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Chris-plus-alphanumericgibberish 5901b7c7ca Uploading current NAO sources
Thanks, kerio!
2013-10-15 16:49:44 -04:00

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General Fixes and Modified Features
discarding a tin without eating should not count towards food conduct
expand 'nethack.cnf' in dat/help to include new names on some platforms
using 'C' to name a steed produces a "pony tail"
stopping reading a spellbook when "too much to comprehend" left in_use set
conduct: eating meat{ball,stick,ring,huge chunk} counts as eating meat
don't select gems--aside from rocks and known glass or flint--via autoquiver
skilled slingers can shoot multiple rocks with one shot, like other archers
orcs shooting orcish arrows from orcish bows get multishot bonus, like elves
have 'Q' offer gems/stones as likely quiver candidates when wielding a sling
'Q' command--don't offer tools as likely quiver candidates
spell hunger effect for wizards of high intelligence was not computed correctly
fix "killed by the [master] mind flayer" bug
redisplay correct trap glyphs when hallucination ends
monsters under Conflict cannot attack other monsters that are already dead
monsters that steal gold from monsters should teleport
fix mummy wrappings worn by monsters to block invisibility
applying a weapon or wieldable tool would sometimes give spurious messages
about two-weapon combat
applying a weapon or wieldable tool might not always end two-weapon combat
receiving a divine gift artifact while wielding two weapons would unrestrict
two-weapon skill instead of the skill for the artifact's type
throwing and kicking while wielding two weapons exercised two-weapon skill
when wielding two weapons, ')' command should show both
giants cannot "easily pick up" boulders on the Sokoban level
W command would let you wear an arbitrary item in your body armor slot if that
was empty & uncovered and you carried extra armor for any filled slot
W command would list entire inventory if you answered '?' to the "what do
you want to wear?" prompt when all unworn armor couldn't be worn
#looting and applying containers with menustyle != traditional would do bad
things if you split a merged stack in quiver or secondary weapon slot
save/restore while mounted or stuck could cause a game crash or other errors
baby gray dragons should not be visible to infravision
dying from a failed saddle attempt should name the monster without using
spurious "Bummer, you've hit the ground" when hallucinating and dismounting
constitution of <3 and >18 (possible in 3.3 because the ring of gain
constitution was added) was not handled properly
potion and wand of invisibility (on yourself) should not print message if you
are already invisible, even if you can see invisible
reviving tame monsters ended up tame but not peaceful and would attack you
wishing for "rotproof" item is recognized as synonym for erodeproof
your pair of boots "are" not affected when kicking rust monster should be "is"
use article "a", not "an", with "eucalyptus leaf"
fix crash if reviving troll has been genocided
shouldn't see candles flicker when blind
gas clouds use cloud symbol
unchanging suppresses amulet of change, intrinsic lost by life-saving
missing lucern hammer, silver dagger, silver spear in monster weapons
buckled boots are brown
Scorpius and centipedes are not web-makers
race placeholders are M2_NOPOLY
Monk species/leader/guardians are M1_HERBIVORE
leader/nemesis flags fixed with |= instead of =
freezing spheres won't leave corpses
artifacts should add to ending score even if they are inside a bag
being killed by a gas spore should not be treated as burning (most noticeable
problem was that the death message did not include "killed by")
remove a double period from "Caught himself in his own fireball.."
