
1126 lines
35 KiB

* IRC - Internet Relay Chat, src/modules/stats.c
* (C) 2004-present The UnrealIRCd Team
* See file AUTHORS in IRC package for additional names of
* the programmers.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "unrealircd.h"
ModuleHeader MOD_HEADER
= {
"command /stats",
"UnrealIRCd Team",
CommandAdd(modinfo->handle, MSG_STATS, cmd_stats, 3, CMD_USER);
extern MODVAR int max_connection_count;
int stats_banversion(Client *, const char *);
int stats_links(Client *, const char *);
int stats_gline(Client *, const char *);
int stats_except(Client *, const char *);
int stats_allow(Client *, const char *);
int stats_command(Client *, const char *);
int stats_oper(Client *, const char *);
int stats_port(Client *, const char *);
int stats_bannick(Client *, const char *);
int stats_traffic(Client *, const char *);
int stats_uline(Client *, const char *);
int stats_vhost(Client *, const char *);
int stats_kline(Client *, const char *);
int stats_banrealname(Client *, const char *);
int stats_sqline(Client *, const char *);
int stats_linkinfoint(Client *, const char *, int);
int stats_linkinfo(Client *, const char *);
int stats_linkinfoall(Client *, const char *);
int stats_chanrestrict(Client *, const char *);
int stats_shun(Client *, const char *);
int stats_set(Client *, const char *);
int stats_tld(Client *, const char *);
int stats_uptime(Client *, const char *);
int stats_denyver(Client *, const char *);
int stats_notlink(Client *, const char *);
int stats_class(Client *, const char *);
int stats_officialchannels(Client *, const char *);
int stats_spamfilter(Client *, const char *);
int stats_fdtable(Client *, const char *);
int stats_linecache(Client *client, const char *para);
int stats_maxperip(Client *, const char *);
#define SERVER_AS_PARA 0x1
#define FLAGS_AS_PARA 0x2
struct statstab {
char flag;
char *longflag;
int (*func)(Client *client, const char *para);
int options;
/* Must be listed lexicographically */
/* Long flags must be lowercase */
struct statstab StatsTable[] = {
{ 'B', "banversion", stats_banversion, 0 },
{ 'C', "link", stats_links, 0 },
{ 'G', "gline", stats_gline, FLAGS_AS_PARA },
{ 'H', "link", stats_links, 0 },
{ 'I', "allow", stats_allow, 0 },
{ 'K', "kline", stats_kline, 0 },
{ 'L', "linkinfoall", stats_linkinfoall, SERVER_AS_PARA },
{ 'M', "command", stats_command, 0 },
{ 'O', "oper", stats_oper, 0 },
{ 'P', "port", stats_port, 0 },
{ 'Q', "sqline", stats_sqline, FLAGS_AS_PARA },
{ 'S', "set", stats_set, 0 },
{ 'T', "traffic", stats_traffic, 0 },
{ 'U', "uline", stats_uline, 0 },
{ 'V', "vhost", stats_vhost, 0 },
{ 'W', "fdtable", stats_fdtable, 0 },
{ 'X', "notlink", stats_notlink, 0 },
{ 'Y', "class", stats_class, 0 },
{ 'c', "link", stats_links, 0 },
{ 'e', "except", stats_except, 0 },
{ 'f', "spamfilter", stats_spamfilter, FLAGS_AS_PARA },
{ 'g', "gline", stats_gline, FLAGS_AS_PARA },
{ 'h', "link", stats_links, 0 },
{ 'j', "officialchans", stats_officialchannels, 0 },
{ 'k', "kline", stats_kline, 0 },
{ 'l', "linkinfo", stats_linkinfo, SERVER_AS_PARA },
{ 'm', "command", stats_command, 0 },
{ 'n', "banrealname", stats_banrealname, 0 },
{ 'o', "oper", stats_oper, 0 },
{ 'q', "bannick", stats_bannick, FLAGS_AS_PARA },
{ 'r', "chanrestrict", stats_chanrestrict, 0 },
{ 's', "shun", stats_shun, FLAGS_AS_PARA },
{ 't', "tld", stats_tld, 0 },
{ 'u', "uptime", stats_uptime, 0 },
{ 'v', "denyver", stats_denyver, 0 },
{ 'x', "notlink", stats_notlink, 0 },
{ 'y', "class", stats_class, 0 },
{ '8', "maxperip", stats_maxperip, 0 },
{ '9', "linecache", stats_linecache, 0 },
{ 0, NULL, NULL, 0 }
int stats_compare(const char *s1, const char *s2)
/* The long stats flags are always lowercase */
while (*s1 == tolower(*s2))
if (*s1 == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
static inline struct statstab *stats_binary_search(char c) {
int start = 0;
int stop = sizeof(StatsTable)/sizeof(StatsTable[0])-1;
int mid;
while (start <= stop) {
mid = (start+stop)/2;
if (c < StatsTable[mid].flag)
stop = mid-1;
else if (StatsTable[mid].flag == c)
return &StatsTable[mid];
start = mid+1;
return NULL;
static inline struct statstab *stats_search(const char *s) {
int i;
for (i = 0; StatsTable[i].flag; i++)
if (!stats_compare(StatsTable[i].longflag,s))
return &StatsTable[i];
return NULL;
static inline char *stats_combine_parv(const char *p1, const char *p2)
static char buf[BUFSIZE+1];
ircsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s", p1, p2);
return buf;
static inline void stats_help(Client *client)
