL, "Not enough parameters");
servername = parv[1];
/* Remote 'SERVER' command is not possible on a 100% SID network */
if (!MyConnect(client))
char buf[256];
sendto_umode_global(UMODE_OPER, "Server %s introduced %s which is using old unsupported protocol from UnrealIRCd 3.2.x or earlier. "
"See https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/FAQ#old-server-protocol",
client->direction->name, servername);
exit_client(client->direction, NULL, "Introduced another server with unsupported protocol");
if (client->local->listener && (client->local->listener->options & LISTENER_CLIENTSONLY))
exit_client(client, NULL, "This port is for clients only");
if (!valid_server_name(servername))
sendto_one(client, NULL, "ERROR :Bogus server name (%s)", servername);
"WARNING: Bogus server name (%s) from %s (maybe just a fishy client)",
servername, get_client_name(client, TRUE));
exit_client(client, NULL, "Bogus server name");
if (!client->local->passwd)
sendto_one(client, NULL, "ERROR :Missing password");
exit_client(client, NULL, "Missing password");
if (!verify_link(client, servername, &aconf))
return; /* Rejected */
/* From this point the server is authenticated, so we can be more verbose
* with notices to ircops and in exit_client() and such.
strlcpy(client->name, servername, sizeof(client->name));
if (strlen(client->id) != 3)
sendto_umode_global(UMODE_OPER, "Server %s is using old unsupported protocol from UnrealIRCd 3.2.x or earlier. "
"See https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/FAQ#old-server-protocol",
ircd_log(LOG_ERROR, "Server using old unsupported protocol from UnrealIRCd 3.2.x or earlier. "
"See https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/FAQ#old-server-protocol");
exit_client(client, NULL, "Server using old unsupported protocol from UnrealIRCd 3.2.x or earlier. "
"See https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/FAQ#old-server-protocol");
hop = atol(parv[2]);
if (hop != 1)
sendto_umode_global(UMODE_OPER, "Directly linked server %s provided a hopcount of %d, while 1 was expected",
servername, hop);
exit_client(client, NULL, "Invalid SERVER message, hop count must be 1");
client->hopcount = hop;
strlcpy(info, parv[parc - 1], sizeof(info));
/* Parse "VL" data in description */
if (SupportVL(client))
char tmp[REALLEN + 61];
inf = protocol = flags = num = NULL;
strlcpy(tmp, info, sizeof(tmp)); /* work on a copy */
/* We are careful here to allow invalid syntax or missing
* stuff, which mean that particular variable will stay NULL.
protocol = strtok(tmp, "-");
if (protocol)
flags = strtok(NULL, "-");
if (flags)
num = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (num)
inf = strtok(NULL, "");
if (inf)
strlcpy(client->info, inf[0] ? inf : "server", sizeof(client->info)); /* set real description */
if (!_check_deny_version(client, NULL, atoi(protocol), flags))
return; /* Rejected */
} else {
strlcpy(client->info, info[0] ? info : "server", sizeof(client->info));
} else {
strlcpy(client->info, info[0] ? info : "server", sizeof(client->info));
/* Process deny server { } restrictions */
for (deny = conf_deny_link; deny; deny = deny->next)
if (deny->flag.type == CRULE_ALL && unreal_mask_match_string(servername, deny->mask)
&& crule_eval(deny->rule))
sendto_ops_and_log("Refused connection from %s. Rejected by deny link { } block.",
exit_client(client, NULL, "Disallowed by connection rule");
if (aconf->options & CONNECT_QUARANTINE)
ircsnprintf(descbuf, sizeof descbuf, "Server: %s", servername);
fd_desc(client->local->fd, descbuf);
server_sync(client, aconf);
/** Remote server command (SID).
