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Ron Nazarov 8583c380bb
Replace genericptr compatibility macro with its definition
Also genericptr_t, which is the same thing but a typedef instead of a macro.
2024-05-05 15:48:55 +01:00

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/* SCCS Id: @(#)monst.h 3.4 1999/01/04 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
#ifndef MONST_H
#define MONST_H
#include "prop.h"
#include "attrib.h"
/* The weapon_check flag is used two ways:
* 1) When calling mon_wield_item, is 2-6 depending on what is desired.
* 2) Between calls to mon_wield_item, is 0 or 1 depending on whether or not
* the weapon is known by the monster to be cursed (so it shouldn't bother
* trying for another weapon).
* I originally planned to also use 0 if the monster already had its best
* weapon, to avoid the overhead of a call to mon_wield_item, but it turns out
* that there are enough situations which might make a monster change its
* weapon that this is impractical. --KAA
# define NEED_WEAPON 1
# define NEED_HTH_WEAPON 3
# define NEED_PICK_AXE 4
# define NEED_AXE 5
# define NEED_PICK_OR_AXE 6
/* The following flags are used for the second argument to display_minventory
* in invent.c:
* MINV_NOLET If set, don't display inventory letters on monster's inventory.
* MINV_ALL If set, display all items in monster's inventory, otherwise
* just display wielded weapons and worn items.
#define MINV_NOLET 0x01
#define MINV_ALL 0x02
#ifndef ALIGN_H
#include "align.h"
#define toostrong(monindx, lev) (monstr[monindx] > lev)
#define tooweak(monindx, lev) (monstr[monindx] < lev && !is_eladrin(&mons[monindx]))
struct monst {
struct monst *nmon;
struct permonst *data;
unsigned m_id;
int mtyp; /* index number of base permonst array */
short movement; /* movement points (derived from permonst definition and added effects */
uchar m_lev; /* adjusted difficulty level of monster */
aligntyp malign; /* alignment of this monster, relative to the
player (positive = good to kill) */
int mx, my;
int mux, muy; /* where the monster thinks you are */
#define MTSZ 4
#define no_upos(mon) ((mon)->mux == 0 && (mon)->muy == 0)
coord mtrack[MTSZ]; /* monster track */
int mhp, mhpmax;
unsigned mappearance; /* for undetected mimics and the wiz */
uchar m_ap_type; /* what mappearance is describing: */
#define M_AP_NOTHING 0 /* mappearance is unused -- monster appears
as itself */
#define M_AP_FURNITURE 1 /* stairs, a door, an altar, etc. */
#define M_AP_OBJECT 2 /* an object */
#define M_AP_MONSTER 3 /* a monster */
int mtame; /* level of tameness, implies peaceful */
int mpeacetime; /* level of peacefulness, implies peaceful, ignored if tame */
unsigned long int mintrinsics[MPROP_SIZE];
unsigned long int mextrinsics[MPROP_SIZE];
unsigned long int acquired_trinsics[MPROP_SIZE];
int mspec_used; /* monster's special ability attack timeout */
int mstdy; /* to record extra damage to be delt due to having been studied */
int ustdym; /* to record extra damage to be delt by you due to having been studied by you*/
int m_san_level;/* DEPRECATED: to record sanity level at which this monster will be obscured */
int m_insight_level;/* to record insight level at which this monster will be reveled */
struct attribs acurr, /* your attributes (eg. str)*/
aexe, /* for gain/loss via "exercise" */
abon, /* your bonus attributes (eg. str) */