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "/Stats flags:");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "B - banversion - Send the ban version list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "b - badword - Send the badwords list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "C - link - Send the link block list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "d - denylinkauto - Send the deny link (auto) block list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "D - denylinkall - Send the deny link (all) block list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "e - except - Send the ban exception list (ELINEs and in config))");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "f - spamfilter - Send the spamfilter list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "F - denydcc - Send the deny dcc and allow dcc block lists");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "G - gline - Send the gline and gzline list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, " Extended flags: [+/-mrs] [mask] [reason] [setby]");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, " m Return glines matching/not matching the specified mask");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, " r Return glines with a reason matching/not matching the specified reason");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, " s Return glines set by/not set by clients matching the specified name");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "I - allow - Send the allow block list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "j - officialchans - Send the offical channels list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "K - kline - Send the ban user/ban ip/except ban block list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "l - linkinfo - Send link information");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "L - linkinfoall - Send all link information");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "M - command - Send list of how many times each command was used");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "n - banrealname - Send the ban realname block list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "O - oper - Send the oper block list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "P - port - Send information about ports");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "q - bannick - Send the ban nick block list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "Q - sqline - Send the global qline list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "r - chanrestrict - Send the channel deny/allow block list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "S - set - Send the set block list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "s - shun - Send the shun list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, " Extended flags: [+/-mrs] [mask] [reason] [setby]");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, " m Return shuns matching/not matching the specified mask");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, " r Return shuns with a reason matching/not matching the specified reason");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, " s Return shuns set by/not set by clients matching the specified name");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "t - tld - Send the tld block list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "T - traffic - Send traffic information");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "u - uptime - Send the server uptime and connection count");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "U - uline - Send the ulines block list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "v - denyver - Send the deny version block list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "V - vhost - Send the vhost block list");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "W - fdtable - Send the FD table listing");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "X - notlink - Send the list of servers that are not current linked");
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSHELP, "Y - class - Send the class block list");
static inline int allow_user_stats_short(char c)
char l;
return 0;
if (strchr(ALLOW_USER_STATS, c))
return 1;
l = tolower(c);
/* Hack for the flags that are case insensitive */
if (l == 'o' || l == 'y' || l == 'k' || l == 'g' || l == 'x' || l == 'c' ||
l =='f' || l == 'i' || l == 'h' || l == 'm')
if (islower(c) && strchr(ALLOW_USER_STATS, toupper(c)))
