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Chris-plus-alphanumericgibberish 5901b7c7ca Uploading current NAO sources
Thanks, kerio!
2013-10-15 16:49:44 -04:00

595 lines
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General Fixes and Modified Features
prevent an extraneous selection prompt when a role with only a single
possible gender, race, or align is specified
be consistent with the use of twice and thrice in end of game reports
use "kill" vs "destroy" more consistently
looting bag of tricks on the floor doesn't then prompt for direction
suppress "the" in "you kill the poor Fido"
iron bars added to the Dark One's prison
shouldn't be able to #loot without hands
level compiler can specify cockatrice nests, leprechaun halls, antholes
fix level compiler to allow specifying golems via '\'' in MONSTER directives
fix bug where excalibur blasted lawful non-Knights
unification of the strings "he"/"him"/"his"
conflict caused vanishing vault guards to be killed with player getting
credit/blame (also dmonsfree warning for double removal from map)
monsters' conflict resistance check was unintentionally being affected by
character's experience level
stone-to-flesh was accessing freed memory, passing bad map coordinates
to newsym that might be harmless but could trigger a crash
prevent spurious "placing steed on map?" impossibles during save/restore
prevent real "placing steed on map?" impossibility [sic] when creating bones
dropping secondary or quivered weapon to lighten load in order to crawl
out of water left the item flagged as still worn
if #adjust combined two or more of main weapon, alternate weapon, and quiver
the resulting stack would be flagged as worn in multiple slots and
eventually trigger "Setworn: mask = ##." impossibility
remove curse operated on secondary weapon even though it wasn't wielded
update conduct immediately when eating corpses (character killed by eating
poisonous corpse as first meal was described as "strict vegan")
fix problem with amulets of change when polymorphed into succubus/incubus
YAFM for pit fiends/pit vipers and pits should require seeing the monster
woodchucks, cockatrices, and vampire bats should eat
specifying a non-numeric value for amount when donating to temple priest or
bribing demon prince produced random result
mastodons can tear through webs
praying on wrong deity's altar cursed holy water but ignored uncursed water
polymorphed player's gaze now works properly as a pyrolisk
fix "You drop the Wizard of Yendor's corpse into Wizard of Yendor's interior."
make sure status line gets updated when turning-into-slime state changes
when eating green slime, don't reset slime countdown if already infected
stop current activity when you noticed you're turning into slime
message given when displacing an unnamed pet into a polymorph trapped referred
to it by its new monster type rather than by what you displaced
player killed by ghoul turns into one in the bones file
slings are not made of wood
for post-amnesia deja vu messages, use "seems" rather than "looks" when blind
avoid encumberance messages during startup attribute adjusting
even a wumpus cannot escape the pits in Sokoban
when a steed dies in a shop, don't charge for the saddle
shopkeeper did not charge for use of an unpaid camera
shopkeeper did not charge for items burned by breaking a wand of fire
shopkeeper should charge when you transmute a potion
shk notices if you use a grappling hook to remove an item from the shop
adjust robbed shopkeeper's feedback when he or she plunders hero's corpse
avoid giving away which monsters are saddled while hallucinating
when polymorphed into a herbivorous monster, you should prefer vegan "corpses"
when polymorphed into a hider, stop hiding after picking up the last object
at a location
throwing a wielded, returning weapon should not disable twoweapon mode
monster should not wield cockatrice corpse without gloves on
sharks have thick skin
better message when killed by drinking a potion of sickness from a sink
telepathically detected monsters will be described by name if they try
to attack praying character
taking cockatrice from or putting it into a container should stone you
if you are unprotected
don't fall into pits (or other traps) twice when dismounting
fix two weapon combat bonus/penalty to avoid "weapon_hit_bonus: bad skill 2"
unicorns were at a disadvantage on a noteleport level
missing a cockatrice when polymorphed into a weapon-using monster but
fighting hand-to-hand would stone the player
eliminate ghoul creation abuse when engraving on a headstone
loss of levitation due to a sink will result in touching a wielded cockatrice
corpse, just like falling down stairs while burdened
falling into a sink when constitution is greater than 20 won't raise hit points
stinking cloud should not affect migrating monsters, causes dmonsfree error
only display message about monster using a weapon against another monster
if you can see the monster
don't count artifact amulets (wizard's quest artifact) twice in final score
prevent pets from picking up Rider corpses
when polymorphed into a centaur, don't keep kicking monsters after they die
