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mirror of https://codeberg.org/noisytoot/notnotdnethack.git synced 2024-09-19 14:05:02 +01:00
Ron Nazarov fcbf7d8418
New option: QUERYTYPE (and querytype_regex)
Works a bit like msgtype but applies to y/n prompts.  Can be used to
switch certain prompts to y/n or yes/no based on if they match a
regex (if querytype_regex is set) or a pattern, like an extended
paranoid.  querytype_regex defaults to FALSE, like all the
other *_regex options (except menucolor_regex).  Only applies to
things that call yn/yesno, not those that call yn_function directly.
Anything that calls yn_function directly and can be converted, should

 # Make edibility prompts yes/no
 QUERYTYPE=yesno ".*Eat it anyway.*"
 # Make paranoid_self_cast prompt y/n
 QUERYTYPE=yn "^Are you sure you want to cast that spell at yourself\?$"
 # Reset everything to default
 #QUERYTYPE=default ".*"

-Change a few uses of yn_function to yn so they work with querytype.
-Make msgtype use xchar consistently.
-Change the prompt for eating artifact eyeballs to yes/no by default.
 Maybe the cannibalism prompts should be yes/no by default too?
2024-05-11 15:43:00 +01:00

471 lines
21 KiB

/* SCCS Id: @(#)flag.h 3.4 2002/08/22 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
/* If you change the flag structure make sure you increment EDITLEVEL in */
/* patchlevel.h if needed. Changing the instance_flags structure does */
/* not require incrementing EDITLEVEL. */
#ifndef FLAG_H
#define FLAG_H
* Persistent flags that are saved and restored with the game.
struct flag {
boolean autodig; /* MRKR: Automatically dig */
boolean autoquiver; /* Automatically fill quiver */
boolean beginner;
#ifdef MAIL
boolean biff; /* enable checking for mail */
boolean botl; /* partially redo status line */
boolean botlx; /* print an entirely new bottom line */
boolean debug; /* in debugging mode */
#define wizard flags.debug
boolean end_own; /* list all own scores */
boolean explore; /* in exploration mode */
boolean fast_map; /* use optimized, less flexible map display */
#define discover flags.explore
boolean female;
boolean forcefight;
boolean friday13; /* it's Friday the 13th */
boolean help; /* look in data file for info about stuff */
boolean ignintr; /* ignore interrupts */
boolean ins_chkpt; /* checkpoint as appropriate */
boolean invlet_constant; /* let objects keep their inventory symbol */
boolean legacy; /* print game entry "story" */
boolean lit_corridor; /* show a dark corr as lit if it is in sight */
boolean made_amulet;
boolean makelev_closerooms; /* allow rooms to be placed very close to each other, causing overlaps and merges*/
boolean mon_moving; /* monsters' turn to move */
boolean run_timers; /* run timers as soon as possible (probably to desummon items) */
boolean drgn_brth; /* for use with breath weapons, indicates that a dragon is breathing */
boolean phasing; /* Etherealoid phasing in or out*/
boolean mv; /* player is doing a multi-tile movement */
boolean bypasses; /* bypass flag is set on at least one fobj */
boolean nap; /* `timed_delay' option for display effects */
boolean nopick; /* do not pickup objects (as when running) */
boolean null; /* OK to send nulls to the terminal */
boolean perm_invent; /* keep full inventories up until dismissed */
boolean pickup; /* whether you pickup or move and look */
boolean pushweapon; /* When wielding, push old weapon into second slot */
boolean rest_on_space; /* space means rest */
boolean safe_dog; /* give complete protection to the dog */
boolean showexp; /* show experience points */
boolean showscore; /* show score */
boolean silent; /* whether the bell rings or not */
boolean sortpack; /* sorted inventory */
boolean soundok; /* ok to tell about sounds heard */
boolean sparkle; /* show "resisting" special FX (Scott Bigham) */
boolean standard_polearms; /* use the old polearm targeting system */
boolean petsafe_polearms; /* don't suggest pets as polearm targets */
boolean peacesafe_polearms; /* don't suggest peacefuls as polearm targets */
boolean relative_polearms; /* letter targets starting with a, not based on location. */
boolean standout; /* use standout for --More-- */
boolean suppress_hurtness; /* hides "uninjured" "bloody" "damaged" monster prefixes */