return 1;
else if (isupper(c) && strchr(ALLOW_USER_STATS, tolower(c)))
return 1;
/* Hack for c/C/H/h */
if (l == 'c')
if (strpbrk(ALLOW_USER_STATS, "hH"))
return 1;
} else if (l == 'h')
if (strpbrk(ALLOW_USER_STATS, "cC"))
return 1;
return 0;
static inline int allow_user_stats_long(const char *s)
OperStat *os;
for (os = iConf.allow_user_stats_ext; os; os = os->next)
if (!strcasecmp(os->flag, s))
return 1;
return 0;
/* This is pretty slow, but it isn't used often so it isn't a big deal */
static inline char *allow_user_stats_long_to_short()
static char buffer[BUFSIZE+1];
int i = 0;
OperStat *os;
for (os = iConf.allow_user_stats_ext; os; os = os->next)
struct statstab *stat = stats_search(os->flag);
if (!stat)
if (!strchr(ALLOW_USER_STATS, stat->flag))
buffer[i++] = stat->flag;
buffer[i] = 0;
return buffer;
struct statstab *stat;
char flags[2];
if (parc == 3 && parv[2][0] != '+' && parv[2][0] != '-')
if (hunt_server(client, recv_mtags, "STATS", 2, parc, parv) != HUNTED_ISME)
else if (parc == 4 && parv[2][0] != '+' && parv[2][0] != '-')
if (hunt_server(client, recv_mtags, "STATS", 2, parc, parv) != HUNTED_ISME)
if (parc < 2 || !*parv[1])
sendnumeric(client, RPL_ENDOFSTATS, '*');
/* Decide if we are looking for 1 char or a string */
if (parv[1][0] && !parv[1][1])
if (!ValidatePermissionsForPath("server:info:stats",client,NULL,NULL,NULL) && !allow_user_stats_short(parv[1][0]))
sendnumeric(client, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES);
/* Old style, we can use a binary search here */
stat = stats_binary_search(parv[1][0]);
if (!ValidatePermissionsForPath("server:info:stats",client,NULL,NULL,NULL) && !allow_user_stats_long(parv[1]))
sendnumeric(client, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES);
/* New style, search the hard way */
stat = stats_search(parv[1]);
if (!stat)
/* Not found. Perhaps a module provides it? */
Hook *h;
int found = 0, n;
for (h = Hooks[HOOKTYPE_STATS]; h; h = h->next)
n = (*(h->func.intfunc))(client, parv[1]);
if (n == 1)
found = 1;
if (!found)
sendnumeric(client, RPL_ENDOFSTATS, '*');
flags[0] = stat->flag;
flags[1] = '\0';
if (stat->options & FLAGS_AS_PARA)
if (parc > 2 && (parv[2][0] == '+' || parv[2][0] == '-'))
if (parc > 3)
stat->func(client, stats_combine_parv(parv[2],parv[3]));
stat->func(client, parv[2]);
else if (parc > 3)
stat->func(client, parv[3]);
stat->func(client, NULL);
else if (stat->options & SERVER_AS_PARA)
if (parc > 2)
stat->func(client, parv[2]);
stat->func(client, NULL);
stat->func(client, NULL);
/* Modules can append data:
* ('STATS S' already has special code for this that
* maintains certain ordering, so not included here)
if (stat->flag != 'S')
RunHook(HOOKTYPE_STATS, client, flags);
sendnumeric(client, RPL_ENDOFSTATS, stat->flag);
int stats_banversion(Client *client, const char *para)
ConfigItem_ban *bans;
for (bans = conf_ban; bans; bans = bans->next)
if (bans->flag.type != CONF_BAN_VERSION)
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSBANVER,
bans->mask, bans->reason ? bans->reason : "No Reason");
return 0;
int stats_links(Client *client, const char *para)
ConfigItem_link *link_p;
Client *acptr;
for (link_p = conf_link; link_p; link_p = link_p->next)
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSCLINE, "C - * %s %i %s %s%s%s",
(link_p->outgoing.options & CONNECT_AUTO) ? "a" : "",
(link_p->outgoing.options & CONNECT_TLS) ? "S" : "",
(link_p->flag.temporary == 1) ? "T" : "");
sendnotice(client, "%s (%p) has refcount %d",
link_p->servername, link_p, link_p->refcount);
if (link_p->hub)
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSHLINE, "H %s * %s",
link_p->hub, link_p->servername);
else if (link_p->leaf)
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSLLINE, "L %s * %s %d",
link_p->leaf, link_p->servername, link_p->leaf_depth);
list_for_each_entry(acptr, &client_list, client_node)
if (MyConnect(acptr) && acptr->server && !IsMe(acptr))
if (!acptr->server->conf)
sendnotice(client, "client '%s' (%p) has NO CONF attached (? :P)",
acptr->name, acptr);
sendnotice(client, "client '%s' (%p) has conf %p attached, refcount: %d, temporary: %s",
acptr->name, acptr,
acptr->server->conf->flag.temporary ? "YES" : "NO");
return 0;
int stats_gline(Client *client, const char *para)
int cnt = 0;
tkl_stats(client, TKL_GLOBAL|TKL_KILL, para, &cnt);
tkl_stats(client, TKL_GLOBAL|TKL_ZAP, para, &cnt);
return 0;
int stats_spamfilter(Client *client, const char *para)
int cnt = 0;
tkl_stats(client, TKL_SPAMF, para, &cnt);
tkl_stats(client, TKL_GLOBAL|TKL_SPAMF, para, &cnt);