when throwing at a monster that you see with infravision, don't say "it"
avoid "the arrow misses the mimic" which left the mimic concealed
#sit while water walking over a submerged object should sit on the water's
surface rather than on that unreachable object
suppress extra "the" when printing the names of certain mplayers
do not try to engulf green slimes (same as for cockatrices)
trying to eat the brains of a green slime is now properly handled for players
monsters touching cockatrices check boots for feet and nothing for tentacles
if being petrified, don't disable messages from further petrify attacks
trap detection would generally not find trapped doors
avoid spurious done eating message after choking and vomiting
attribute distribution for several player types did not add up
monsters shouldn't try to eat green slime as a cure for stoning
lighting of arboreal levels should not be stopped by trees
need to recalculate visible locations immediately when monster blinds player
monsters shouldn't see through walls because player wears Eyes of the Overworld
when pricing glass the same as valuable gems, be sure to use gems of same color
nymph stealing armor from a fainted player should wake the player
ensure status line updates when you stop running when time is shown
repairing a trap in a shop doorway must replace the broken door or wall as well
sleeping steed cannot climb stairs/ladders
can't change levels when mounted on a steed which is carrying the Amulet
more artifacts granted by a deity are rustproof
monster name feedback when using the m movement prefix allowed player to
distinguish between peaceful and hostile monsters while hallucinating
scrolls should not fade when hitting rust monsters, only from rust traps
blank scrolls should not fade even from rust traps
can't eat or #offer food off the floor under circumstances other than
encumbrance where you couldn't have picked it up off the floor first
ensure correct message after passive freeze attack by gelatinous cube
avoid buffer overwrite when several weapons slip from your hands at once
prevent portal placement on Ranger quest from stranding player in left margin
avoid crash when a trouble gets fixed before you finish praying
sensed hidden monsters should fight back when attacked
mindless monsters won't be grateful after unsuccessful #untrap attempts
turning affects your religious conduct, even if your god does not help you
rolling boulder trap's boulder will knock another one that it collides
with into motion in its place
make it harder to abuse detect monster and confusion spells
prevent D[a from producing odd message sequence in (c)ombination mode
avoid messages like "the silver bell" after being drained by mind flayer
after polymorph, actually drop both weapons when a message says this happened
curb unicorn horn creation abuse by limiting the chance of a unicorn
leaving one if it has been revived
accept -p and -r options with nethack -s, as documented
avoid printing "spellbook of" Book of the Dead in list of discoveries
eating non-food items made of leather or other animal parts now violates
vegan/vegetarian conduct
use correct skill when throwing something while in twoweapon mode
secondary weapon can rust when hitting a rustmonster in twoweapon mode
extra healing spell cures monster's blindness
add missing quest message for throwing the quest artifact to the Monk leader
pits, arrow and dart traps, webs, polymorph traps and sleeping gas
traps can affect the steed
allow game restoration while polymorphed and your race is genocided
ensure that crysknives revert to worm teeth, even in containers
do not print gas spore's name if you cannot see a gas spore explosion
cursed two-handed weapons now keep you from changing body armor
trapped pets cannot follow you to another level
no corpse when unchanging hero dies while polymorphed into a G_NOCORPSE monster
A-removing armour under cursed stuff no longer fails silently
grease protects gloves from contact poison on books
items picked up from an abandoned shop sometimes wouldn't merge with other
compatible items in inventory ("no charge" bit wasn't being cleared)
prevent cut-off death message by increasing DTHSZ
check to not control teleports when unconscious should now work properly
if armor the hero is donning is stolen or seduced off, attributes
can be left permanently mis-adjusted
ensure a message is printed in all non-obvious cases where a monster flees
a fleeing monster that is holding you always results in a "get released" message
ensure a monster flees for at least one "turn"
explosion type can now be one of dark, noxious, muddy, wet, magical,
fiery, or frosty
flying (jumping or throwing recoil) over some traps (magic portals, fire traps)
will now trigger the trap
displacement does not work through walls
you can't trip and fall or trip over rocks while riding
reduce the chances of a monkey successfully stealing armor you are wearing
monkeys can't steal cursed items that you're unable to remove or attached
iron ball or items too heavy for them to carry
trapped doors are not always detected after returning to a previous level