amax, /* max attributes (eg. str) */
atemp, /* used for temporary loss/gain */
atime; /* used for loss/gain countdown */
Bitfield(mferal,1); /* was once tame */ /*1*/
Bitfield(female,1); /* is female */ /*2*/
Bitfield(minvis,1); /* currently invisible */ /*3*/
Bitfield(invis_blkd,1); /* invisibility blocked */ /*4*/
Bitfield(perminvis,1); /* intrinsic minvis value */ /*5*/
Bitfield(cham,4); /* shape-changer */ /*9*/
/* note: lychanthropes are handled elsewhere */
#define CHAM_ORDINARY 0 /* not a shapechanger */
#define CHAM_CHAMELEON 1 /* animal */
#define CHAM_DOPPELGANGER 2 /* demi-human */
#define CHAM_SANDESTIN 3 /* demon */
#define CHAM_DREAM 4 /* anything */
Bitfield(mundetected,1); /* not seen in present hiding place */ /*10*/
/* implies one of MT_CONCEAL or MT_HIDE,
* but not mimic (that is, snake, spider,
* trapper, piercer, eel)
Bitfield(mcan,1); /* has been cancelled */ /*11*/
Bitfield(mburied,1); /* has been buried */ /*12*/
Bitfield(mspeed,2); /* current speed */ /*14*/
Bitfield(permspeed,2); /* intrinsic mspeed value */ /*16*/
Bitfield(mrevived,1); /* has been revived from the dead */ /*17*/
Bitfield(mavenge,1); /* did something to deserve retaliation */ /*18*/
Bitfield(mflee,1); /* fleeing */ /*19*/
Bitfield(mfleetim,7); /* timeout for mflee */ /*26*/
Bitfield(mcrazed,1); /* monster is crazed */ /*27*/
Bitfield(mberserk,1); /* monster is crazed */ /*28*/
Bitfield(mcansee,1); /* cansee 1, temp.blinded 0, blind 0 */ /*29*/
Bitfield(mblinded,7); /* cansee 0, temp.blinded n, blind 0 */ /*36*/
Bitfield(mcanhear,1); /* cansee 1, temp.blinded 0, blind 0 */ /*37*/
Bitfield(mdeafened,7); /* cansee 0, temp.blinded n, blind 0 */ /*44*/
Bitfield(mcanmove,1); /* paralysis, similar to mblinded */ /*45*/
Bitfield(mfrozen,7); /*52*/
Bitfield(mnotlaugh,1); /* collapsed from laughter, similar to mblinded */ /*53*/
Bitfield(mlaughing,7); /*60*/
Bitfield(msleeping,1); /* asleep until woken */ /*61*/
Bitfield(mstun,1); /* stunned (off balance) */ /*62*/
Bitfield(mconf,1); /* confused */ /*63*/
Bitfield(mpeaceful,1); /* does not attack unprovoked */ /*64*/
Bitfield(mtrapped,1); /* trapped in a pit, web or bear trap */ /*65*/
Bitfield(mleashed,1); /* monster is on a leash */ /*66*/
Bitfield(mtraitor,1); /* Former pet that turned traitor */ /*67*/
Bitfield(isshk,1); /* is shopkeeper */ /*68*/
Bitfield(isminion,1); /* is a minion */ /*69*/
Bitfield(isgd,1); /* is guard */ /*70*/
Bitfield(ispriest,1); /* is a priest */ /*71*/
Bitfield(iswiz,1); /* is the Wizard of Yendor */ /*72*/
Bitfield(wormno,5); /* at most 31 worms on any level */ /*77*/
#define MAX_NUM_WORMS 32 /* should be 2^(wormno bitfield size) */
Bitfield(moccupation,1);/* linked to your occupation */ /*78*/
Bitfield(mclone,1); /* is a clone of another monster (don't make death drop) */ /*79*/
Bitfield(uhurtm,1); /* injured by you */ /*80*/
Bitfield(mhurtu,1); /* has injured you */ /*81*/
Bitfield(mattackedu,1); /* attacked you on it's last turn */ /*82*/
Bitfield(housealert,1); /* won't accept house-based pacification */ /*83*/
Bitfield(mspiritual,1); /* Created by spirit power, doesn't count towards pet limit */ /*84*/
Bitfield(artnum,2); /* Created from an artifact. */ /*86*/
#define ART_GALATEA 2
Bitfield(notame,1);/* can't be tamed */ /*87*/
Bitfield(zombify,1);/* should rise as zombie */ /*88*/