automatic dog names restricted to dogs
chatting with a monster that teleports after the chat (succubus, bribable
demon) would put an 'I' symbol at the monster's destination
stethoscope/probing should reveal identity of invisible monster, not use "it"
wand of probing zapped at 'I' square with no monster should clear the 'I'
cursed potion of invisibility drunk by monster should reveal 'I'
kicked monster that evades kick by moving to unseen square should not leave
'I' in original position of monster
closing a door on an invisible monster reveals the 'I'
gas spores are recognized as having passive damage for purposes of pet attack
since iron armor can now corrode, don't call all corroded armor "bronze armor"
properly handle attacking a black pudding with a corrodeable weapon
do not print "You still cannot see" when blind and removing lenses
remove possibility of crashes when unseen monster engulfs items
object shattered by wand should use plural verb when object is plural
don't anger monsters when hitting them with invisibility or helpful unholy water
for initial inventory, don't give out spellbooks in restricted spell skills
for tourists' initial inventory, put darts in quiver rather than wield them
artifact discoveries sometimes showed undiscovered object types (for example,
Snickersnee as "katana" when katana was still known as "samurai sword")
"iron bars" singularization exception should not also catch "candy bars"
if a monster kills a monster by throwing acid, don't credit the kill to you
leave two-weapon combat mode if either weapon is stolen or otherwise unwielded
use worse of (two weapon skill, current weapon skill) when figuring skill
bonuses and penaltys while fighting with two weapons
never give back-stabbing or weapon-shattering bonus when using two weapons
engulfing monster will not engulf your pony while you are riding
arch-lich usually starts with an athame or quarterstaff
do not say that "an" Asmodeus reads a scroll
'?' command--short options help sometimes included garbage output
'?' command--longer options help omitted several recent options
eating an amulet of restful sleep now works properly
getting hit by a potion of sleeping now works properly
sleeping is reported by enlightenment
detect unseen / secret door detection refreshes unseen monster (`I') glyphs
monsters won't pick up objects in water (especially kelp)
unseen check for monsters in explosions
fixed "petrified by an "
silver arrows cost a little more than other arrows
javelin back in its own class
dipping weapons in potion of oil now works properly
freed prisoners become peaceful
monk titles shortened so they aren't cut off
elven Priests get their starting musical instrument
you can now correctly ride centaurs
fixed steed getting teleported (e.g. by Quantum mechanic)
fix stethoscope/probing speed reporting, and slowing attack on player
blessed detect monsters increments (not sets) the timeout, and produces a
message if no monsters are on the level
put "Elbereth" under the sokoban prize so that monsters don't eat it
a weak race can still have a high strength if polymorphed into a strong monster
make dingos non barking canines
suppress zap up/down message for stone to flesh on non-stone levels
fix missing spaces on sokoban level that made level impossible without cheating
use case-insensitive comparison for wishing (needed for Master Key of Thievery)
avoid commas in the player name because they confuse the record file
note Sliming when using probing/stethoscope on yourself
fix inconsistency: reflecting medusa's gaze while invisible didn't work,
reflecting floating eye's gaze did
Medusa should not drink potion of invisibility (the code only checked for wands)
restore confirmation prompt for kicking pets and peaceful monsters
ask for confirmation about kicking steed when kicking while mounted
converting secondary weapon into an artifact (naming, dipping) stops #twoweapon
a fully ID'd object converted into an artifact is no longer fully ID'd
polymorphing an object by dipping in potion while inside a shop will only
anger the shopkeeper if the object is shop merchandize
make {wand,spellbook,potion} of polymorph immune to being polymorphed
turning undead should count as calling on a deity for purposes of conduct
fix "monster trail" problem caused by reading a scroll of magic mapping while
don't give Slow_digestion-related message when non-digesting engulfer expels you
vary vampire's chat responses according to time of day, tameness, and player
added fish_parts to mbodypart/body_part
fixed do-while loop test criteria in create_mplayers()
fix crash if reviving troll has been completely drained by Stormbringer, et al
a stinking cloud should not kill a monster more than once
player stops riding when nymph steals saddle
don't ask for name for eaten ring of slow digestion if already identified
don't let engulfed lifesaved monster beat you up while supposedly being
totally digested
lev_comp: honor class in OBJECT entries (user's '+',"identify" made scroll)
fix uninitialized buffer/unprintable characters error when eggs hatch
accept "aluminium" as variant spelling for "aluminum"
don't die from lava while praying
correctly display gems for the final score even when blinded
throwing a boomerang from {wielded,secondary,quiver} weapon slot will have
it be restored to that slot if caught upon return
don't allow iron balls to pass through iron bars
fix "What weird role is this? (E)" for names taken from 3.2.x score records
make spell of jumping work properly when restricted in escape spells
save traits of petrified monsters; animated statues are like revived corpses
unmoving monsters seen by infrared are removed from/displayed on the screen
when they leave/enter direct line-of-sight
Sting and Orcrist get their anti-orc bonus against orc player characters
buffer overrun caused by many long names in a single message
polymorph can't indirectly transform scrolls of mail into blank scrolls via
paper golem creation
don't let savebones() name a ghost without checking for sufficient space