trap detection sometimes showed non-trap locations to be traps
eucalyptus was never chosen in random tree fruits due to an off-by-one bug
allow knights to pursue and attack thieving monkeys without alignment penalty
gaining levitation while over on sink causes an immediate fall
quest leader should avoid leaving the quest start level voluntarily
blind Medusa cannot gaze
prevent dipping attached iron ball or embedded dragon scales into a potion
of polymorph from confusing the game about what items are in use
should not be able to cut down trees on Ranger quest start level
arrow traps are not currently intended to shoot poisoned arrows
fall off the horse if you mimic a pile of gold while riding
martial attacks will not remove monsters from traps and will cause
monsters to set off traps they land on while reeling/staggering
prevent topten from using alloc after alloc failure
Nazgul and erinyes are nopoly to ensure their numbers are never exceeded
"player-@" randomly selects a race and "player -@" randomly selects
everything that is not specified
prevent spurious "quest portal already gone" when you use an artifact to
return to the quest after being previously expelled
prevent limbless shopkeepers from "leaping" and "grabbing" your backpack
by changing the messages that you get
prevent panic when riding while punished and falling down the stairs
armor class shouldn't wrap from very negative to very positive
searching should only credit you with finding an undetected monster if
you couldn't sense it or spot it already
monsters should not generally lose invisibility when polymorphing
monster must have eyes or breathe to be affected by potion vapors
stop dungeon file open failure from causing vision-related crash
wishing for {statue,figurine,corpse} of long worm tail yields long worm instead
chatting to an arbitrary shopkeeper (not a petrified one) who was created
via statue animation produced strange results
Yeenoghu's confusion attack is not a touch of death
an eating steed should not be able to go up or down stairs, etc.
you don't feel "great" when recovering with a unicorn horn but Slimed; also,
make the same check for potions that make you feel "great"
avoid panic during player-as-demon demon summoning when no demon is available
change "Ouch! You bump into a door" message when riding
prevent voluntary dismount of steed from passing you through walls in
tight spots
prevent throwing boulders, boxes, and chests and medium-to-large
corpses and statues through iron bars
only living eggs which touch cockatrices get turned to stone
since monsters already refuse to zap empty wands, they shouldn't pick them up
after praying, try to give a spellbook for which the player is not restricted
after #dipping your weapon in hand or quiver into a potion of polymorph,
leave it where it was
message from rust trap states "robe" instead of "cloak" when applicable
gas spore explosions were affecting your human hitpoints even if you were
polyd and consequently you did not rehumanize
prevent "You attack empty water" when attacking a spot on land while
prevent spurious "But you aren't drowning. You touch bottom." message when
removing an amulet of magical breathing as an amphibious creature
fix message given when a monster tries to disarm your multiple welded daggers
with a bullwhip
camera flash no longer stops at invisible monster
monsters inside a stinking cloud should be blinded, just like the hero is
vault guard shouldn't initiate conversation with you when you're hidden
adult wolves are not small but lynxes are small
turn off vision during a save operation to prevent impossible() from
triggering a crash
rolling boulder trap's boulder susceptible to land mines and teleport traps
polymorphing below level 1 should kill player (needed to fix max-HP abuse)
prevent "obj not free" panic when shopkeeper cannot get to a thrown pick-axe
give feedback if Sokoban prevents polymorphed player from passing through walls
eliminate Wounded_legs enlightenment message when riding since it refers to
the steed's legs, not the hero's
adjust the fumbling pick-axe message to reflect that the steed's
legs got damaged, not the hero's
quaffing a noncursed potion of speed no longer heals the steed's wounded legs
prevent mounting of steed when you have Wounded_legs to prevent abuse;
dismount does an unconditional healing of Wounded_legs during the
Wounded_legs context switch
wounded legs on a steed doesn't count as a prayer trouble
wounded legs on a steed doesn't abuse dexterity
make wounded legs gained by falling off a steed consistent (dexterity loss)
land mines while mounted should hurt the steed
self-genocide while sitting on a throne should not refer to scroll of genocide
eating dogfood or fixing a squeaky board conveys experience but didn't
check for gaining a new level
demon bribes are 4x larger than they should be for co-aligned players
specific monster warning no longer reveals the true monster name when you
use the '/' command while hallucinating
start_corpse_timeout() now takes corpse age into consideration rather than
always assuming a fresh corpse, thus fixing potential icebox abuse