* parv[1] = server name
* parv[2] = hop count (always >1)
* parv[3] = SID
* parv[4] = server description
Client *acptr, *ocptr;
ConfigItem_link *aconf;
ConfigItem_ban *bconf;
int hop;
char *servername = parv[1];
Client *cptr = client->direction; /* lazy, since this function may be removed soon */
/* Only allow this command from server sockets */
if (!IsServer(client->direction))
sendnumeric(client, ERR_NOTFORUSERS, "SID");
if (parc < 4 || BadPtr(parv[3]))
sendto_one(client, NULL, "ERROR :Not enough SID parameters");
/* Check if server already exists... */
if ((acptr = find_server(servername, NULL)))
/* Found. Bad. Quit. */
if (IsMe(acptr))
sendto_ops_and_log("Link %s rejected, server trying to link with my name (%s)",
get_client_name(client, TRUE), me.name);
sendto_one(client, NULL, "ERROR: Server %s exists (it's me!)", me.name);
exit_client(client, NULL, "Server Exists");
// FIXME: verify this code:
acptr = acptr->direction;
ocptr = (cptr->local->firsttime > acptr->local->firsttime) ? acptr : cptr;
acptr = (cptr->local->firsttime > acptr->local->firsttime) ? cptr : acptr;
sendto_one(acptr, NULL,
"ERROR :Server %s already exists from %s",
(ocptr->direction ? ocptr->direction->name : "<nobody>"));
("Link %s cancelled, server %s already exists from %s",
get_client_name(acptr, TRUE), servername,
(ocptr->direction ? ocptr->direction->name : "<nobody>"));
exit_client(acptr, NULL, "Server Exists");
/* Check deny server { } */
if ((bconf = find_ban(NULL, servername, CONF_BAN_SERVER)))
sendto_ops_and_log("Cancelling link %s, banned server %s",
get_client_name(cptr, TRUE), servername);
sendto_one(cptr, NULL, "ERROR :Banned server (%s)", bconf->reason ? bconf->reason : "no reason");
exit_client(cptr, NULL, "Brought in banned server");
/* OK, let us check the data now */
if (!valid_server_name(servername))
sendto_ops_and_log("Link %s introduced server with bad server name '%s' -- disconnecting",
client->name, servername);
exit_client(cptr, NULL, "Introduced server with bad server name");
hop = atol(parv[2]);
if (hop < 2)
sendto_ops_and_log("Server %s introduced server %s with hop count of %d, while >1 was expected",
client->name, servername, hop);
exit_client(cptr, NULL, "ERROR :Invalid hop count");
if (!valid_sid(parv[3]))
sendto_ops_and_log("Server %s introduced server %s with invalid SID '%s' -- disconnecting",
client->name, servername, parv[3]);
exit_client(cptr, NULL, "ERROR :Invalid SID");
if (!cptr->serv->conf)
sendto_ops_and_log("Internal error: lost conf for %s!!, dropping link", cptr->name);
exit_client(cptr, NULL, "Internal error: lost configuration");
aconf = cptr->serv->conf;
if (!aconf->hub)
sendto_ops_and_log("Link %s cancelled, is Non-Hub but introduced Leaf %s",
cptr->name, servername);
exit_client(cptr, NULL, "Non-Hub Link");
if (!match_simple(aconf->hub, servername))
sendto_ops_and_log("Link %s cancelled, linked in %s, which hub config disallows",
cptr->name, servername);
exit_client(cptr, NULL, "Not matching hub configuration");
if (aconf->leaf)
if (!match_simple(aconf->leaf, servername))
sendto_ops_and_log("Link %s(%s) cancelled, disallowed by leaf configuration",
cptr->name, servername);
exit_client(cptr, NULL, "Disallowed by leaf configuration");
if (aconf->leaf_depth && (hop > aconf->leaf_depth))
sendto_ops_and_log("Link %s(%s) cancelled, too deep depth",
cptr->name, servername);
exit_client(cptr, NULL, "Too deep link depth (leaf)");
/* All approved, add the server */
acptr = make_client(cptr, find_server(client->name, cptr));
strlcpy(acptr->name, servername, sizeof(acptr->name));
acptr->hopcount = hop;
