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/* SCCS Id: @(#)monattk.h 3.4 2002/03/24 */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
/* Copyright 1988, M. Stephenson */
#ifndef MONATTK_H
#define MONATTK_H
/* Add new attack types below - ordering affects experience (exper.c).
* Attacks > AT_BUTT are worth extra experience.
#define AT_ANY (-1) /* fake attack; dmgtype_fromattack wildcard */
#define AT_NONE 0 /* passive monster (ex. acid blob) */
#define AT_CLAW 1 /* claw (punch, hit, etc.) */
#define AT_BITE 2 /* bite */
#define AT_KICK 3 /* kick */
#define AT_BUTT 4 /* head butt (ex. a unicorn) */
#define AT_TUCH 5 /* touches */
#define AT_STNG 6 /* sting */
#define AT_HUGS 7 /* crushing bearhug */
#define AT_SPIT 10 /* spits substance - ranged */
#define AT_ENGL 11 /* engulf (swallow or by a cloud) */
#define AT_BREA 12 /* breath - ranged */
#define AT_BRSH 13 /* breath - close-ranged splash */
#define AT_EXPL 14 /* explodes - proximity */
#define AT_BOOM 15 /* explodes when killed */
#define AT_GAZE 16 /* gaze - ranged, active, like pyrolisk */
#define AT_TENT 17 /* tentacles */
#define AT_ARRW 18 /* fire silver arrows from internal reservour. Other ammo created as needed. */
#define AT_WHIP 19 /* Whips you */
#define AT_LRCH 20 /* Reach attack */
#define AT_HODS 21 /* Hod Sephirah's mirror attack */
#define AT_LNCK 22 /* Bite attack with reach */
#define AT_MMGC 23 /* uses magic spell(s), but don't allow player spellcasting (Monster-only MaGiC) */
#define AT_ILUR 24 /* Two stage swallow attack, currently belongs to Illurien only */
#define AT_HITS 25 /* Automatic hit, no contact */
#define AT_WISP 26 /* Attack with wisps of mist, no contact */
#define AT_TNKR 27 /* Tinker attacks */
#define AT_SRPR 28 /* Phased non-contact attack, "spiritual rapier" */
#define AT_BEAM 29 /* non-contact ranged beam attack */
#define AT_DEVA 30 /* million-arm weapon attack */
#define AT_5SQR 31 /* five square reach touch */
#define AT_5SBT 32 /* five square reach bite */
#define AT_WDGZ 33 /* wide gaze - passive, like medusa */
#define AT_REND 34 /* hits if the previous two attacks hit, otherwise does nothing */
#define AT_VINE 35 /* Lashing vines */
#define AT_BKGT 36 /* Black-goat, resolves as a bite, kick, butt, tuch, or gaze */
#define AT_BKG2 37 /* Black-goat 2, resolves as a butt, tentacle suck, or gaze */
#define AT_XSPR 38 /* Phased non-contact attack, "spiritual rapier" (xweapon offhand version) */
#define AT_MSPR 39 /* Phased non-contact attack, "spiritual rapier" (marilith offhand version) */
#define AT_DSPR 40 /* Phased non-contact attack, "spiritual rapier" (million-arm mainhand version) */
#define AT_ESPR 41 /* Phased non-contact attack, "spiritual rapier" (non-hand floating version) */
#define AT_OBIT 42 /* "Other" bite. Medusa's hair, an ancient naga's canopy, and the ring armor's skirt */
#define AT_WBIT 43 /* Wolf-head bite */
#define AT_TAIL 44 /* Tail-slap */
#define AT_TONG 45 /* Tongue attack */
#define AT_WEAP 252 /* uses weapon */
#define AT_XWEP 253 /* uses offhanded weapon */
#define AT_MARI 254 /* uses (i-2)th unwielded weapon in inventory */
#define AT_MAGC 255 /* uses magic spell(s) */
#define weapon_aatyp(aatyp) ( \
(aatyp) == AT_WEAP || \
(aatyp) == AT_XWEP || \
(aatyp) == AT_MARI || \
(aatyp) == AT_DEVA || \
(aatyp) == AT_HODS \
#define spirit_rapier_at(aatyp) (\
(aatyp) == AT_SRPR || \
(aatyp) == AT_XSPR || \
(aatyp) == AT_MSPR || \
(aatyp) == AT_DSPR || \
(aatyp) == AT_ESPR \
#define is_bite_at(aatyp) (\
(aatyp) == AT_BITE\
|| (aatyp) == AT_LNCK\
|| (aatyp) == AT_5SBT\
|| (aatyp) == AT_OBIT\
|| (aatyp) == AT_WBIT\
#define is_insight_tentacle_at(aatyp) (\
(aatyp) == AT_TENT\
|| (aatyp) == AT_WISP\
/* Add new damage types below.