player on an immediate diagonal from a monster reading a scroll of earth
should be affected, just like monsters in similar locations
objects that fall from monster's minvent as a result of monster polymorph
are not polymorphed, consistent with items that remain in minvent
quaffing a potion of gain ability while wearing ring of sustain ability
displayed no message and identified the potion
monsters still with WAITFORU strategy should not follow up/downstairs
messages should reflect the fact that the Eyes of the Overworld mask the
effects of blindness
Amulet of life saving should save you from sickness that will kick in this turn
player should stop waiting when a monster uses a polearm from a distance
avoid stone-to-flesh blood pooling message when zapping ice and not stone
when polymorphed into a silent creature, do not "pronounce" scroll formula
ensure hilite turns off immediately when pet stops being tame
hitting with a polearm counts as hitting with a weapon for conduct
traps detected while blind and levitating were not displayed
when a mind flayer uses its mind attack, it should wake the victim
shapechangers restored from disk would no longer change shape
allow "tame" prefix when using the wizmode C-g command to create new monster(s)
display a more appropriate name for a high priestess when using ;/ commands
change "The water elemental is on fire" to "The water elemental is boiling"
blind, cancelled or nonseen invisible Medusa cannot gaze at other monsters
fix impossible when spinning web on falling rock, rolling boulder and fire traps
rust monsters can only eat items made of rustable material
wands of fire are no longer flammable no matter what material they are
displacing you pet into a trap which kills it affects killer conduct
pets can now be displaced in untended shops
only show lit walls if, like doors, the position next to them is lit too
charge for an unpaid weapon used for engraving
shopkeeper should charge for unpaid balls and used candles in containers
when swallowed you could drop or throw a cockatrice corpse into a
monster's stomach without stoning it despite the guaranteed hit
steed would often not respond to an attack, even if you didn't move that turn
after stepping in a polymorph trap, a monster may pick up the wrong items
breaking an unpaid wand of teleportation wouldn't result in the proper charge
next_shkp() was used inconsistently, potentially triggering an endless loop
chaotic wizards usually get a spellbook when crowned, just like neutral ones
monk quest: fix the two inaccessible chambers on the locate level
rogue quest: fix the four inaccessible chambers on the home level;
link the two inaccessible chambers on the locate level and provide
a means of escaping from them; on the goal level, link most
chambers together, resulting in just four disconnected regions,
and force stairs to be in a different region from the nemesis
angels can fly
under #twoweapon fix it so that only Stormbringer carries out the
blood-thirsty attacks, not both
booby-trapped doors shouldn't make you stagger if you're riding
encumbrance exertion checks should happen each time player moves
mksobj_at: add way to suppress the chance of a new object being an artifact
steed should be the one caught in a bear trap, even if player is polymorphed
use a more appropriate message than "being held" when using < or > while
swallowed or engulfed on stairs
stinking cloud isn't useless and shouldn't be excluded from initial inventory
shopkeeper will not try to buy food you are eating when inventory is full
don't duplicate any gold inside containers when saving bones data
can't tell between acid and holy/unholy water that burns like acid
tame stuck monsters should release you after regaining their senses
engraving Elbereth exercises wisdom, engraving anything else does not
artifact bows get any special attack bonus added to missile to-hit roll
monsters with gaze attacks should not try to blind the hero with potions
players polymorphed into umber hulks should not try to eat boulders in Sokoban
when a monster uses up a partially eaten food item, cleanup was not performed
temple priests shouldn't be created with two robes
give some quest leaders and nemeses equipment appropriate for their class
mis-engraving "X" or "x" shouldn't violate illiterate conduct
Heart of Ahriman now explicitly does double damage
prevent NO_ATTK artifacts from accidentally doing double damage
player polymorphed into monster that loses hp out of water should lose hp too
make sure that all leashed monsters get released when bones data is saved
eating a ring of levitation doesn't confer permanent intrinsic levitation
silver hating monster using a bullwhip shouldn't snatch silver weapons into
its inventory
fracturing one of several boulders at a location should not unblock vision
don't hide stairs, thrones, &c under spider webs when creating levels
rediscovering forgotten object types behaved differently depending upon
whether they had user assigned names at the time of amnesia
taming while engulfed is limited to the engulfer
restore blindness resistance to Archons
if a shk is polymorphed into monster form which has Wizard-style tactics,