return 0;
int stats_except(Client *client, const char *para)
int cnt = 0;
tkl_stats(client, TKL_EXCEPTION, para, &cnt);
tkl_stats(client, TKL_EXCEPTION|TKL_GLOBAL, para, &cnt);
return 0;
int stats_allow(Client *client, const char *para)
ConfigItem_allow *allows;
NameValuePrioList *m;
for (allows = conf_allow; allows; allows = allows->next)
for (m = allows->match->printable_list; m; m = m->next)
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSILINE,
namevalue_nospaces(m), "-",
allows->server ? allows->server : DEFAULT_SERVER,
allows->port ? allows->port : 6667);
return 0;
int stats_command(Client *client, const char *para)
int i;
RealCommand *mptr;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
for (mptr = CommandHash[i]; mptr; mptr = mptr->next)
if (mptr->count)
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSCOMMANDS, mptr->cmd,
mptr->count, mptr->bytes);
return 0;
int stats_oper(Client *client, const char *para)
ConfigItem_oper *o;
NameValuePrioList *m;
for (o = conf_oper; o; o = o->next)
for (m = o->match->printable_list; m; m = m->next)
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSOLINE,
'O', namevalue_nospaces(m), o->name,
o->operclass ? o->operclass: "",
o->class->name ? o->class->name : "");
return 0;
static char *stats_port_helper(ConfigItem_listen *listener)
static char buf[256];
ircsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s%s",
(listener->options & LISTENER_CLIENTSONLY)? "clientsonly ": "",
(listener->options & LISTENER_SERVERSONLY)? "serversonly ": "",
(listener->options & LISTENER_DEFER_ACCEPT)? "defer-accept ": "");
/* And one of these.. */
if (listener->options & LISTENER_CONTROL)
strlcat(buf, "control ", sizeof(buf));
else if (listener->socket_type == SOCKET_TYPE_UNIX)
else if (listener->options & LISTENER_TLS)
strlcat(buf, "tls ", sizeof(buf));
strlcat(buf, "plaintext ", sizeof(buf));
return buf;
int stats_port(Client *client, const char *para)
ConfigItem_listen *listener;
for (listener = conf_listen; listener != NULL; listener = listener->next)
if (!(listener->options & LISTENER_BOUND))
if ((listener->options & LISTENER_SERVERSONLY) && !ValidatePermissionsForPath("server:info:stats",client,NULL,NULL,NULL))
if (listener->socket_type == SOCKET_TYPE_UNIX)
sendnotice(client, "*** Listener on %s (UNIX): has %i client(s), options: %s %s",
listener->flag.temporary ? "[TEMPORARY]" : "");
} else {
sendnotice(client, "*** Listener on %s:%i (%s): has %i client(s), options: %s %s",
listener->socket_type == SOCKET_TYPE_IPV6 ? "IPv6" : "IPv4",
listener->flag.temporary ? "[TEMPORARY]" : "");
return 0;
int stats_bannick(Client *client, const char *para)
int cnt = 0;
tkl_stats(client, TKL_NAME, para, &cnt);
tkl_stats(client, TKL_GLOBAL|TKL_NAME, para, &cnt);
return 0;
int stats_traffic(Client *client, const char *para)
Client *acptr;
IRCStatistics *sp;
IRCStatistics tmp;
time_t now = TStime();
sp = &tmp;
memcpy(sp, &ircstats, sizeof(IRCStatistics));
list_for_each_entry(acptr, &lclient_list, lclient_node)
if (IsServer(acptr))
sp->is_sti += now - acptr->local->creationtime;
else if (IsUser(acptr))
sp->is_cti += now - acptr->local->creationtime;
else if (IsUnknown(acptr))
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "accepts %u refused %u", sp->is_ac, sp->is_ref);
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "unknown commands %u prefixes %u", sp->is_unco, sp->is_unpf);
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "nick collisions %u unknown closes %u", sp->is_kill, sp->is_ni);
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "wrong direction %u empty %u", sp->is_wrdi, sp->is_empt);
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "numerics seen %u mode fakes %u", sp->is_num, sp->is_fake);
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "auth successes %u fails %u", sp->is_asuc, sp->is_abad);
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "local connections %u udp packets %u", sp->is_loc, sp->is_udp);
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "Client Server");
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "connected %u %u", sp->is_cl, sp->is_sv);
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "messages sent %lld", me.local->traffic.messages_sent);
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "messages received %lld", me.local->traffic.messages_received);
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "bytes sent %lld", me.local->traffic.bytes_sent);
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "bytes received %lld", me.local->traffic.bytes_received);