* Note that 1-10 correspond to the types of attack used in buzz().
* Please don't disturb the order unless you rewrite the buzz() code.
#define AD_ANY (-1) /* fake damage; attacktype_fordmg wildcard */
#define AD_PHYS 0 /* ordinary physical */
#define AD_MAGM 1 /* magic missiles */
#define AD_FIRE 2 /* fire damage */
#define AD_COLD 3 /* frost damage */
#define AD_SLEE 4 /* sleep ray */
#define AD_DISN 5 /* disintegration (death ray) */
#define AD_ELEC 6 /* shock damage */
#define AD_DRST 7 /* drains str (poison) */
#define AD_ACID 8 /* acid damage */
#define AD_SPC1 9 /* for extension of buzz() */
#define AD_SPC2 10 /* for extension of buzz() */
#define AD_BLND 11 /* blinds (yellow light) */
#define AD_STUN 12 /* stuns */
#define AD_SLOW 13 /* slows */
#define AD_PLYS 14 /* paralyses */
#define AD_DRLI 15 /* drains life levels */
#define AD_DREN 16 /* drains magic energy */
#define AD_LEGS 17 /* damages legs (xan) */
#define AD_STON 18 /* petrifies (Medusa, cockatrice) */
#define AD_STCK 19 /* sticks to you (mimic) */
#define AD_SGLD 20 /* steals gold (leppie) */
#define AD_SITM 21 /* steals item (nymphs) */
#define AD_SEDU 22 /* seduces & steals multiple items */
#define AD_TLPT 23 /* teleports you (Quantum Mech.) */
#define AD_RUST 24 /* rusts armour (Rust Monster)*/
#define AD_CONF 25 /* confuses (Umber Hulk) */
#define AD_DGST 26 /* digests opponent (trapper, etc.) */
#define AD_HEAL 27 /* DEPRICATED heals opponent's wounds (nurse) */
#define AD_WRAP 28 /* special "stick" for eels */
#define AD_WERE 29 /* confers lycanthropy */
#define AD_DRDX 30 /* drains dexterity (quasit) */
#define AD_DRCO 31 /* drains constitution */
#define AD_DRIN 32 /* drains intelligence (mind flayer) */
#define AD_DISE 33 /* confers diseases */
#define AD_DCAY 34 /* decays organics (brown Pudding) */
#define AD_SSEX 35 /* Succubus seduction (extended) */
/* If no SEDUCE then same as AD_SEDU */
#define AD_HALU 36 /* causes hallucination */
#define AD_DETH 37 /* for Death only */
#define AD_PEST 38 /* for Pestilence only */
#define AD_FAMN 39 /* for Famine only */
#define AD_SLIM 40 /* turns you into green slime */
#define AD_ENCH 41 /* remove enchantment (disenchanter) */
#define AD_CORR 42 /* corrode armor (black pudding) */
#define AD_POSN 43 /* poison damage */
#define AD_WISD 44 /* wisdom damage */
#define AD_VORP 45 /* vorpal strike */
#define AD_SHRD 46 /* shreads low enchantment armor, disenchants high ench armor */
#define AD_SLVR 47 /* arrows should be silver */
#define AD_BALL 48 /* arrows should be iron balls */
#define AD_BLDR 49 /* arrows should be boulders */
#define AD_VBLD 50 /* arrows should be boulders and fired in a random spread */
#define AD_TCKL 51 /* Tickle (Nightgaunts) */
#define AD_WET 52 /* Splash with water */
#define AD_LETHE 53 /* Splash with lethe water */
#define AD_BIST 54 /* yora hawk bisecting beak attack (not implemented) */
#define AD_CNCL 60 /* same effect as a wand of cancelation */
#define AD_DEAD 61 /* deadly gaze (gaze ONLY, please!) */
#define AD_SUCK 62 /* tries to suck you appart */
#define AD_MALK 63 /* tries immobalizes you and destroys wands */
#define AD_UVUU 64 /* Uvuudaum head spike attack */
#define AD_ABDC 65 /* Abduction attack, teleports you regardless of monster cancellation */
#define AD_KAOS 66 /* Spawn Chaos */
#define AD_LSEX 67 /* DEPRICATED? Lilith's seduction (extended) */
#define AD_HLBD 68 /* Asmodeus's blood */
#define AD_SPNL 69 /* Spawns Leviathan when used with AT_BOOM*/
#define AD_MIST 70 /* Mi-go mist projector. Works with AT_GAZE */
#define AD_TELE 71 /* Monster teleports away. Use for hit and run attacks */
#define AD_POLY 72 /* Monster alters your DNA (was for the now-defunct genetic enginier Q) */
#define AD_PSON 73 /* "Psionic" magic attacks. uses some from cleric and wiz */