boolean time; /* display elapsed 'time' */
boolean timeoutOrder; /* display spirits and powers in order of timeout */
boolean tombstone; /* print tombstone */
boolean toptenwin; /* ending list in window instead of stdout */
boolean verbose; /* max battle info */
boolean prayconfirm; /* confirm before praying */
int move; /* type[s] of action taken by player's last input/action */
int movetoprint;
int movetoprintcost;
#define MOVE_DEFAULT 0x04000 /* equivalent to Standard unless another move is layered overtop, in which case it is ignored */
#define MOVE_CANCELLED 0x08000 /* Like move instant, but does not update the bottom line. Use for cancelled actions and non-functional menus, etc */
#define MOVE_FINISHED_OCCUPATION 0x10000 /* finished an occupation; does not affect action time */
#define MOVE_STANDARD 0x00001 /* player did a general action -- takes 1 standard turn */
#define MOVE_INSTANT 0x00002 /* player did an action that should take no time */
#define MOVE_PARTIAL 0x00004 /* player did a general action -- takes no time for the first instance, 1 standard turn after, resets on non-instant action */
#define MOVE_MOVED 0x00008 /* player moved */
#define MOVE_ATTACKED 0x00010 /* player made a weapon attack */
#define MOVE_QUAFFED 0x00020 /* player quaffed a potion (or sink/fountain) */
#define MOVE_ZAPPED 0x00040 /* player zapped a wand */
#define MOVE_READ 0x00080 /* player read a book, scroll, or other readable */
#define MOVE_CASTSPELL 0x00100 /* player cast a spell */
#define MOVE_ATE 0x00200 /* player ate food */
#define MOVE_FIRED 0x00400 /* player properly fired ammo, using a launcher or intrinsic launching means, NOT a standard thrown object. */
int end_top, end_around; /* describe desired score list */
unsigned ident; /* social security number for each monster */
unsigned moonphase;
unsigned long suppress_alert;
#define NEW_MOON 0
#define FULL_MOON 4
unsigned no_of_wizards; /* 0, 1 or 2 (wizard and his shadow) */
boolean travel; /* find way automatically to u.tx,u.ty */
unsigned run; /* 0: h (etc), 1: H (etc), 2: fh (etc) */
/* 3: FH, 4: ff+, 5: ff-, 6: FF+, 7: FF- */
/* 8: travel */
unsigned long warntypem; /* warn_of_mon monster type MM */
unsigned long warntypet; /* warn_of_mon monster type MT */
unsigned long warntypeb; /* warn_of_mon monster type MB */
unsigned long warntypeg; /* warn_of_mon monster type MG */
unsigned long warntypea; /* warn_of_mon monster type MA */
unsigned long warntypev; /* warn_of_mon monster type MV */
unsigned long long montype; /* warn_of_mon monster type bitshifted S_ */
int warnlevel;
int djinni_count, ghost_count; /* potion effect tuning */
int pickup_burden; /* maximum burden before prompt */
char inv_order[MAXOCLASSES];
char pickup_types[MAXOCLASSES];
char end_disclose[NUM_DISCLOSURE_OPTIONS + 1]; /* disclose various info
upon exit */
char menu_style; /* User interface style setting */
int questvar; /* quest variant */
#define questprogress questvar
boolean stag; /* turned stag during the quest, re-used to track if the Anachrononaut has completed their extra task */
boolean leader_backstab; /* your leader is attacking you */
boolean made_bell; /* the bell of opening has been created */
boolean spore_level; /* the current level has a spore-spreading monster */
boolean slime_level; /* the current level has a slime-spreading monster */
boolean walky_level; /* the current level has a undead-raising monster */
boolean shade_level; /* the current level has a shade-casting monster */
boolean yello_level; /* the current level has the attention of the King in Yellow */
boolean goldka_level; /* the current level has a gold kamerel golem on it */
boolean silence_level; /* the current level has an avatar of The Silence on it */
boolean spriest_level; /* the current level has a priest of the serpent on it */
boolean made_first; /* the first word slab has been created */
boolean made_divide; /* the dividing word slab has been created */
boolean made_life; /* the nurturing word slab has been created */
boolean made_know; /* the word of knowledge slab has been created */
boolean made_twin; /* your yog sothoth twin has been created */
boolean disp_inv; /* currently displaying inventory, use separate obuf list */
/* KMH, role patch -- Variables used during startup.