Bitfield(ispolyp,1);/* is a polypoid being */ /*89*/
Bitfield(mdisrobe,1);/* disrobing */ /*90*/
Bitfield(mgoatmarked,1);/* will be eaten by the goat if you kill it this turn */ /*91*/
Bitfield(mflamemarked,1); /* monster was damaged by a silver flame weapon and will be sacced if they die */ /*92*/
Bitfield(myoumarked,1); /* monster was marked for cult sacrifice on your behalf */ /*93*/
Bitfield(mpetitioner,1);/* already dead (shouldn't leave a corpse) */ /*94*/
Bitfield(mdoubt,1);/* clerical spellcasting blocked */ /*95*/
Bitfield(menvy,1);/* wants only others stuff */ /*96*/
/*Monster madnesses*/
Bitfield(msanctity,1);/* can't attack women */ /*97*/
/** Needs improvement **/ Bitfield(mgluttony,1);/* eats food */ /*98*/
Bitfield(mfrigophobia,1);/* won't cross ice */ /*99*/
Bitfield(mcannibal,1);/* attacks same race, eats corpses */ /*100*/
Bitfield(mrage,1);/* berserk plus morale*/ /*101*/
Bitfield(margent,1);/* can't attack men, distracted by mirrors */ /*102*/
Bitfield(msuicide,1);/* doesn't defend self */ /*103*/
Bitfield(mnudist,1);/* takes off clothing */ /*104*/
Bitfield(mophidio,1);/* attacked by snakes */ /*105*/
Bitfield(marachno,1);/* attacked by spiders, can't attack women */ /*106*/
Bitfield(mentomo,1);/* attacked by insects */ /*107*/
Bitfield(mthalasso,1);/* attacked by seamonsters */ /*108*/
Bitfield(mhelmintho,1);/* attacked by wormy things */ /*109*/
Bitfield(mparanoid,1);/* attacks the wrong squares */ /*110*/
Bitfield(mtalons,1);/* won't use items */ /*111*/
Bitfield(mdreams,1);/* blasted by cthulhu while asleep */ /*112*/
Bitfield(msciaphilia,1);/* elevated spell failure and lowered accuracy while not in shadows */ /*113*/
Bitfield(mforgetful,1);/* can't use wizard spellcasting */ /*114*/
Bitfield(mapostasy,1);/* can't use priest spellcasting */ /*115*/
Bitfield(mtoobig,1);/* elevated spell failure */ /*116*/
Bitfield(mrotting,1);/* spreads poison clouds */ /*117*/
Bitfield(mspores,1); /* monster is being consumed by Zuggutmoy's spores */ /*118*/
Bitfield(mformication,1); /* monster is covered in imaginary insects */ /*119*/
Bitfield(mscorpions,1); /* monster is covered in stinging scorpions */ /*120*/
Bitfield(mvermin,1); /* monster is swarmed by stinging vermin */ /*120*/
Bitfield(mamnesia,1); /* monster is about to forget it hates the PC */ /*121*/
Bitfield(deadmonster,2); /* is DEADMONSTER */ /*122*/
#define DEADMONSTER(mon) ((mon) != &youmonst && (mon)->deadmonster)
Bitfield(mnoise,1); /* made noise in the last turn (dochug) */ /*124*/
Bitfield(marriving,1); /* monster is arriving on the level and should be placed when there's space */ /*125*/
Bitfield(brainblooms,1);/* should rise as brainblossom */ /*126*/
Bitfield(mibitemarked,1); /* monster was damaged by the ibite arm and will be sacced if they die */ /*127*/
Bitfield(mpassive,1); /* if tame, won't attack monsters ever */ /*128*/
unsigned long long int seenmadnesses; /* monster has seen these madnesses */
char mbdrown; /* drowning in blood */
char mtaneggs; /* tannin eggs */
long mwait;/* if tame, won't follow between levels (turn last ordered to wait on) */
int encouraged; /* affected by Encourage song */
int entangled_otyp;/* The monster is entangled, and in what? */
long entangled_oid;/* The monster is entangled, and in what? */
#define imprisoned(mon) ((mon)->entangled_otyp == SHACKLES || ((mon)->mtrapped && t_at((mon)->mx, (mon)->my) && t_at((mon)->mx, (mon)->my)->ttyp == VIVI_TRAP))