#define AD_GROW 74 /* Monster causes a child to grow up upon death. 'ton special */
#define AD_SOUL 75 /* Monster causes like monsters to power up upon death. Deep One special */
#define AD_TENT 76 /* extended tentacle invasion (elder priest) */
#define AD_JAILER 77 /* Sets Lucifer to apear and drops third key of law when killed */
#define AD_AXUS 78 /* Multi-element counterattack, angers 'tons */
#define AD_UNKNWN 79 /* Priest of an unknown God */
#define AD_SOLR 80 /* Light Archon's silver arrow attack */
#define AD_CHKH 81 /* Chokhmah Sephirah's escalating damage attack */
#define AD_HODS 82 /* Hod Sephirah's mirror attack */
#define AD_CHRN 83 /* Nightmare's horn attack */
#define AD_LOAD 84 /* throws loadstones */
#define AD_GARO 85 /* blows up after dispensing rumor */
#define AD_GARO_MASTER 86 /* blows up after dispensing oracle */
#define AD_LVLT 87 /* level teleport (was weeping angel) */
#define AD_BLNK 88 /* mental invasion (weeping angel) */
#define AD_WEEP 89 /* Level teleport and drain (weeping angel) */
#define AD_SPOR 90 /* generate spore */
#define AD_FNEX 91 /* FerN spore EXplosion */
#define AD_SSUN 92 /* Slaver Sunflower gaze */
#define AD_MAND 93 /* Mandrake's dying shriek (kills all on level, use w/ AT_BOOM) */
#define AD_BARB 94 /* Physical damage retalitory attack */
#define AD_LUCK 95 /* Luck-draining gaze (UnNetHack) */
#define AD_VAMP 96 /* Vampire's blood drain attack */
#define AD_WEBS 97 /* Spreads webbing on a hit */
#define AD_ILUR 98 /* memory draining engulf attack belonging to Illurien */
#define AD_TNKR 99 /* Tinker attacks */
#define AD_FRWK 100 /* "Firework" explosions */
#define AD_STDY 101 /* Monster studies you, other monsters do more damage. */
#define AD_OONA 102 /* Oona's variable energy type and v and e spawning */
#define AD_NTZC 103 /* netzach sephiroth's anti-equipment attack */
#define AD_WTCH 104 /* The Watcher in the water's tentacle-spawning gaze */
#define AD_SHDW 105 /* Black Web shadow weapons */
#define AD_STTP 106 /* Steal by Teleportation: Teleports your gear away */
#define AD_HDRG 107 /* Half-dragon breath weapon */
#define AD_STAR 108 /* Silver starlight rapier */
#define AD_EELC 109 /* Elemental electric */
#define AD_EFIR 110 /* Elemental fire */
#define AD_EDRC 111 /* Elemental poison (con) */
#define AD_ECLD 112 /* Elemental cold */
#define AD_EACD 113 /* Elemental acid */
#define AD_CNFT 114 /* War's conflict-inducing touch */
#define AD_BLUD 115 /* Sword of Blood inflicts heavy damage on creatures with blood */
#define AD_SURY 116 /* Surya Deva's arrow of slaying */
#define AD_NPDC 117 /* drains constitution (not poison) */
#define AD_GLSS 118 /* silver mirror shards */
#define AD_MERC 119 /* mercury blade */
#define AD_GOLD 120 /* goldify (only implemented for mammon's breath attack!) */
#define AD_ACFR 121 /* Archon fire (1x Phys, +1x Fire, +1x Holy) */
#define AD_DESC 122 /* Suck water out of the target */
#define AD_BLAS 123 /* Blaspheme on the target's behaf */
#define AD_SESN 124 /* 4 seasons attack */
#define AD_POLN 125 /* Cover in pollen */
#define AD_BDFN 126 /* Blood Frenzy */
#define AD_SPHR 127 /* Creates spheres */
#define AD_DARK 128 /* Does extra damage to mortal races */
#define AD_LRVA 129 /* Implants eggs (tannin special attack) */
#define AD_NPDS 133 /* Non-poison-based drain strength */
#define AD_NPDD 134 /* Non-poison-based drain dexterity */
#define AD_NPDR 135 /* Non-poison-based drain charisma */
#define AD_NPDA 136 /* Non-poison-based drain all */
#define AD_HOOK 130 /* Flesh hooks (imobalize target) */
#define AD_MDWP 131 /* Mindwipe (amnesia-based leveldrain) */
#define AD_SSTN 132 /* Slow stoning */
#define AD_DOBT 137 /* Inflict doubt */
#define AD_APCS 138 /* Revelatory whispers */
#define AD_PULL 139 /* Pull target closer */
#define AD_PAIN 140 /* Crippling pain */
#define AD_MROT 141 /* Mummy rot/other curses */