don't report "killed by ghost of Foo called Foo" on tombstone or in record
when breaking create monster wands, don't place monsters inside solid rock
don't allow tainted cockatrice corpses to prevent stoning if you eat one
oil isn't seen as dimly glowing if you're blind
properly consider hallucination and blindness when printing sliming messages
don't allow the player to jump through iron bars or walls (the latter only
when wearing the Eyes of the Overworld)
don't allow the player to hurtle through iron bars
work around race condition between breaking a wand of teleportation,
teleport control and autopickup
rust traps should affect scrolls
lev_comp returns error if level cannot be fully written out
blank scrolls/spellbooks don't count as reading material
fix seduction attacks to treat characters polymorphed into golems as neuter
chaotic sacrificing on a chaotic altar may crash if demon creation fails
failed demon summoning might cause monsndx panic
avoid possible crash when casting fireball spell while engulfed or near the
edge of the map
prevent observation of dust clouds in rogue level doorways when blind
cans of grease will no longer rust
skip already dead monsters when scanning the full monster list; avoids
monsndx panic and other potential trouble
skip already dead shopkeepers when checking for tended shops
level teleport high in the air while lifesaved should result in an escape
the "stoned" flag wasn't reset when a monster was lifesaved from turning to
stone, so the next monster you killed would always turn to stone
wooden harp is not a magical object
player characters got left at 10 when "normal" speed was increased to 12
time it takes a monster to change armor doesn't depend on whether you see it
character can't be totally digested on first turn of being swallowed
level 25 engulfer would trigger divide by 0 crash via evaluating rnd(0)
wielded egg that hatched wasn't cleaning up worn objects and might cause crash
mirror shouldn't show location of unseen monsters
cloth headwear was being reported as leather when fire damaged
modify moveloop so that time (moves) is not relative to the player's speed
fix moveloop to account for player not accumulating enough movement points
to move in a turn -- this fixes the reported "time is wrong when
burdened" problem
monsters should not teleport on levels that disallow teleportation
consider existing poison resistance when printing message while eating
don't allow various spells/effects to turn monsters into genocided species
don't crash on abusing guardian angel (accessing edog)
call useupall() rather than useup() for organic items burned by lava
revive any Rider corpse which gets teleported
wishing for gold should affect conduct
gold detection should detect gold golems
grease should affect the secondary weapon in two-weapon mode
falling drawbridge, eating cockatrice eggs, delayed self-genocide all caused
monsters to be fully named instead of using "it".
change the You_hear message if hero is asleep
various inventory changes did not immediately update when perm_invent was set
avoid crash when multiple, cascading explosions occur
pets are no longer permanently weakened by a brush with starvation
doeat() doesn't leave rotten food half-set-up for resumption
don't allow trying to resume eating a revived rider corpse
shopkeepers, priests and peaceful monsters should get angry when you cast
stinking cloud on them
when crowning a neutral wizard who knows finger of death but isn't carrying
its spellbook, don't drop his weapon (crash likely)
similar greased and non-greased objects would merge together into one stack
monster reading scroll of earth may be allowed an extra attack
change message for failed attempt to mount steed while punished
fix multi-shot throwing for darts and shuriken
update monster multi-shot throwing to match player throwing
prevent inappropriate use of "lungs" in creatures that have none
change several instances of 'pline("The ' to 'pline_The("'
monk characters kick as characters rather than as kicking monsters
fix kicking shades by character polymorphed into kicking monster
fix articles in some Sokoban trap messages and eliminate some
superfluous messages
restoring with damaged subroom shops on non-current level could dereference
stale shk pointer
prevent removal of levitation in sokoban pits from causing you to
"float gently to the ground"
peaceful/tame mindflayer now mindblasts hostile monsters and vice versa (the
check was backwards)
fix suppression of stone-to-flesh on unique monster statues
kill player when drain life induces negative HPs
rumors used as engravings should not refer to fortune cookies
magic-resistant players/monsters unhurt by monsters zapping wands of striking
fix time problem where disrobing took too long
saddle that comes with a knight's initial horse should be known to player
iron golems are sensitive to more ways of getting wet with water
prevent odd contents of initial tourist tins and eggs (the contents were
mostly from the quest level, producing many cave spider eggs)
breaking a wielded wand doesn't leave it wielded
if nymph hits monster on first attack and teleports away, suppress second attack
kicking a mimic should reveal its presence
using 'F' command on a pet with safepet should not produce "thin air" message
polymorphing into slime or fire creature removes Slimed; becoming a new man
resets the Slimed timer
throwing cockatrice corpse barehanded should stone the player
avoid "petrified by petrification" on tombstone
avoid "turning into green slime" on tombstone (KILLED_BY didn't work if Slimed)
since unchanging prevents sliming, make it reset any sliming already present
avoid "You turn into a female succubus" redundancy
player hit by potion of acid should take damage like monster
"You are protected" in enlightenment display should include u.uspellprot
chameleons that change into a non-moving, non-attacking form shouldn't get stuck
fix bug where monsters didn't wield bow (etc.) before shooting arrows (etc.)
