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chris c72bbc88de Forge patch: Adapted from EvilHack
This creates the forge dungeon feature. This is a straight port, with no added functionality (and plenty of removed functionality)

Currently mostly does nothing, pending integration w/ NPC smiths and creation of a smithing skill
-Reforging to remove rust etc. in commented out (this is something smiths will be able to do but it needs to be integrated with whatever that system ends up being)
-Blessing is commented out
-The blacksmiths cookbook was not ported. Basic items can be made by NPC smiths, artifacts and magic items await a PC smithing skill
-Can still break, dip into, and drink from forges
--Dipping destroys non-metal items, and can be used to burn up straitjackets/striped shirts (in extchange for 6d6 damage!)
--Dipping can ocasionally summon monsters and blow up forges
--Dipping with a wielded hammer allows unpunishing
--Drinking from is still an instadeath in most cases.
--Breaking results in lava and is probably a very bad idea.

Ports fire damage function improvements and lava damage (from 3.6? .7? vanilla?)
2023-07-22 14:16:57 -04:00

265 lines
4.5 KiB

/* SCCS Id: @(#)sp_lev.h 3.4 1996/05/08 */
/* Copyright (c) 1989 by Jean-Christophe Collet */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
#ifndef SP_LEV_H
#define SP_LEV_H
/* wall directions */
#define W_NORTH 1
#define W_SOUTH 2
#define W_EAST 4
#define W_WEST 8
/* MAP limits */
#define MAP_X_LIM 76
#define MAP_Y_LIM 21
/* Per level flags */
#define NOTELEPORT 0x00000001L
#define HARDFLOOR 0x00000002L
#define NOMMAP 0x00000004L
#define SHORTSIGHTED 0x00000008L
#define ARBOREAL 0x00000010L
#define LETHE 0x00000020L /* All water on level is Lethe-ized */
#define SLIME 0x00000040L
#define FUNGI 0x00000080L
#define DUN 0x00000100L
#define NECRO 0x00000200L
#define CAVE 0x00000400L
#define OUTSIDE 0x00000800L
/* special level types */
#define SP_LEV_ROOMS 1
#define SP_LEV_MAZE 2
* Structures manipulated by the special levels loader & compiler
typedef union str_or_len {
char *str;
int len;
} Str_or_Len;
typedef struct {
boolean init_present, padding;
char fg, bg;
boolean smoothed, joined;
xchar lit, walled;
} lev_init;
typedef struct {
xchar x, y, mask;
short arti_text; /* Index of the text string for this (artifact) door */
} door;
typedef struct {
xchar wall, pos, secret, mask;
// short arti_key; /* Index (ART_) of key for this door */
short arti_text; /* Index of the text string for this door */
} room_door;
typedef struct {
xchar x, y, chance, type;
} trap;
typedef struct {
Str_or_Len name, appear_as;
short id;
aligntyp align;
xchar x, y, chance, class, appear;
schar peaceful, asleep;
} monster;
typedef struct {
Str_or_Len name;
int corpsenm;
short id, spe;
xchar x, y, chance, class, containment;
schar curse_state;
} object;
typedef struct {
xchar x, y;
aligntyp align;
xchar shrine;
int god;
} altar;
typedef struct {
xchar x, y, dir, db_open;
} drawbridge;
typedef struct {
xchar x, y, dir;
} walk;
typedef struct {
xchar x1, y1, x2, y2;
} digpos;
typedef struct {
xchar x, y, up;
} lad;
typedef struct {
xchar x, y, up;
} stair;
typedef struct {
xchar x1, y1, x2, y2;
xchar rtype, rlit, rirreg;
} region;
/* values for rtype are defined in dungeon.h */
typedef struct {
struct { xchar x1, y1, x2, y2; } inarea;
struct { xchar x1, y1, x2, y2; } delarea;
boolean in_islev, del_islev;
xchar rtype, padding;
Str_or_Len rname;
} lev_region;
typedef struct {
xchar x, y;
int amount;
} gold;
typedef struct {
xchar x, y;
Str_or_Len engr;
xchar etype;
} engraving;
typedef struct {
xchar x, y;
} fountain;
typedef struct {
xchar x, y;
} forge;
typedef struct {
xchar x, y;
} sink;
typedef struct {
xchar x, y;
} pool;
typedef struct {
char halign, valign;
char xsize, ysize;
char **map;
char nrobjects;
char *robjects;
char nloc;
char *rloc_x;
char *rloc_y;
char nrmonst;
char *rmonst;
char nreg;
region **regions;
char nlreg;
lev_region **lregions;
char ndoor;
door **doors;
char ntrap;
trap **traps;
char nmonster;
monster **monsters;
char nobject;
object **objects;
char ndrawbridge;
drawbridge **drawbridges;
char nwalk;
walk **walks;
char ndig;
digpos **digs;
char npass;
digpos **passs;
char nlad;
lad **lads;
char nstair;
stair **stairs;
char naltar;
altar **altars;
char ngold;
gold **golds;
char nengraving;
engraving **engravings;
char nfountain;
fountain **fountains;
char nforge;
forge **forges;
} mazepart;
typedef struct {
long flags;
lev_init init_lev;
schar filling;
char numpart;
mazepart **parts;
} specialmaze;
typedef struct _room {
char *name;
char *parent;
xchar x, y, w, h;
xchar xalign, yalign;
xchar rtype, chance, rlit, filled;
char ndoor;
room_door **doors;
char ntrap;
trap **traps;
char nmonster;
monster **monsters;
char nobject;
object **objects;
char naltar;
altar **altars;
char nstair;
stair **stairs;
char ngold;
gold **golds;
char nengraving;
engraving **engravings;
char nfountain;
fountain **fountains;
char nforge;
forge **forges;
char nsink;
sink **sinks;
char npool;
pool **pools;
/* These three fields are only used when loading the level... */
int nsubroom;
struct _room *subrooms[MAX_SUBROOMS];
struct mkroom *mkr;
} room;
typedef struct {
struct {
xchar room;
xchar wall;
xchar door;
} src, dest;
} corridor;
/* used only by lev_comp */
typedef struct {
long flags;
lev_init init_lev;
char nrobjects;
char *robjects;
char nrmonst;
char *rmonst;
xchar nroom;
room **rooms;
xchar ncorr;
corridor **corrs;
} splev;
#endif /* SP_LEV_H */