#define noactions(mon) ((mon)->entangled_oid || imprisoned(mon))
#define nonthreat(mon) (imprisoned(mon) || has_template(mon, PLAGUE_TEMPLATE))
#define helpless(mon) (mon->msleeping || !(mon->mcanmove) || !(mon->mnotlaugh) || noactions(mon))
#define helpless_still(mon) (mon->msleeping || !(mon->mcanmove) || noactions(mon))
long mstrategy; /* for monsters with mflag3: current strategy */
#define STRAT_ARRIVE 0x40000000L /* just arrived on current level */
#define STRAT_WAITFORU 0x20000000L
#define STRAT_CLOSE 0x10000000L
#define STRAT_WAITMASK 0x30000000L
#define STRAT_HEAL 0x08000000L
#define STRAT_GROUND 0x04000000L
#define STRAT_MONSTR 0x02000000L
#define STRAT_PLAYER 0x01000000L
#define STRAT_NONE 0x00000000L
#define STRAT_STRATMASK 0x0f000000L
#define STRAT_XMASK 0x00ff0000L
#define STRAT_YMASK 0x0000ff00L
#define STRAT_GOAL 0x000000ffL
#define STRAT_GOALX(s) ((xchar)((s & STRAT_XMASK) >> 16))
#define STRAT_GOALY(s) ((xchar)((s & STRAT_YMASK) >> 8))
long mtrapseen; /* bitmap of traps we've been trapped in */
long mlstmv; /* for catching up with lost time */
#ifndef GOLDOBJ
long mgold;
struct obj *minvent;
struct obj *mw;
struct obj *msw;
long misc_worn_check;
xchar weapon_check;
xchar combat_mode;
#define RANGED_MODE 0
#define HNDHND_MODE 1
int meating; /* monster is eating timeout */
/* faction to which monster belongs */
int mfaction;
#define FACTION_PADDING 1000 /* padding for Drow factions -- first one is 8 */
#define INCUBUS_FACTION FACTION_PADDING+1 /* male foocubus */
#define SUCCUBUS_FACTION FACTION_PADDING+2 /* female foocubus */
#define LAMASHTU_FACTION FACTION_PADDING+3 /* Lamashtu's angels */
#define HOLYDEAD_FACTION FACTION_PADDING+4 /* Angel-aligned undead */
#define YENDORIAN_FACTION FACTION_PADDING+5 /* The Yendorian army */
#define GOATMOM_FACTION FACTION_PADDING+6 /* Shubbie's faction */
#define QUEST_FACTION FACTION_PADDING+7 /* The Quest Leader's faction */
#define ILSENSINE_FACTION FACTION_PADDING+8 /* Ilsensine's faction, not allied with the Yendorian faction despite filling the same role */
#define SEROPAENES_FACTION FACTION_PADDING+9 /* Binder quest faction, not allied with the Yendorian faction despite filling the same role */
#define YELLOW_FACTION FACTION_PADDING+10 /* Hastur faction, not the same as the Yendorian faction, despite filling the same role in the Madman quest */
#define YOG_FACTION FACTION_PADDING+11 /* Yog-Sothoth faction */
#define NECROMANCY_FACTION FACTION_PADDING+12 /* Elf Necromacer's faction */
/* template applied to monster to create a new-ish monster */
int mtemplate;
#define ZOMBIFIED 1 /* zombies */
#define SKELIFIED 2 /* skeletons */
#define CRYSTALFIED 3 /* crystal dead */
#define FRACTURED 4 /* witness of the fracture */
#define VAMPIRIC 5 /* vampirified monster */
#define ILLUMINATED 6 /* illuminated monster */
#define PSEUDONATURAL 7 /* far-realms-touched monster */
#define TOMB_HERD 8 /* possessed statue */
#define YITH 9 /* possessed by the great race of yith */
#define CRANIUM_RAT 10 /* psychic rat */
#define MISTWEAVER 11 /* daughters of shubie */
#define DELOUSED 12 /* android flag: parasite is killed, but not host */
#define M_BLACK_WEB 13 /* Zombie with a shadow blade attack */
#define M_GREAT_WEB 14 /* Has a stronger shadow blade attack */