medium size is too large for giant bats (it allows leaving plate mails when
player polymorphed to a ghoul resists sickness just like a ghoul monster
player in werecritter beast form shouldn't polymorph into "human"
player wearing scales of genocided dragon was getting duplicate "you feel
dragon-ish" messages when polymorphing
fix luck timeout for full moon and friday 13th
monsters must wield polearms before using them, just like players
when saving bones data, shopkeepers will claim dropped objects inside shops
pets will now wear objects they pick up
pets will now wield pick-axes when necessary
limbless pets are no longer able to carry objects
monsters cannot consider a mattock for digging if they are wearing a shield
avoid a case where monsters keep switching between pick-axe and weapon
override hallucination when reporting pets that ascended or escaped with player
avoid duplicate pickup() calls when landing after falling through a hole
added squeaky board traps to Lord Surtur's lair entrances
cursed lenses no longer considered a major problem by deity
prevent "seeing an image of someone stalking you" when Blind
disallow potion of polymorph / ring of polymorph control starting combo
disallow starting with blank paper
tools shouldn't charge beyond 127 charges
getting money from a fountain should set the looted flag
pole-weapons won't bash and will advance skill when on steed
blessed genocide of polymorphed unchanging player should kill
picking up nothing should take no time
quiver command should take no time
potions should not be autoquivered as worthless glass
players should not get double-billed when using or altering items
silver dragons should have same resistance as other dragons
golems should be un (reverse-)genocidable
player should get blamed for destroying Minetown fountains by Excalibur dipping
player should not get blamed for others destroying Minetown fountains
digesting ghosts and shades as a purple worm should be nonvegan but vegetarian
eating brains as a mind flayer should be nonvegetarian
eating eggs should be nonvegan but vegetarian
eating tripe, meat sticks, chunks of meat should be nonvegetarian
headstones now implemented through engraving
luck penalty for the remaining forms of "creative NetHacking" in sokoban
don't penalize a turn if player cancels #ride direction
Ranger quest is no longer a rip-off of the old Elf quest
several Hello() messages were inappropriate for various monsters
storm giants should talk
monk leader and guardians should use clerical spells
monks shouldn't start with scrolls of enchant weapon
movement rate when saddled was miscalculated
items under lava shouldn't been seen or picked up
clicking in status line during `/' shouldn't cause getpos error
huge chunk of meat should count as dogfood
"Pardon me" when moving directly into peaceful monster
shouldn't glow amulet and save life of digested monsters
"<monster> gets angry!" only when you can see the square
"Never hit with a wielded weapon" conduct should only count
weapons and weptools
lynxes should not have cold attacks
Naming a specific object asks "What do you want to name *this* ___"
"Having fun sitting on the floor" shouldn't over fountain
"ball lightning" changed to "ball of lightning"
"poisoned by a poisoned crude arrow" should be "killed by a poisoned
orcish arrow"
shouldn't see invisible monsters oozing under a door
fix apostrophe for invisible seen-invisible crumbling-to-dust liches
amulet of change when polymorphed into single-gender monster could produce
inconsistent role name for Priest(ess) and Cave(wo)man
prevent Fire Brand from "burning" a water elemental
snatching cockatrice corpse gloveless by applying bullwhip will now stone
inventory description of wielded two-handed weapon uses "weapon in hands"
inventory description of secondary weapon explicitly lists it as non-wielded
to reduce confusion about two weapon combat
Bell of Opening removes attached iron ball when performing opening magic
chatting to a monster who responds with "I'm trapped" reveals the trap
Make tmp_at() work when called in the midst of a previous tmp_at() sequence
Make the messages for attempting to wear lenses over a blindfold more clear
Prevent buffer overflow when reading engravings that are BUFSZ in length
paralyzation message on steed should not say your feet are frozen to the floor
avoid buffer overflows and associated security problems from getenv(),
program name, and user name
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
Mac: legacy message was being truncated
Mac: black background left mess on backspace
Mac: backgrounds set too early on game startup
Mac: tty window positions not remembered after move
Mac: tty window turned B&W when moved to bottom of screen
Mac: tty quit command fixed
Mac: remnants of previous hunger status now cleared