don't let him teleport to the stairs if he's inside his shop
when the player digs a hole through a shop's floor, don't let shopkeeper
wander out of that shop while multi-turn digging is in progress
don't protect alternate weapon and quivered objects against being taken
by shk who grabs your pack when you dig a hole through his shop floor
add missing break to POT_WATER case in potionbreath()
keep monster from forgetting its weapon is cursed every other round
multiple shot throwing stops immediately whenever you hurtle backwards
don't panic if being billed for a burning or other timed object
food that makes a monster peaceful should not re-anger it at the same time
abusing a leashed pet could result in a leashed peaceful monster
couldn't unleash steed while mounted
trying and failing to wield an item could leave current weapon flagged as both
"weapon in hand" and "alternate weapon" when `pushweapon' option is set
handle OBJ_CONTAINED case for corpse revival so that trolls can revive
from inside containers
eating one of several merged partly eaten food items should take nutrition
from only one of them
coyote names should not disable printing of "tame" or "peaceful"
Eyes of the Overworld protect from stun effect of Archon's radiance attack
give feedback when putting on or taking off the Eyes of the Overworld causes
blindness state to be toggled
avoid spurious "you can see again" when temporary blindness being overridden
by the Eyes of the Overworld times out
removing blindfold or lenses via 'A(' gives same results as via 'R'
make blindness with just 1 turn remaining be a candicate for repair by
unicorn horn and healing potions/spells
healing potions/spells shouldn't fix being creamed
make pie throwing and venom spitting by the player be consistent with the
effects of those attacks by monsters
offering & tinning corpses on altars should work even while riding
It was possible to faint after eating a fortune cookie and still read
the fortune's text despite being unconscious
when filling a pit containing a vortex, a surviving vortex gets untrapped
teleporting no longer moves the iron ball to under you if that's not necessary;
prevents odd ball movement when crawling out of water
monsters now prefer to wear speed boots over other boots
prevent crash when loading a special level specifying a mimic using m_object
prevent crashes caused by dropping or shipping quivered or secondary weapons
don't trigger spurious encumbrance messages on last turn of a multi-turn meal
prevent food being restored to untouched status if interrupted while eating
troll revival shouldn't increment the troll creation counter
breaking mirrors and your eggs should be bad luck when kicking chests as well
as throwing
vampires should be G_NOCORPSE so you can't wish for them
glass objects should break when thrown, just like when kicked in chests
rocks/gems shouldn't be hard to throw by hand because they are ammo
avoid all cases where splitting an object would result in two objects being
quivered, wielded or otherwise having its owornflag set
allow 'a' prompt when dropping many objects in shop for credit (Wingnut)
monsters who get polymorphed while wearing dragon armor turn into dragons
shape changers can't be killed by system shock when hit by polymorph
Chromatic Dragon has silver scales too (she reflects)
being killed when wishing for an artifact should retain that item in bones data
the drain life spell should not wipe out engravings (especially not using a
function that requires you to be able to reach the floor)
monsters who can cast undirected spells don't need to be in combat with you
to do so
messages consistent for all monster spells
monsters casting spells at your displaced image now set mspec_used
monsters without ranged spells don't print curse messages for ranged spells
going down to floor using > should set Heart of Ahriman invocation timeout
riding a steed into water kills the steed if it cannot swim, with penalties
gaze attacks now stop occupation
proper death message when killed by "plain" high priest
don't conceal the identity of Moloch's high priest
blessed full healing can't recover levels lost when polymorphing into new man
blessed full healing can recover at most half of other lost levels
golden glow when praying will recover lost level if blessed full healing could
gaining a level while polymorphed increases current monst hit points as well
as latent human (or whatever) hit points
pets should not try to go after food that they can't reach
monsters shouldn't use wands of digging in Sokoban
objects dropped in or travelling across lava pools can take damage
monsters that enter lava can take damage
eating an unpaid tin should calculate cost before not after eating
spells shouldn't do negative damage
when reading spellbooks, don't "continue studying" wrong book if original one
gets destroyed after previous reading attempt has been interrupted
correctly handle polymorphed quest leader
swallowing zombies/mummies whole makes you sick, like when eating them normally
impose additional teleport restrictions on the no-teleport Plane of Air
landmines set off by pushed boulders have same effects as stepping on them