#define AD_NUKE 142 /* Physical digging large explosion */
#define AD_LASR 143 /* Part physical part fire laser ray */
#define AD_ROCK 144 /*Throws a rock, used by Shiro*/
#define AD_RNBW 145 /*Iris special attack. */
#define AD_JACK 146 /*Jack hella huge explosion on death*/
#define AD_YANK 147 /*yank ya to em marionette*/
#define AD_PAIM 148 /*Paimon exploding book attack*/
#define AD_ALIG 149 /*A realigning experience*/
#define AD_SPIR 150 /*Let out the spirits*/
#define AD_NUDZ 151 /*Mirror blast*/
#define AD_COSM 152 /*Crystal memories*/
#define AD_CRYS 153 /*throw crystal*/
#define AD_WHIS 154 /*whisper your darkest fears*/
#define AD_BOLT 155 /*Blaster bolt fire*/
#define AD_LAVA 156 /* Lava effects while stuck */
#define AD_PYCL 157 /* Fire, poison, phys, or blindness effects */
#define AD_MOON 158 /* Silver moonlight rapier, depends on phase of moon */
#define AD_LOKO 159 /*Lokoban prize loot*/
#define AD_HOLY 160 /* Holy energy (MM-stype damage not resisted by MR and doubled against holy-haters) */
#define AD_UNHY 161 /* Unholy energy (MM-stype damage not resisted by MR and doubled against unholy-haters) */
#define AD_PERH 162 /* "Per-Hit-Die damage (x damage per HD of the defender, be careful with damage die size!) */
#define AD_SVPN 163 /* Severe poison that partially pierces poison resistance */
#define AD_HLUH 164 /* Holy/Unholy energy (MM-stype damage not resisted by MR and doubled against both holy- and unholy-haters) */
#define AD_TSMI 165 /* Tentacles Steal Magic Items */
#define AD_BYAK 166 /* Byakhee eggs */
#define AD_BSTR 167 /* Black star rapier */
#define AD_UNRV 168 /* Unnerving gaze */
#define AD_MADF 169 /* Madness fire */
#define AD_FATK 170 /* Force target to attack */
#define AD_INK 171 /* Octopode ink */
//#define AD_AHAZU 116 /* */
//Amon is a headbutt (AT_BUTT/AD_PHYS)
//Chupoclops is a poisonous bite (AT_BITE/AD_DRST)
#define AD_DUNSTAN 172
//#define AD_VMSL 124 //Vorlon missile: elect, disintegration, blast. Triple damage.
#define AD_CMSL AD_SIMURGH+1 //Cold missile
#define AD_FMSL AD_SIMURGH+2 //Fire missile
#define AD_EMSL AD_SIMURGH+3 //Electric missile
#define AD_SMSL AD_SIMURGH+4 //Shrapnel missile: physical
//#define AD_VTGT 129 //Vorlon targeting GAZE
#define AD_WMTG AD_SIMURGH+5 //War machine targeting GAZE
#define AD_CLRC AD_WMTG+1 /* random clerical spell */
#define AD_SPEL AD_CLRC+1 /* random magic spell */
#define AD_RBRE AD_CLRC+2 /* random breath weapon */
#define AD_RGAZ AD_CLRC+3 /* random gaze attack */
#define AD_RETR AD_CLRC+4 /* elemental gaze attack */
#define AD_SAMU AD_CLRC+5 /* hits, may steal Amulet (Wizard) */
#define AD_CURS AD_CLRC+6 /* random curse (ex. gremlin) */
#define AD_SQUE AD_CLRC+7 /* hits, may steal Quest Art or Amulet (Nemeses) */
#define real_spell_adtyp(adtyp) \
((adtyp) == AD_SPEL || (adtyp) == AD_CLRC || (adtyp) == AD_PSON)
* Special fun bitmasks for Numina attack
* */
#define WH_NONE 0x00000000L
#define WH_GENO 0x00000001L
#define WH_OPOLY 0x00000002L
#define WH_UPOLY 0x00000004L
#define WH_WISH 0x00000008L
#define WH_AWISH 0x00000010L
#define no_contact_attk(attk) (\
(spirit_rapier_at(attk->aatyp) && attk->adtyp != AD_MERC) || \
attk->aatyp == AT_WISP || attk->aatyp == AT_HITS)
* Monster to monster attacks. When a monster attacks another (mattackm),
* any or all of the following can be returned. See mattackm() for more
* details.
#define MM_MISS 0x00 /* aggressor missed */
#define MM_HIT 0x01 /* aggressor hit defender */
#define MM_DEF_DIED 0x02 /* defender died */
#define MM_AGR_DIED 0x04 /* aggressor died */
#define MM_AGR_STOP 0x08 /* aggressor stopped attacking for some reason other than being fully dead */
#define MM_DEF_LSVD 0x10 /* defender died and was lifesaved */
#define MM_REFLECT 0x20 /* for projectiles: projectile was reflected. */
#endif /* MONATTK_H */