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "time connected %lld %lld",
(long long)sp->is_cti, (long long)sp->is_sti);
return 0;
int stats_fdtable(Client *client, const char *para)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAXCONNECTIONS; i++)
FDEntry *fde = &fd_table[i];
if (!fde->is_open)
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSDEBUG,
"fd %3d, desc '%s', read-hdl %p, write-hdl %p, cbdata %p",
fde->fd, fde->desc, fde->read_callback, fde->write_callback, fde->data);
return 0;
int stats_uline(Client *client, const char *para)
ConfigItem_ulines *ulines;
for (ulines = conf_ulines; ulines; ulines = ulines->next)
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSULINE, ulines->servername);
return 0;
int stats_vhost(Client *client, const char *para)
ConfigItem_vhost *vhosts;
NameValuePrioList *m;
for (vhosts = conf_vhost; vhosts; vhosts = vhosts->next)
for (m = vhosts->match->printable_list; m; m = m->next)
sendtxtnumeric(client, "vhost %s%s%s %s %s",
vhosts->virtuser ? vhosts->virtuser : "",
vhosts->virtuser ? "@" : "",
return 0;
int stats_kline(Client *client, const char *para)
int cnt = 0;
tkl_stats(client, TKL_KILL, NULL, &cnt);
tkl_stats(client, TKL_ZAP, NULL, &cnt);
return 0;
int stats_banrealname(Client *client, const char *para)
ConfigItem_ban *bans;
for (bans = conf_ban; bans; bans = bans->next)
if (bans->flag.type == CONF_BAN_REALNAME)
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSNLINE, bans->mask, bans->reason
? bans->reason : "<no reason>");
return 0;
int stats_sqline(Client *client, const char *para)
int cnt = 0;
tkl_stats(client, TKL_NAME|TKL_GLOBAL, para, &cnt);
return 0;
int stats_chanrestrict(Client *client, const char *para)
ConfigItem_deny_channel *dchans;
ConfigItem_allow_channel *achans;
for (dchans = conf_deny_channel; dchans; dchans = dchans->next)
sendtxtnumeric(client, "deny %s %c %s", dchans->channel, dchans->warn ? 'w' : '-', dchans->reason);
for (achans = conf_allow_channel; achans; achans = achans->next)
sendtxtnumeric(client, "allow %s", achans->channel);
return 0;
int stats_shun(Client *client, const char *para)
int cnt = 0;
tkl_stats(client, TKL_GLOBAL|TKL_SHUN, para, &cnt);
return 0;
/* should this be moved to a seperate stats flag? */
int stats_officialchannels(Client *client, const char *para)
ConfigItem_offchans *x;
for (x = conf_offchans; x; x = x->next)
sendtxtnumeric(client, "%s %s", x->name, x->topic ? x->topic : "");
return 0;
#define SafePrint(x) ((x) ? (x) : "")
/** Helper for stats_set() */
static void stats_set_anti_flood(Client *client, FloodSettings *f)
int i;
for (i=0; floodoption_names[i]; i++)
if (f->limit[i] == 0)
continue; /* unconfigured */
sendtxtnumeric(client, "anti-flood::%s::%s: %d users, new user every %s",
f->name, floodoption_names[i],
(int)f->limit[i], pretty_time_val(f->period[i]));
} else
sendtxtnumeric(client, "anti-flood::%s::lag-penalty: %d msec",
f->name, (int)f->period[i]);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "anti-flood::%s::lag-penalty-bytes: %d",
f->limit[i] == INT_MAX ? 0 : (int)f->limit[i]);
} else
sendtxtnumeric(client, "anti-flood::%s::%s: %d per %s",
f->name, floodoption_names[i],
(int)f->limit[i], pretty_time_val(f->period[i]));
int stats_set(Client *client, const char *para)
char *uhallow;
SecurityGroup *s;
FloodSettings *f;
char modebuf[BUFSIZE], parabuf[BUFSIZE];
if (!ValidatePermissionsForPath("server:info:stats",client,NULL,NULL,NULL))
sendnumeric(client, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES);
return 0;
sendtxtnumeric(client, "*** Configuration Report ***");
sendtxtnumeric(client, "network-name: %s", NETWORK_NAME);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "default-server: %s", DEFAULT_SERVER);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "services-server: %s", SERVICES_NAME);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "stats-server: %s", STATS_SERVER);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "sasl-server: %s", SASL_SERVER);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "cloak-prefix: %s", CLOAK_PREFIX);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "help-channel: %s", HELP_CHANNEL);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "cloak-keys: %s", CLOAK_KEY_CHECKSUM);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "kline-address: %s", KLINE_ADDRESS);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "gline-address: %s", GLINE_ADDRESS);