* If the user wishes to select a role, race, gender, and/or alignment
* during startup, the choices should be recorded here. This
* might be specified through command-line options, environmental
* variables, a popup dialog box, menus, etc.
* These values are each an index into an array. They are not
* characters or letters, because that limits us to 26 roles.
* They are not booleans, because someday someone may need a neuter
* gender. Negative values are used to indicate that the user
* hasn't yet specified that particular value. If you determine
* that the user wants a random choice, then you should set an
* appropriate random value; if you just left the negative value,
* the user would be asked again!
* These variables are stored here because the u structure is
* cleared during character initialization, and because the
* flags structure is restored for saved games. Thus, we can
* use the same parameters to build the role entry for both
* new and restored games.
* These variables should not be referred to after the character
* is initialized or restored (specifically, after role_init()
* is called).
int initrole; /* starting role (index into roles[]) */
int initrace; /* starting race (index into races[]) */
int initgend; /* starting gender (index into genders[]) */
int initalign; /* starting alignment (index into aligns[]) */
int initspecies; /* starting species (index into species[]) */
int descendant; /* start as descendant */
int chaosvar; /* Set chaos variant */
int randomall; /* randomly assign everything not specified */
int pantheon; /* deity selection for priest character */
int racial_pantheon; /* racial deity selection */
int panLgod; /* deity selection for binder character */
int panNgod; /* deity selection for binder character */
int panCgod; /* deity selection for binder character */
int HDbreath; /* half-dragon breath weapon type*/
int altrace;
* Flags that are set each time the game is started.
* These are not saved with the game.
/* values for iflags.attack_mode */
#define ATTACK_MODE_CHAT 'c'
#define ATTACK_MODE_ASK 'a'
/* values for iflags.pokedex */
#define POKEDEX_SHOW_STATS 0x0001
#define POKEDEX_SHOW_WEIGHT 0x0004
#define POKEDEX_SHOW_MM 0x0020
#define POKEDEX_SHOW_MT 0x0040
#define POKEDEX_SHOW_MB 0x0080
#define POKEDEX_SHOW_MG 0x0100
#define POKEDEX_SHOW_MA 0x0200
#define POKEDEX_SHOW_MV 0x0400
#define POKEDEX_SHOW_WARDS 0x2000
struct instance_flags {
boolean debug_fuzzer; /* fuzz testing */
char attack_mode; /* attack, refrain or ask to attack monsters */
boolean cbreak; /* in cbreak mode, rogue format */
boolean classic_status; /* What kind of horizontal statusbar to use */
boolean classic_colors; /* Use traditional curses colors (normally terminal settings)? */
boolean cursesgraphics; /* Use portable curses extended characters */
boolean DECgraphics; /* use DEC VT-xxx extended character set */
boolean echo; /* 1 to echo characters */
boolean IBMgraphics; /* use IBM extended character set */
boolean UTF8graphics; /* use UTF-8 characters */
int supports_utf8; /* if the terminal supports utf8 */
unsigned msg_history; /* hint: # of top lines to save */
boolean num_pad; /* use numbers for movement commands */
boolean news; /* print news */
boolean window_inited; /* true if init_nhwindows() completed */
boolean vision_inited; /* true if vision is ready */
boolean menu_tab_sep; /* Use tabs to separate option menu fields */
boolean mod_turncount; /* Mod the turncount by 10 so it doesn't take up so much space */
boolean menu_requested; /* Flag for overloaded use of 'm' prefix
* on some non-move commands */
uchar num_pad_mode;
int bones;
int menu_headings; /* ATR for menu headings */
int purge_monsters; /* # of dead monsters still on fmon list */
int *opt_booldup; /* for duplication of boolean opts in config file */
int *opt_compdup; /* for duplication of compound opts in config file */
uchar bouldersym; /* symbol for boulder display */
boolean travel1; /* first travel step */