strlcpy(acptr->id, parv[3], sizeof(acptr->id));
strlcpy(acptr->info, parv[parc - 1], sizeof(acptr->info));
acptr->serv->up = find_or_add(acptr->srvptr->name);
ircd_log(LOG_SERVER, "SERVER %s (from %s)", acptr->name, acptr->srvptr->name);
/* If this server is U-lined, or the parent is, then mark it as U-lined */
if (IsULine(client) || find_uline(acptr->name))
add_to_client_hash_table(acptr->name, acptr);
add_to_id_hash_table(acptr->id, acptr);
list_move(&acptr->client_node, &global_server_list);
sendto_server(client, 0, 0, NULL, ":%s SID %s %d %s :%s",
acptr->srvptr->id, acptr->name, hop + 1, acptr->id, acptr->info);
void _introduce_user(Client *to, Client *acptr)
build_umode_string(acptr, 0, SEND_UMODES, buf);
sendto_one_nickcmd(to, acptr, buf);
send_moddata_client(to, acptr);
if (acptr->user->away)
sendto_one(to, NULL, ":%s AWAY :%s", acptr->id, acptr->user->away);
if (acptr->user->swhois)
SWhois *s;
for (s = acptr->user->swhois; s; s = s->next)
sendto_one(to, NULL, ":%s SWHOIS %s + %s %d :%s",
me.id, acptr->name, s->setby, s->priority, s->line);
} else
sendto_one(to, NULL, ":%s SWHOIS %s :%s",
me.id, acptr->name, s->line);
void tls_link_notification_verify(Client *acptr, ConfigItem_link *aconf)
char *spki_fp;
char *tls_fp;
char *errstr = NULL;
int verify_ok;
if (!MyConnect(acptr) || !acptr->local->ssl || !aconf)
if ((aconf->auth->type == AUTHTYPE_TLS_CLIENTCERT) ||
(aconf->auth->type == AUTHTYPE_TLS_CLIENTCERTFP) ||
(aconf->auth->type == AUTHTYPE_SPKIFP))
/* Link verified by certificate or SPKI */
if (aconf->verify_certificate)
/* Link verified by trust chain */
tls_fp = moddata_client_get(acptr, "certfp");
spki_fp = spki_fingerprint(acptr);
if (!tls_fp || !spki_fp)
return; /* wtf ? */
/* Only bother the user if we are linking to UnrealIRCd 4.0.16+,
* since only for these versions we can give precise instructions.
if (!acptr->serv || acptr->serv->features.protocol < 4016)
sendto_realops("You may want to consider verifying this server link.");
sendto_realops("More information about this can be found on https://www.unrealircd.org/Link_verification");
verify_ok = verify_certificate(acptr->local->ssl, aconf->servername, &errstr);
if (errstr && strstr(errstr, "not valid for hostname"))
sendto_realops("Unfortunately the certificate of server '%s' has a name mismatch:", acptr->name);
sendto_realops("%s", errstr);
sendto_realops("This isn't a fatal error but it will prevent you from using verify-certificate yes;");
} else
if (!verify_ok)
sendto_realops("In short: in the configuration file, change the 'link %s {' block to use this as a password:", acptr->name);
sendto_realops("password \"%s\" { spkifp; };", spki_fp);
sendto_realops("And follow the instructions on the other side of the link as well (which will be similar, but will use a different hash)");
} else
sendto_realops("In short: in the configuration file, add the following to your 'link %s {' block:", acptr->name);
sendto_realops("verify-certificate yes;");
sendto_realops("Alternatively, you could use SPKI fingerprint verification. Then change the password in the link block to be:");
sendto_realops("password \"%s\" { spkifp; };", spki_fp);
#define SafeStr(x) ((x && *(x)) ? (x) : "*")
/** Broadcast SINFO.
* @param cptr The server to send the information about.
* @param to The server to send the information TO (NULL for broadcast).
* @param except The direction NOT to send to.
* This function takes into account that the server may not
* provide all of the detailed info. If any information is
* absent we will send 0 for numbers and * for NULL strings.