secret corridor detected out of vision range is still displayed (prevents bug
where wand of secret door detection found nothing but still identified)
getobj can now see user-specified count when using inventory to make selection
scalpel is stainless steel (i.e. METAL) not regular steel (IRON)
eggs, potions & other breakables may break when they fall down stairs
hurtling via grappling hook does not apply effects of destination location
consider vortexes to be nonliving
dragons have scales, not fur
if player teleports a monster while swallowed on a noteleport level, the
player should not teleport along with the monster
prefixes that can appear in any order when wishing should include +/- and empty
don't allow untrapping of adjacent traps in locations you can't move to
summoning should summon any alignment if summoner's base alignment is A_NONE
when dipping unicorn horn in potion, the potion might change bless status, so
set bknown to FALSE
grammar fixes such as "Eyes of the Overworld resists" and others
score bonus was missing from scrolls of identify and fire
make wands of speed or slow monster known if their effect
on monsters is observed; likewise for speed boots
gold detection "materially poor" message inappropriate if you have hidden_gold()
cannot reflect back an invisible umber hulk or medusa's attack
monsters with M3_WANTSBOOK often couldn't move in the Wizard-level
Vlad should want the Candelabrum
if you float_down on a trap in which you're already trapped, don't retrap
applying whip toward hidden mimic displays mimic name before "Wait!" message
stealing a container didn't multiply cost of stolen contained objects by quan
halve air elemental damage to compensate for side effect of speed system
strengthen Death; weaken Famine, Pestilence, and Demogorgon
pet purple worms get nutrition from engulfing attack
throwing an artifact upwards will trigger artifact hit effects when it falls
being hit by Fire Brand stops the turning-into-slime process
monsters hitting other monsters can split puddings with weapons
be consistent with checking for iron weapons when splitting puddings
prevent corpses of undead creatures just killed by undead turning from being
instantly revived by the same undead turning attack
allow fake player monsters to handle artifacts that don't match alignment/role
chaotic monsters can use Stormbringer; lawful monsters can use Excalibur
No "corridor disappears" message if Vault guard dies off-level
slip while mounting and levitating at will should not cause damage
if you see a monster jump into a trap in a secret corridor, it's not secret
fixed a few places where unblock_point wasn't called but should have been
cloned monsters should have the same name and tameness as the original
you should stop eating (etc.) if a monster attacks you and misses
half physical damage should apply to gas spores
iron bars should affect wall corner wallification
potion of polymorph shouldn't be identified if object being dipped into
it ends up as the same type of object after polymorphing
don't slap against the floor while riding and eating bad food
got rid of "nori" (since it doesn't really translate "kelp frond" accurately)
engraving in fog-covered location on in the Wizard quest said you
engraved in air, not dust
dipping non-weapons into burning potions of oil had no effect
dipping arrows into burning potions resulted in rust damage
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
amiga: random crashes when opening menu window in fontmode eliminated
amiga: proper action taken (cancel) when closing the menu window
with closegadget or escape
amiga: allow #/altmeta combination on foreign keymaps
amiga: prevent plname[] overflow from askname()
amiga: prevent writing outside basewindow (bottom)
amiga: tilemode tombstone corrected on cybergfx screen
amiga: don't clutter levels/ with foo.0 when quitting at playerselection
micro: prevent a guaranteed impossible() if we ever have more than (COLNO - 1)
levels in the game
micro: fix out of bounds memory modification for file opens via PATH
msdos: placeholder tiles accepted by the thin tile builder
tiles: use pixel-accurate grid bug tile for grid bugs
tty: correctly dismiss 1-line menus
tty: clear screen before version incompatibility message so it doesn't just
print the message overwriting previous screen text
tty: pet was not always hilited
tty: don't crash if the news file is present but empty
unix/tty: give user a chance to see any error produced by (de)compression
win32/tty: menus can take advantage of consoles larger than 80x25
win32/tty: add support for inverse attribute
Gnome: workaround for GTK+ attempts to disallow setgid executables
Qt: honor user preferences in startup dialog
X11: map not displayed in color when using X11 windowtype w/o tiles
X11: viewport scrolling could scroll the the wrong place with resized window
X11: allow extra space added to map widget to be removed if widget shrinks
X11: general solution to the problem that the meaning of font height varies
among different implementations of X11
X11: make "slow" mode the default since it seems to be very prevalent
General New Features