coord travelcc; /* coordinates for travel_cache */
boolean door_opened; /* set to true if door was opened during test_move */
boolean qwertz_movement; /* replace y with z for this key layout */
boolean simplemail; /* simple mail format $NAME:$MESSAGE */
#ifdef WIZARD
boolean sanity_check; /* run sanity checks */
boolean mon_polycontrol; /* debug: control monster polymorphs */
char prevmsg_window; /* type of old message window to use */
#if defined(TTY_GRAPHICS) || defined(CURSES_GRAPHICS)
boolean extmenu; /* extended commands use menu interface */
boolean use_menu_color; /* use color in menus; only if wc_color */
#ifdef WIN_EDGE
boolean win_edge; /* are the menus aligned left&top */
boolean use_status_colors; /* use color in status line; only if wc_color */
boolean hitpointbar;
boolean lan_mail; /* mail is initialized */
boolean lan_mail_fetched; /* mail is awaiting display */
boolean show_born; /* show numbers of created monsters */
char sortloot; /* sort items to loot alphabetically */
boolean paranoid_self_cast; /* Ask for 'yes' when casting certain spells at yourself (using . ) */
boolean paranoid_hit; /* Ask for 'yes' when hitting peacefuls */
boolean paranoid_quit; /* Ask for 'yes' when quitting */
boolean paranoid_remove; /* Always show menu for 'T' and 'R' */
boolean paranoid_swim; /* Require 'm' prefix to move into water/lava/air unless it's safe */
boolean paranoid_wand_break; /* Ask for 'yes' when breaking a wand */
boolean no_forget_map; /* Amnesia doesn't blank map layouts. */
#ifdef USE_TILES
boolean vt_nethack;
boolean autoopen; /* open doors by walking into them */
boolean quiver_fired;
boolean pickup_thrown;
boolean msgtype_regex;
boolean ape_regex;
boolean menucolor_regex;
boolean querytype_regex;
boolean usersound_regex;
boolean show_shop_prices;
boolean item_use_menu;
boolean notice_walls;
boolean use_menu_glyphs;
boolean hilite_hidden_stairs;
boolean hilite_obj_piles;
boolean role_obj_names;
boolean obscure_role_obj_names;
boolean dnethack_start_text;
boolean artifact_descriptors;
boolean force_artifact_names;
boolean dnethack_dungeon_colors;
boolean invweight;
boolean quick_m_abilities;
boolean default_template_hilite;
long long statuseffects;
int statuslines;
int pokedex; /* default monster stats to show in the pokedex */
boolean save_uinwater; /* tracks if we're actually buried etc. for #terrain*/
boolean save_uburied;
boolean save_uswallow;
boolean autodescribe;
* Window capability support.
boolean wc_color; /* use color graphics */
boolean wc_hilite_pet; /* hilight pets (blue) */
boolean wc_hilite_peaceful; /* hilight peaceful monsters (brown) */
boolean wc_zombie_z; /* show zombies as Z of monster's color */
boolean wc_hilite_detected; /* hilight detected monsters (magenta) */
boolean wc_ascii_map; /* show map using traditional ascii */
boolean wc_tiled_map; /* show map using tiles */
boolean wc_preload_tiles; /* preload tiles into memory */
int wc_tile_width; /* tile width */
int wc_tile_height; /* tile height */
char *wc_tile_file; /* name of tile file;overrides default */
boolean wc_inverse; /* use inverse video for some things */
int wc_align_status; /* status win at top|bot|right|left */
int wc_align_message; /* message win at top|bot|right|left */
int wc_vary_msgcount; /* show more old messages at a time */
char *wc_foregrnd_menu; /* points to foregrnd color name for menu win */
char *wc_backgrnd_menu; /* points to backgrnd color name for menu win */
char *wc_foregrnd_message; /* points to foregrnd color name for msg win */
char *wc_backgrnd_message; /* points to backgrnd color name for msg win */
char *wc_foregrnd_status; /* points to foregrnd color name for status win */
char *wc_backgrnd_status; /* points to backgrnd color name for status win */
char *wc_foregrnd_text; /* points to foregrnd color name for text win */
char *wc_backgrnd_text; /* points to backgrnd color name for text win */
char *wc_font_map; /* points to font name for the map win */