void _broadcast_sinfo(Client *acptr, Client *to, Client *except)
char chanmodes[128], buf[512];
if (acptr->serv->features.chanmodes[0])
snprintf(chanmodes, sizeof(chanmodes), "%s,%s,%s,%s",
} else {
strlcpy(chanmodes, "*", sizeof(chanmodes));
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lld %d %s %s %s :%s",
(long long)acptr->serv->boottime,
if (to)
/* Targetted to one server */
sendto_one(to, NULL, ":%s SINFO %s", acptr->id, buf);
} else {
/* Broadcast (except one side...) */
sendto_server(except, 0, 0, NULL, ":%s SINFO %s", acptr->id, buf);
int server_sync(Client *cptr, ConfigItem_link *aconf)
char *inpath = get_client_name(cptr, TRUE);
Client *acptr;
int incoming = IsUnknown(cptr) ? 1 : 0;
ircd_log(LOG_SERVER, "SERVER %s", cptr->name);
if (cptr->local->passwd)
cptr->local->passwd = NULL;
if (incoming)
/* If this is an incomming connection, then we have just received
* their stuff and now send our stuff back.
if (!IsEAuth(cptr)) /* if eauth'd then we already sent the passwd */
sendto_one(cptr, NULL, "PASS :%s", (aconf->auth->type == AUTHTYPE_PLAINTEXT) ? aconf->auth->data : "*");
send_proto(cptr, aconf);
/* Set up server structure */
list_move(&cptr->client_node, &global_server_list);
list_move(&cptr->lclient_node, &lclient_list);
list_add(&cptr->special_node, &server_list);
if (find_uline(cptr->name))
if (cptr->serv && cptr->serv->features.software && !strncmp(cptr->serv->features.software, "UnrealIRCd-", 11))
sendto_realops("\002WARNING:\002 Bad ulines! It seems your server is misconfigured: "
"your ulines { } block is matching an UnrealIRCd server (%s). "
"This is not correct and will cause security issues. "
"ULines should only be added for services! "
"See https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/FAQ#bad-ulines",
if (IsSecure(cptr))
"(\2link\2) Secure link %s -> %s established (%s)",
me.name, inpath, tls_get_cipher(cptr->local->ssl));
tls_link_notification_verify(cptr, aconf);
"(\2link\2) Link %s -> %s established",
me.name, inpath);
/* Print out a warning if linking to a non-TLS server unless it's localhost.
* Yeah.. there are still other cases when non-TLS links are fine (eg: local IP
* of the same machine), we won't bother with detecting that. -- Syzop
if (!IsLocalhost(cptr) && (iConf.plaintext_policy_server == POLICY_WARN))
sendto_realops("\002WARNING:\002 This link is unencrypted (not SSL/TLS). We highly recommend to use "
"SSL/TLS for server linking. See https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Linking_servers");
if (IsSecure(cptr) && (iConf.outdated_tls_policy_server == POLICY_WARN) && outdated_tls_client(cptr))
sendto_realops("\002WARNING:\002 This link is using an outdated SSL/TLS protocol or cipher (%s).",
add_to_client_hash_table(cptr->name, cptr);
/* doesnt duplicate cptr->serv if allocted this struct already */
cptr->serv->up = me.name;
cptr->srvptr = &me;
if (!cptr->serv->conf)
cptr->serv->conf = aconf; /* Only set serv->conf to aconf if not set already! Bug #0003913 */
if (incoming)
Debug((DEBUG_ERROR, "reference count for %s (%s) is now %d",
cptr->name, cptr->serv->conf->servername, cptr->serv->conf->refcount));
cptr->local->class = cptr->serv->conf->class;
/* Broadcast new server to the rest of the network */
sendto_server(cptr, 0, 0, NULL, ":%s SID %s 2 %s :%s",
cptr->srvptr->id, cptr->name, cptr->id, cptr->info);
/* Broadcast the just-linked-in featureset to other servers on our side */
broadcast_sinfo(cptr, NULL, cptr);
/* Send moddata of &me (if any, likely minimal) */
send_moddata_client(cptr, &me);
list_for_each_entry_reverse(acptr, &global_server_list, client_node)
/* acptr->direction == acptr for acptr == cptr */
if (acptr->direction == cptr)
if (IsServer(acptr))
sendto_one(cptr, NULL, ":%s SID %s %d %s :%s",
acptr->name, acptr->hopcount + 1,
acptr->id, acptr->info);
/* Also signal to the just-linked server which
* servers are fully linked.