//sendtxtnumeric(client, "modes-on-connect: %s", get_usermode_string_raw(CONN_MODES));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "modes-on-oper: %s", get_usermode_string_raw(OPER_MODES));
*modebuf = *parabuf = 0;
chmode_str(&iConf.modes_on_join, modebuf, parabuf, sizeof(modebuf), sizeof(parabuf));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "modes-on-join: %s %s", modebuf, parabuf);
if (iConf.min_nick_length)
sendtxtnumeric(client, "min-nick-length: %i", iConf.min_nick_length);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "nick-length: %i", iConf.nick_length);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "snomask-on-oper: %s", OPER_SNOMASK);
char *longflags = allow_user_stats_long_to_short();
sendtxtnumeric(client, "allow-user-stats: %s%s", ALLOW_USER_STATS, longflags ? longflags : "");
// sendtxtnumeric(client, "restrict-usermodes: %s", RESTRICT_USERMODES);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "restrict-channelmodes: %s", RESTRICT_CHANNELMODES);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "restrict-extendedbans: %s", RESTRICT_EXTENDEDBANS);
uhallow = "never";
uhallow = "not-on-channels";
uhallow = "force-rejoin";
uhallow = "always";
if (uhallow)
sendtxtnumeric(client, "allow-userhost-change: %s", uhallow);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "hide-ban-reason: %d", HIDE_BAN_REASON);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "anti-spam-quit-message-time: %s", pretty_time_val(ANTI_SPAM_QUIT_MSG_TIME));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "channel-command-prefix: %s", CHANCMDPFX ? CHANCMDPFX : "`");
sendtxtnumeric(client, "tls::certificate: %s", SafePrint(iConf.tls_options->certificate_file));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "tls::key: %s", SafePrint(iConf.tls_options->key_file));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "tls::trusted-ca-file: %s", SafePrint(iConf.tls_options->trusted_ca_file));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "tls::options: %s", iConf.tls_options->options & TLSFLAG_FAILIFNOCERT ? "FAILIFNOCERT" : "");
sendtxtnumeric(client, "options::show-opermotd: %d", SHOWOPERMOTD);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "options::hide-ulines: %d", HIDE_ULINES);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "options::identd-check: %d", IDENT_CHECK);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "options::fail-oper-warn: %d", FAILOPER_WARN);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "options::show-connect-info: %d", SHOWCONNECTINFO);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "options::no-connect-tls-info: %d", NOCONNECTTLSLINFO);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "options::dont-resolve: %d", DONT_RESOLVE);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "options::mkpasswd-for-everyone: %d", MKPASSWD_FOR_EVERYONE);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "options::allow-insane-bans: %d", ALLOW_INSANE_BANS);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "options::allow-part-if-shunned: %d", ALLOW_PART_IF_SHUNNED);
//sendtxtnumeric(client, "maxchannelsperuser: %i", iConf.maxchannelsperuser);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "ping-warning: %i seconds", PINGWARNING);
//sendtxtnumeric(client, "auto-join: %s", AUTO_JOIN_CHANS ? AUTO_JOIN_CHANS : "0");
sendtxtnumeric(client, "oper-auto-join: %s", OPER_AUTO_JOIN_CHANS ? OPER_AUTO_JOIN_CHANS : "0");
//sendtxtnumeric(client, "static-quit: %s", STATIC_QUIT ? STATIC_QUIT : "<none>");
//sendtxtnumeric(client, "static-part: %s", STATIC_PART ? STATIC_PART : "<none>");
sendtxtnumeric(client, "who-limit: %d", WHOLIMIT);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "silence-limit: %d", SILENCE_LIMIT);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "ban-version-tkl-time: %s", pretty_time_val(BAN_VERSION_TKL_TIME));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "link::bind-ip: %s", LINK_BINDIP);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "anti-flood::connect-flood: %d per %s", THROTTLING_COUNT, pretty_time_val(THROTTLING_PERIOD));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "anti-flood::handshake-data-flood::amount: %ld bytes", iConf.handshake_data_flood_amount);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "anti-flood::handshake-data-flood::ban-action: %s", ban_actions_to_string(iConf.handshake_data_flood_ban_action));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "anti-flood::handshake-data-flood::ban-time: %s", pretty_time_val(iConf.handshake_data_flood_ban_time));
/* set::anti-flood */
for (s = securitygroups; s; s = s->next)