char *wc_font_message; /* points to font name for message win */
char *wc_font_status; /* points to font name for status win */
char *wc_font_menu; /* points to font name for menu win */
char *wc_font_text; /* points to font name for text win */
int wc_fontsiz_map; /* font size for the map win */
int wc_fontsiz_message; /* font size for the message window */
int wc_fontsiz_status; /* font size for the status window */
int wc_fontsiz_menu; /* font size for the menu window */
int wc_fontsiz_text; /* font size for text windows */
int wc_scroll_amount; /* scroll this amount at scroll_margin */
int wc_scroll_margin; /* scroll map when this far from
the edge */
int wc_map_mode; /* specify map viewing options, mostly
for backward compatibility */
int wc_player_selection; /* method of choosing character */
boolean wc_splash_screen; /* display an opening splash screen or not */
boolean wc_popup_dialog; /* put queries in pop up dialogs instead of
in the message window */
boolean wc_eight_bit_input; /* allow eight bit input */
boolean wc_mouse_support; /* allow mouse support */
boolean wc2_fullscreen; /* run fullscreen */
boolean wc2_softkeyboard; /* use software keyboard */
boolean wc2_wraptext; /* wrap text */
int wc2_term_cols; /* terminal width, in characters */
int wc2_term_rows; /* terminal height, in characters */
int wc2_windowborders; /* display borders on NetHack windows */
int wc2_petattr; /* points to text attributes for pet */
boolean wc2_guicolor; /* allow colors in GUI (outside map) */
boolean wc2_darkgray; /* try to use PC dark-gray color
* to represent black object */
boolean botl_updates;
boolean hp_notify;
char *hp_notify_fmt;
boolean old_C_behaviour;
boolean show_buc;
boolean show_obj_sym;
boolean cmdassist; /* provide detailed assistance for some commands */
boolean obsolete; /* obsolete options can point at this, it isn't used */
/* Items which belong in flags, but are here to allow save compatibility */
boolean lootabc; /* use "a/b/c" rather than "o/i/b" when looting */
boolean showrace; /* show hero glyph by race rather than by role */
boolean travelcmd; /* allow travel command */
int travelplus;/* how far travel command should attempt to path through the unknown */
int runmode; /* update screen display during run moves */
int delay_length; /* length of delay for delay_output */
int wizlevelport; /* options for ^V in wizmode */
int wizcombatdebug; /* options for combat debug messages (damage, accuracy) */
struct autopickup_exception *autopickup_exceptions[2];
#define AP_LEAVE 0
#define AP_GRAB 1
boolean showrealtime; /* show actual elapsed time */
struct {
int set;
int fg;
int bg;
char symbol;
} monstertemplate[MAXTEMPLATE];
* Old deprecated names
#define eight_bit_tty wc_eight_bit_input
#define use_color wc_color
#define hilite_pet wc_hilite_pet
#define hilite_peaceful wc_hilite_peaceful
#define hilite_detected wc_hilite_detected
#define use_inverse wc_inverse
#define preload_tiles wc_preload_tiles
extern struct flag flags;
extern struct instance_flags iflags;
/* runmode options */
#define RUN_TPORT 0 /* don't update display until movement stops */
#define RUN_LEAP 1 /* update display every 7 steps */
#define RUN_STEP 2 /* update display every single step */
#define RUN_CRAWL 3 /* walk w/ extra delay after each update */
/* wizlevelport options */
#define WIZLVLPORT_TRADITIONAL 0 /* Select levels directly */
#define WIZLVLPORT_TWOMENU 1 /* Select a branch, then a level in that branch */
#define WIZLVLPORT_BRANCHES_FIRST 2 /* With TWOMENU, don't show levels in each branch during 1st selection */
#define WIZLVLPORT_SELECTED_DUNGEON 4 /* With TWOMENU, only show the levels of the selected branch during 2nd selection */
/* wizcombatdebug options */
#define WIZCOMBATDEBUG_APPLIES(magr, mdef) \
(iflags.wizcombatdebug & ( WIZCOMBATDEBUG_MVM | \
(((magr) == &youmonst) ? WIZCOMBATDEBUG_UVM : 0) | \
(((mdef) == &youmonst) ? WIZCOMBATDEBUG_MVU : 0) \
/* monstertemplate options */
#endif /* FLAG_H */