#define SLIME_REMNANT 15 /* slimey, like an ancient of corruption */
#define YELLOW_TEMPLATE 16 /* causes sleep and damages sanity */
#define DREAM_LEECH 17 /* sucks mental atributes */
#define MAD_TEMPLATE 18 /* mad angel template */
#define FALLEN_TEMPLATE 19 /* fallen angel template */
#define WORLD_SHAPER 20 /* plane-of-earth nastify */
#define MINDLESS 21 /* brain eaten by mind flayers */
#define POISON_TEMPLATE 22 /* turned evil by poison */
#define MOLY_TEMPLATE 23 /* off-turn snake-bite + insight */
#define PLAGUE_TEMPLATE 24 /* suffering from a life-drain plague, cure to recruit */
#define SPORE_ZOMBIE 25 /* fungus zombie */
#define CORDYCEPS 26 /* spore shedder */
#define PSURLON 27 /* psychic worm */
#define CONSTELLATION 28 /* star creature */
#define WHISPERING 29 /* Voidified */
//define HALF_DEMON FACTION_PADDING+1 /* half-demon ??? */
//define HALF_DEVIL FACTION_PADDING+2 /* half-devil ??? */
//define HALF_DRAGON FACTION_PADDING+3 /* half-dragon ??? */
int summonpwr; /* cumulative HD of summoned creatures */
//hatching situation
//larvatime (larva effects default or by hatchling, time default or by hatchling)
// time: AT_LARVA+x, where x=time, and AT_LARVA is large, 10000 or so.
long mvar1;
#define mvar_paleWarning mvar1
#define mvar_witchID mvar1
#define mvar_suryaID mvar1
#define mvar_huskID mvar1
#define mvar_syllable mvar1
#define mvar_vector mvar1
#define mvar_spList_1 mvar1
#define mvar_hdBreath mvar1
#define mvar_dreadPrayer_cooldown mvar1
#define mvar_dracaePreg mvar1
#define mvar_dollTypes mvar1
#define DOLLMAKER_EFFIGY 0x00001L
#define DOLLMAKER_JUMPING 0x00002L
#define DOLLMAKER_HEALTH 0x00040L
#define DOLLMAKER_HEALING 0x00080L
#define DOLLMAKER_MEMORY 0x00200L
#define DOLLMAKER_BINDING 0x00400L
#define mvar_tanninType mvar1
#define mvar_ancient_breath_cooldown mvar1
#define mvar_deminymph_role mvar1
#define mvar_flask_charges mvar1
#define MAX_FLASK_CHARGES(mtmp) (mtmp->m_lev/3)
#define mvar_yellow_lifesaved mvar1
#define mvar_twin_lifesaved mvar1
#define mvar_lucksucker mvar1
#define mvar_vermiurge mvar1
#define mvar_star_vampire_blood mvar1
#define mvar_elfwraith_target mvar1
long mvar2;
#define mvar_dracaePregTimer mvar2
#define mvar_spList_2 mvar2
#define mvar_dreadPrayer_progress mvar2
#define mvar_attack_pm mvar2
#define mvar_elfwraith_spell mvar2
long mvar3;
#define mvar_conversationTracker mvar3
#define mvar_lifesigns mvar3
#define has_lifesigns(mon) (mon->mtyp != PM_CHAOS && mon->mvar_lifesigns)
struct ls_t * light;
struct timer * timed;
union mextra * mextra_p;
* Out-of-date mextra information that hasn't been properly deprecated yet.
* isgd -> struct egd
* ispriest -> struct epri
* isshk -> struct eshk
* isminion -> struct emin
* mtame -> struct edog
* OLD:
* Since at most one structure can be indicated in this manner, it is not
* possible to tame any creatures using the other structures (the only
* exception being the guardian angels which are tame on creation).
#define dealloc_monst(mon) free((void *)(mon))
/* these are in mspeed */
#define MSLOW 1 /* slow monster */
#define MFAST 2 /* speeded monster */
#define MON_WEP(mon) ((mon)->mw)
#define MON_NOWEP(mon) ((mon)->mw = (struct obj *)0)
#define MON_SWEP(mon) ((mon)->msw)
#define MON_NOSWEP(mon) ((mon)->msw = (struct obj *)0)
#define MIGRATINGMONSTER(mon) ((mon) != &youmonst && !(mon)->mx && !(mon)->my)
#endif /* MONST_H */