* Now you might ask yourself "Why don't we just
* assume every server you get during link phase
* is fully linked?", well.. there's a race condition
* if 2 servers link (almost) at the same time,
* then you would think the other one is fully linked
* while in fact he was not.. -- Syzop.
if (acptr->serv->flags.synced)
sendto_one(cptr, NULL, ":%s EOS", acptr->id);
ircd_log(LOG_ERROR, "[EOSDBG] server_sync: sending to uplink '%s' with src %s...",
cptr->name, acptr->name);
/* Send SINFO of our servers to their side */
broadcast_sinfo(acptr, cptr, NULL);
send_moddata_client(cptr, acptr); /* send moddata of server 'acptr' (if any, likely minimal) */
/* Synching nick information */
list_for_each_entry_reverse(acptr, &client_list, client_node)
/* acptr->direction == acptr for acptr == cptr */
if (acptr->direction == cptr)
if (IsUser(acptr))
introduce_user(cptr, acptr);
** Last, pass all channels plus statuses
Channel *channel;
for (channel = channels; channel; channel = channel->nextch)
send_channel_modes_sjoin3(cptr, channel);
if (channel->topic_time)
sendto_one(cptr, NULL, "TOPIC %s %s %lld :%s",
channel->chname, channel->topic_nick,
(long long)channel->topic_time, channel->topic);
send_moddata_channel(cptr, channel);
/* Send ModData for all member(ship) structs */
/* pass on TKLs */
sendto_one(cptr, NULL, "NETINFO %i %lld %i %s 0 0 0 :%s",
irccounts.global_max, (long long)TStime(), UnrealProtocol,
/* Send EOS (End Of Sync) to the just linked server... */
sendto_one(cptr, NULL, ":%s EOS", me.id);
ircd_log(LOG_ERROR, "[EOSDBG] server_sync: sending to justlinked '%s' with src ME...",
return 0;
/** This will send "to" a full list of the modes for channel channel,
* Half of it recoded by Syzop: the whole buffering and size checking stuff
* looked weird and just plain inefficient. We now fill up our send-buffer
* really as much as we can, without causing any overflows of course.
void send_channel_modes_sjoin3(Client *to, Channel *channel)
MessageTag *mtags = NULL;
Member *members;
Member *lp;
Ban *ban;
short nomode, nopara;
char tbuf[512]; /* work buffer, for temporary data */
char buf[1024]; /* send buffer */
char *bufptr; /* points somewhere in 'buf' */
char *p; /* points to somewhere in 'tbuf' */
int prebuflen = 0; /* points to after the <sjointoken> <TS> <chan> <fixmodes> <fixparas <..>> : part */
int sent = 0; /* we need this so we send at least 1 message about the channel (eg if +P and no members, no bans, #4459) */
if (*channel->chname != '#')
nomode = 0;
nopara = 0;
members = channel->members;
/* First we'll send channel, channel modes and members and status */
*modebuf = *parabuf = '\0';
channel_modes(to, modebuf, parabuf, sizeof(modebuf), sizeof(parabuf), channel, 1);
if (!modebuf[1])
nomode = 1;
if (!(*parabuf))
nopara = 1;
/* Generate a new message (including msgid).
* Due to the way SJOIN works, we will use the same msgid for
* multiple SJOIN messages to servers. Rest assured that clients
* will never see these duplicate msgid's though. They
* will see a 'special' version instead with a suffix.
new_message(&me, NULL, &mtags);
if (nomode && nopara)
ircsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
":%s SJOIN %lld %s :", me.id,
(long long)channel->creationtime, channel->chname);
if (nopara && !nomode)
ircsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
":%s SJOIN %lld %s %s :", me.id,
(long long)channel->creationtime, channel->chname, modebuf);
if (!nopara && !nomode)
ircsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
":%s SJOIN %lld %s %s %s :", me.id,
(long long)channel->creationtime, channel->chname, modebuf, parabuf);
prebuflen = strlen(buf);
bufptr = buf + prebuflen;
* - Use 'tbuf' as a working buffer, use 'p' to advance in 'tbuf'.
* Thus, be sure to do a 'p = tbuf' at the top of the loop.
* - When one entry has been build, check if strlen(buf) + strlen(tbuf) > BUFSIZE - 8,
* if so, do not concat but send the current result (buf) first to the server
* and reset 'buf' to only the prebuf part (all until the ':').