MFLOPPY: add checkspace option to avoid problems with >2GB free space
MSDOS: fix clearlocks() to look for the right file names,
and not LEVELS.* (MFLOPPY only)
MSDOS: remove djgpp stuff from the Microsoft C Makefile
MSDOS: change NetHack.cnf to defaults.nh in NHAccess.nh comments
MSDOS: add missing files to gcc 'make spotless'
NT: WIN32 specific code in tty_nh_poskey() was missing the
necessary code to clear window flags so after hitting ESC
messages that should have displayed did not
Linux: set MAILPATH properly
Linux: don't use control characters on Rogue level with IBM graphics
DEC UNIX: set MAILPATH properly, type lex functions properly, avoid conflict
with curses over naming
Qt: remove intermediate files on 'make spotless'
Qt: modify makefile to allow use with BSD make and FreeBSD
Qt: have player selection dialog come up when name specified
Qt: use default menu accelerators and allow remapping
X11: fix memory leaks is reading from dialogs
X11, tty: avoid crashing when displaying empty menus, as from 'i' with
perm_invent and no inventory
tty: when given the choice of ANSI color (AF) vs standard color (Sf), choose
ANSI since there is some disagreement as to the correct color order
for Sf, but no such disagreement for AF.
tty: add workaround for termcap misfeature in some Linux distributions which
affects DECgraphics display
Amiga: minimal functionality restored
Amiga: recover created empty (and unused) save.info files
Amiga: ^P works properly
Amiga: windowcreating modified for better adaptivity
Amiga: changed from intuition menus to gadtools menus
Amiga: changed default colors in tilemode to those of gfxfile
Amiga: window backfill works
Amiga: playerselection adopted from tty-port
Amiga: linesplitting in msg/inv/menu windows fixed
Amiga: obey user configured pens in nethack.cnf
Atari: tty port rescued from oblivion, Gem windowing added
General New Features
gold/glass golems, glass piercers now resist acid
added sharks, piranha, jellyfish, prisoners, and iron bars to special levels
piranha can appear in swamp rooms
hero falls off steed when fumbling or falling down stairs
artifacts speak when applied
engraving "x" is not literacy
demons and vampires engrave in blood
shopkeepers don't like riding customers
can #chat down to steed
own race in Gnomish Mines replaced with random monsters
differentiate between light/gaze-induced blindness and other causes of blindness
yellow dragon scale mail provides acid resistance
polymorphed player digests engulf victims more slowly if Slow_digestion
Conflict now affects steed's desire to keep its rider
undead turning of bones level player corpse causes ghost to reunite with
the corpse
control-x in regular mode displays name, role, race, gender, and your deities.
wizard mode can wish for pools of lava
pythons now have infravision to emulate real pythons heat sense organ
M-2 added as a shortcut for #twoweapon
general file location mechanism
you can choose to #loot the saddle from something now
message changes for silver dragon scale mail glowing silver and pit vipers
falling into pits
support explicit `race=random', `alignment=random', and `gender=random'
in startup options
manes now grow up into lemures
potions of healing and sickness affect Pestilence in the opposite way to
their effect on other monsters
introduction of a new method of warning where you sense the danger level of
monsters on the level by displaying it at the monster's location
introduction of a new method of warning for specific monsters the way Sting
does for Orcs; you sense their presence anywhere on the current level
artifacts can belong to specific races and won't be given as gift when "hated"
Archeologists get a penalty for breaking "historic" statues
hatching eggs in male player's inventory have chance of "Daddy?"
steeds affected by more types of wands zapped down
opening/knock versus steed drops saddle
unwearing your steed's saddle (e.g. stolen, opening) causes dismount
yet another funny message when whipping a horse corpse
yet another funny message when mounting when hallucinating
Bell, Book, and Candelabrum added to final score like artifacts
new keywords coaligned and noncoaligned for altars (and monsters/priests)
in special level descriptions
quest start levels get coaligned altars if their roles have multiple
alignments, and goal levels get noncoaligned altars
ice vortices and freezing spheres are infravisible
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific New Features
X11, tty, Amiga: offer for player selection only choices consistent with those
already made by config file/command line (e.g., only offer roles that
are compatible with specified race)
tty: eight_bit_tty option
Amiga: implement menu_* accelerators and counting
mac: the "record" file is created if it does not exist