if ((f = find_floodsettings_block(s->name)))
stats_set_anti_flood(client, f);
f = find_floodsettings_block("unknown-users");
stats_set_anti_flood(client, f);
// sendtxtnumeric(client, "anti-flood::away-flood: %d per %s", AWAY_COUNT, pretty_time_val(AWAY_PERIOD));
//sendtxtnumeric(client, "anti-flood::nick-flood: %d per %s", NICK_COUNT, pretty_time_val(NICK_PERIOD));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "handshake-timeout: %s", pretty_time_val(iConf.handshake_timeout));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "sasl-timeout: %s", pretty_time_val(iConf.sasl_timeout));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "ident::connect-timeout: %s", pretty_time_val(IDENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "ident::read-timeout: %s", pretty_time_val(IDENT_READ_TIMEOUT));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "spamfilter::ban-time: %s", pretty_time_val(SPAMFILTER_BAN_TIME));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "spamfilter::ban-reason: %s", SPAMFILTER_BAN_REASON);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "spamfilter::virus-help-channel: %s", SPAMFILTER_VIRUSCHAN);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "spamfilter::except: %s", SPAMFILTER_EXCEPT);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "check-target-nick-bans: %s", CHECK_TARGET_NICK_BANS ? "yes" : "no");
sendtxtnumeric(client, "plaintext-policy::user: %s", policy_valtostr(iConf.plaintext_policy_user));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "plaintext-policy::oper: %s", policy_valtostr(iConf.plaintext_policy_oper));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "plaintext-policy::server: %s", policy_valtostr(iConf.plaintext_policy_server));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "outdated-tls-policy::user: %s", policy_valtostr(iConf.outdated_tls_policy_user));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "outdated-tls-policy::oper: %s", policy_valtostr(iConf.outdated_tls_policy_oper));
sendtxtnumeric(client, "outdated-tls-policy::server: %s", policy_valtostr(iConf.outdated_tls_policy_server));
RunHook(HOOKTYPE_STATS, client, "S");
#ifndef _WIN32
sendtxtnumeric(client, "This server can handle %d concurrent sockets (%d clients + %d reserve)",
maxclients+reserved_fds, maxclients, reserved_fds);
return 1;
int stats_tld(Client *client, const char *para)
ConfigItem_tld *tld;
NameValuePrioList *m;
for (tld = conf_tld; tld; tld = tld->next)
for (m = tld->match->printable_list; m; m = m->next)
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSTLINE, namevalue_nospaces(m),
tld->rules_file ? tld->rules_file : "none");
return 0;
int stats_uptime(Client *client, const char *para)
long long uptime;
uptime = TStime() - me.local->fake_lag;
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSUPTIME,
uptime / 86400, (uptime / 3600) % 24, (uptime / 60) % 60,
uptime % 60);
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSCONN,
max_connection_count, irccounts.me_max);
return 0;
int stats_denyver(Client *client, const char *para)
ConfigItem_deny_version *versions;
for (versions = conf_deny_version; versions; versions = versions->next)
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSVLINE,
versions->version, versions->flags, versions->mask);
return 0;
int stats_notlink(Client *client, const char *para)
ConfigItem_link *link_p;
for (link_p = conf_link; link_p; link_p = link_p->next)
if (!find_server_quick(link_p->servername))
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSXLINE, link_p->servername,
return 0;
int stats_class(Client *client, const char *para)
ConfigItem_class *classes;
for (classes = conf_class; classes; classes = classes->next)
sendnumeric(client, RPL_STATSYLINE, classes->name, classes->pingfreq, classes->connfreq,
classes->maxclients, classes->sendq, classes->recvq ? classes->recvq : DEFAULT_RECVQ);
sendnotice(client, "class '%s' has clients=%d, xrefcount=%d",
classes->name, classes->clients, classes->xrefcount);
return 0;
int stats_linkinfo(Client *client, const char *para)
return stats_linkinfoint(client, para, 0);
int stats_linkinfoall(Client *client, const char *para)
return stats_linkinfoint(client, para, 1);
int stats_linkinfoint(Client *client, const char *para, int all)
int remote = 0;
int wilds = 0;
int doall = 0;
Client *acptr;
* send info about connections which match, or all if the
* mask matches me.name. Only restrictions are on those who
* are invisible not being visible to 'foreigners' who use
* a wild card based search to list it.