added travel command via '_' or mouse click
config file processing detects multiple use of the same OPTION and
prints a warning when it does
make the player selection prompt more explicit in the information
that it is going to request
remove curse now operates on cursed leashes that are in active use
give feedback when shooting/throwing more than one missile at a time
monsters can now deliberately eat dead lizards to cure confusion
general warning now allows you to attack unseen monsters, as long as you can
see the warning glyph on the screen
wand of fire & fireballs now burn webs
wand of locking / wizard lock zapped down will close and remove trap doors
exploding monsters wake nearby monsters
various mindless, sphere monsters no longer need to breath
sleeping gas no longer affects nonbreathing monsters
vault guard doesn't notice you if you're mimicking gold
good chance of untrapping monsters and pets caught in webs if you are
polymorphed into a spider, and extremely small chance even if not
stamina affects ability to throw heavy things
objects merge in containers
wishing for "nothing" yields no object and preserves wishless conduct
genociding "none" destroys no monsters and preserves genocideless conduct
coyote id naming shows only the true latin name if coyote is cancelled
xorns can "speak" and can smell valuable metal
if you find a trap but there is too much clutter to see it, have the
game display it temporarily until a keypress
rename the Wizard of Balance to Neferet the Green
double the number of messages that apprentices/guards utter, with 5 for
before the quest, and 5 after
wizard mode ^G command can create monster by class, not just by name
wizard mode ^G command takes a count
kicking a sleeping/paralyzed steed now causes special effects
allow overriding of the default boulder symbol via BOULDER option
blessed scroll of detect food provides you with a one time ability to
recognize food that may be harmful to you
wizard mode WIZKIT config file option added to ease adding items to
starting inventory for a debug session
helping a sleeping/frozen monster from a trap might wake/unfreeze monster
if the hero comes upon an obviously trapped monster the trap is considered seen
thrown weapons that hit are now subject to passive damage
locomotion-specific use of words, rather than just using "stagger"
if you come upon a physically trapped, visible monster, you see the trap
too, without searching for it
allow looking and pickup inside monster's stomach or interior when swallowed
add body_part(STOMACH)
pets like tame nymphs, et al, now only steal non-cursed items
monks usually get a spellbook rather than a weapon when crowned
blessed gold detection now detects anything made of gold, not just
coins, including candelabrum and gold rings
new T-shirt messages from Scott Bigham
option to get rid of resistance 'sparkle' (shieldeffect) (Scott Bigham)
option for autodig (Malcolm Ryan)
glowing Sunsword (inspired by Slashem)
msg_window option for ^P in TTY mode (Jay Tilton)
ninjas should get multishot bonus with yumi and ya (Dylan O'Donnell)
put prisoners in the Dark One's dungeon (Dylan O'Donnell)
touchstones; Archeologists start with one
add leather cloak so soldiers don't have elven cloaks
add Tom Friedetzky's BUC-patch with some alterations to the original
add wizard #poly and #levelchange (originally levelgain; Dylan O'Donnell),
add Jason Short's additional lenses use patch
add new Gnomish Mines levels from Kelly Bailey's patch
add Ken Arnold's patch to show unpaid item prices in inventory
jousting by players wielding a lance while riding
Knights start with lance rather than spear
can start game without a pet via pettype:none (Dylan O'Donnell)
allow disclose options to be more finally tuned, including being able
to specify the default response for being prompted
debug mode SPLEVTYPE environment variable to choose specific levels from
when there are random selections
artifacts have individual prices
new window-port preference options added, and some existing options
moved into the window-port preferences section
made each of the end disclosure options customizable to "prompt;default no",
"prompt;default yes", "show it without prompt", and
"don't show it and don't prompt"
add female role level names "Medica ossium", "Magistra", "Chevaliere", "Dame"
more feedback about skill advancement from #enhance command
USER_SOUNDS compilation option to enable use of SOUND and SOUNDDIR variables
in the config file for user-specified sound clips for
user-specified, regex-based message patterns
resistance does not protect inventory from artifacts (cold vs Frost Brand,&c)
phrase the prompts for P and R commands using "put on" and "remove" as the
actions rather than repeating W and T commands' "wear" and "take off"
dipping candles, et al, into burning potions lights them
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific New Features
amiga: screenmode requester
amiga: 16 color font mode
mac: command-key shortcuts in the player selection dialog
vms: default compiler configuration in sys/vms/Makefile.* switched to DEC C
win32: new graphical port contribution by Alex Kompel