* Then, in both cases, concat 'tbuf' to 'buf' and continue
* - Be sure to ALWAYS zero terminate (*p = '\0') when the entry has been build.
* - Be sure to add a space after each entry ;)
* For a more illustrated view, take a look at the first for loop, the others
* are pretty much the same.
* Follow these rules, and things would be smooth and efficient (network-wise),
* if you ignore them, expect crashes and/or heap corruption, aka: HELL.
* You have been warned.
* Side note: of course things would be more efficient if the prebuf thing would
* not be sent every time, but that's another story
* -- Syzop
for (lp = members; lp; lp = lp->next)
p = tbuf;
if (lp->flags & MODE_CHANOP)
*p++ = '@';
if (lp->flags & MODE_VOICE)
*p++ = '+';
if (lp->flags & MODE_HALFOP)
*p++ = '%';
if (lp->flags & MODE_CHANOWNER)
*p++ = '*';
if (lp->flags & MODE_CHANADMIN)
*p++ = '~';
p = mystpcpy(p, lp->client->id);
*p++ = ' ';
*p = '\0';
/* this is: if (strlen(tbuf) + strlen(buf) > BUFSIZE - 8) */
if ((p - tbuf) + (bufptr - buf) > BUFSIZE - 8)
/* Would overflow, so send our current stuff right now (except new stuff) */
sendto_one(to, mtags, "%s", buf);
bufptr = buf + prebuflen;
*bufptr = '\0';
/* concat our stuff.. */
bufptr = mystpcpy(bufptr, tbuf);
for (ban = channel->banlist; ban; ban = ban->next)
p = tbuf;
if (SupportSJSBY(to))
p += add_sjsby(p, ban->who, ban->when);
*p++ = '&';
p = mystpcpy(p, ban->banstr);
*p++ = ' ';
*p = '\0';
/* this is: if (strlen(tbuf) + strlen(buf) > BUFSIZE - 8) */
if ((p - tbuf) + (bufptr - buf) > BUFSIZE - 8)
/* Would overflow, so send our current stuff right now (except new stuff) */
sendto_one(to, mtags, "%s", buf);
bufptr = buf + prebuflen;
*bufptr = '\0';
/* concat our stuff.. */
bufptr = mystpcpy(bufptr, tbuf);
for (ban = channel->exlist; ban; ban = ban->next)
p = tbuf;
if (SupportSJSBY(to))
p += add_sjsby(p, ban->who, ban->when);
*p++ = '"';
p = mystpcpy(p, ban->banstr);
*p++ = ' ';
*p = '\0';
/* this is: if (strlen(tbuf) + strlen(buf) > BUFSIZE - 8) */
if ((p - tbuf) + (bufptr - buf) > BUFSIZE - 8)
/* Would overflow, so send our current stuff right now (except new stuff) */
sendto_one(to, mtags, "%s", buf);
bufptr = buf + prebuflen;
*bufptr = '\0';
/* concat our stuff.. */
bufptr = mystpcpy(bufptr, tbuf);
for (ban = channel->invexlist; ban; ban = ban->next)
p = tbuf;
if (SupportSJSBY(to))
p += add_sjsby(p, ban->who, ban->when);
*p++ = '\'';
p = mystpcpy(p, ban->banstr);
*p++ = ' ';
*p = '\0';
/* this is: if (strlen(tbuf) + strlen(buf) > BUFSIZE - 8) */
if ((p - tbuf) + (bufptr - buf) > BUFSIZE - 8)
/* Would overflow, so send our current stuff right now (except new stuff) */
sendto_one(to, mtags, "%s", buf);
bufptr = buf + prebuflen;
*bufptr = '\0';
/* concat our stuff.. */
bufptr = mystpcpy(bufptr, tbuf);
if (buf[prebuflen] || !sent)
sendto_one(to, mtags, "%s", buf);
void server_generic_free(ModData *m)
int server_post_connect(Client *client) {
if (cfg.autoconnect_strategy == AUTOCONNECT_SEQUENTIAL_FALLBACK && last_autoconnect_server
&& !strcmp(last_autoconnect_server, client->name))
last_autoconnect_server = NULL;
return 0;