if (para)
if (!mycmp(para, me.name))
doall = 2;
else if (match_simple(para, me.name))
doall = 1;
if (strchr(para, '*') || strchr(para, '?'))
wilds = 1;
para = me.name;
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSLINKINFO, "Name SendQ SendM SendBytes RcveM RcveBytes Open_since :Idle");
if (!MyUser(client))
remote = 1;
wilds = 0;
list_for_each_entry(acptr, &lclient_list, lclient_node)
if (IsInvisible(acptr) && (doall || wilds) &&
!IsOper(acptr) && (acptr != client))
if (remote && doall && !IsServer(acptr) && !IsMe(acptr))
if (remote && !doall && IsServer(acptr))
if (!doall && wilds && !match_simple(para, acptr->name))
if (!(para && (IsServer(acptr) || IsListening(acptr))) &&
!(doall || wilds) &&
mycmp(para, acptr->name))
sendnumericfmt(client, RPL_STATSLINKINFO,
"%s%s %lld %lld %lld %lld %lld %lld :%lld",
acptr->name, get_client_status(acptr),
(long long)DBufLength(&acptr->local->sendQ),
(long long)acptr->local->traffic.messages_sent,
(long long)acptr->local->traffic.bytes_sent,
(long long)acptr->local->traffic.messages_received,
(long long)acptr->local->traffic.bytes_received,
(long long)(TStime() - acptr->local->creationtime),
(long long)(TStime() - acptr->local->last_msg_received));
list_for_each_entry(acptr, &client_list, client_node)
if (IsServer(acptr))
sendnotice(client, "Server %s is %s",
acptr->name, acptr->server->flags.synced ? "SYNCED" : "NOT SYNCED!!");
return 0;
int stats_linecache(Client *client, const char *para)
ClientCapability *e;
if (!ValidatePermissionsForPath("server:info:stats",client,NULL,NULL,NULL))
sendnumeric(client, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES);
return 0;
sendtxtnumeric(client, "Line cache: caps that have an effect message tags:");
for (e = clicaps; e; e = e->next)
if (e->cap & clicaps_affecting_mtag)
sendtxtnumeric(client, "CAP %s", e->name);
//sendtxtnumeric(client, " ");
//sendtxtnumeric(client, "Line statistics:");
return 0;
int stats_maxperip(Client *client, const char *para)
int i;
IpUsersBucket *e;
char ipbuf[256];
const char *ip;
if (!ValidatePermissionsForPath("server:info:stats",client,NULL,NULL,NULL))
sendnumeric(client, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES);
return 0;
sendtxtnumeric(client, "MaxPerIp IPv4 hash table:");
for (i=0; i < IPUSERS_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
for (e = IpUsersHash_ipv4[i]; e; e = e->next)
ip = inetntop(AF_INET, e->rawip, ipbuf, sizeof(ipbuf));
if (!ip)
ip = "<invalid>";
sendtxtnumeric(client, "IPv4 #%d %s: %d local / %d global",
i, ip, e->local_clients, e->global_clients);
sendtxtnumeric(client, "MaxPerIp IPv6 hash table:");
for (i=0; i < IPUSERS_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
for (e = IpUsersHash_ipv6[i]; e; e = e->next)
ip = inetntop(AF_INET6, e->rawip, ipbuf, sizeof(ipbuf));
if (!ip)
ip = "<invalid>";
sendtxtnumeric(client, "IPv6 #%d %s: %d local / %d global",
i, ip, e->local_clients, e->global_clients);
return 0;