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Chris-plus-alphanumericgibberish 5901b7c7ca Uploading current NAO sources
Thanks, kerio!
2013-10-15 16:49:44 -04:00

344 lines
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protect the Amulet and invocation tools from being destroyed when a
disintegrated monster's inventory gets deleted
prevent the Amulet and invocation tools from being buried, similar to box
behavior (Book of the Dead would rot away as paper when buried)
don't let polymorphed players eat any of the invocation tools
pets are no longer highlighted when hallucinating
keep glass gems from shattering in chests
return errors from dgn_comp and lev_comp when called for
fix hallucinated fruit juice message
fix several monsters conveying inappropriate resistances
fix misspellings of "Assassins' Guild" and "Minion of Huhetotl"
set personal name flag for Pelias and Thoth Amon; clear it for Chromatic Dragon
don't say "Picking the lock..." when using a skeleton key
give feedback when applying key to current location but no boxes are present
can't manipulate floor locks (chests) while levitating
don't crash onto sink if permanently levitating due to eating a ring
avoid resuming interrupted lock operation on chest that's been polymorphed
wide-angle disintegration Beams O' Wrath disintegrate non-resistant
shields and armor
don't access zapped wand after it's been destroyed by divine lightning bolt
separate graphics symbols for each trap, differently-colored traps
allow wishes for greased objects, correct wishes for "poisoned
rustproof" objects
damage was calculated incorrectly when hitting with statues and boulders
allow digging to finish when digging statues embedded in undiggable walls
list identified invocation tools as "the item" instead of "a item"
ignore rknown for unerodable objects when determining if it's fully identified
flush output after eating mimic so '$' appears right away
update botl for spell power after ^T or #invoke of "energy boost" artifact
correct hunger check when casting spells
correct various messages
fix deliberately jumping into Stronghold trap doors
make random level changes while escaping with Amulet more equitable
when mysterious force randomly picks a location on the current level, send
player into Wizard's tower if and only if already inside that tower
any level change from one tower level to another preserves occupancy state
mysterious force won't kick in when using portal to go up into Wizard's tower
avoid "bad cursor position" situation when mystery force or cursed gain
level potion causes level change within the Wizard's tower
don't allow the Wizard to be resurrected on the Astral level
only list "likely" objects when prompting for what to #invoke
reset encumbrance and movement rate during successful prayer, in case it
cures lycanthropy
prevent cursed weapon that slips when thrown by monster from embedding in stone
ki-rin is not humanoid
all elves can see invisible
gain intrinisics from eating amulets
lose divine protection by killing co-aligned priests or converting alignment
have quest leader check for absolute alignment as well as for piousness
fix tombstone message when dying from kicking door while levitating
bite, &c. attacks on displaced images said "swings wildly and misses"
calculate score before creating bones, otherwise gold in bags gets overlooked
Unique monsters no longer placed in bones files
for blessed genocide, don't report failure for other classes' quest monsters
could get both compressed and uncompressed explore mode save files
ZEROCOMP's bwrite ignored possibility of write failure
mimics imitating fruit caused "Bad fruit #0" on help commands
fix off by one bug in level teleport trap destination for monsters
if g.cube eats a non-empty container, engulf contents rather than devour them
allow wizard to use blessed genocide of '*' to wipe out all monsters on level
when digging a hole in ice, don't describe it as digging in the "floor"
and unearth any objects buried there even when it refills with water
when digging in a pit trap which ends up filling with water instead of
becoming trap door, remove the trap; likewise for overflowing fountains
can't dig pits under drawbridge portcullis; break bridge if hole would be made
can't dig while caught in a web
don't "swing your pick-axe through thin air" if target location is a web
mark webs as seen when "monster is caught in a web" message is given
whirly monsters pass through webs; some huge monsters tear them
Sting cuts through webs
have shk use plural if called for when referring to player's pick-axe(s)
fix price stated by shk when picking up container holding merged items
fix price stated by shk for #chat when standing on a container
don't adjust food price due to hunger when player is selling, only when buying
don't double bill shop corpses turned into tins
don't make mundane objects known when they're outside the shk's expertise
change to have shks possibly identify items sold for credit just like for cash
when player sells something to broke shk for credit, don't offer more for it
in credit than will be charged for it if player buys the item back
when selling items in shop, don't try to adjust message/prompt based on COLNO
when dying in shop entrance, make sure inventory in bones data is placed all
the way inside the shop, hence owned by the shk
make shk notice when shop door destroyed by wand or spell or digging downward
reset unpaid objects if shk poly'd into jumpy monster teleports out of shop
fix handling for shop objects kicked or thrown from one shop into another
and for shop objects hit by cancellation beam
add potions of oil; lamps can be refilled with them
dipping rusty weapons in potions of oil removes rust
allowing drinking from surrounding water if you are underwater
fix non-merging potions of water due to water damage's incompatible dilution
fix mon-merging scrolls of blank paper due to SCR_SCARE_MONSTER's spe usage
fix D(ropping) subset of wielded darts,&c (worn mask got out of synch)
fix #adjust merging wielded darts,&c into non-wielded ones
allow #adjust when fixinv option disabled
fix getobj's '?' help displaying one item when fixinv option disabled
don't give characters with maxed out luck complete immunity to water damage
don't allow AC -17 or better to provide invulnerability to zap attacks
kicking cockatrices while barefooted will stone you
change to inhibit displacement from operating through solid walls
fix mblinded assignment for monsters hit by potion fumes
give runesword same damage adjustments as broadsword
extra verbosity for attacks caused by Stormbringer
allow ghosts to step on garlic
don't let vampires step on altars
don't let monsters jump into polymorph traps covered by boulders, unless
they can carry such, pass through, or squeeze under
giants polymorphed into something else must drop any boulders being carried
giants in pits become untrapped if a boulder is pushed in
prevent traps from being generated on ladders
don't "detect trigger hidden in soil" for previously detected land mine
exploding and crashing doors wake up nearby monsters
factor rings of increase damage into kicking damage
handle omitted case for ball movement that would leave chain in odd position
returning to stairs on top row of map is valid (fixes rogue quest bug)
avoid giving "sad feeling" message for pet if lifesaving prevents its death
don't rot away Rider's corpse if something is standing on it at revival time
kill any engulfer (including poly'd player) trying to digest a Rider
give Riders non-zero nutritional value so tinning kit doesn't ignore them
save & restore u.usick_cause properly
an eating pet can continue & finish eating while you're off its level
fix object names: "a Dark One corpse", "statue of a Wizard of Yendor"
killer_format: poisoned "by Pestilence", not "by a Pestilence"; ditto Juiblex
killer prefix might be wrong after having been life-saved
fix to avoid "invisible invisible {Priest|Minion of Whoever}" on tombstone
fix bug with cold-resistant monsters attacking jellies (etc.)
fix possible panics when restoring while swallowed or held
when taming, make holder/swallower let go even if it just becomes peaceful
reset area of visibility when hurtling backwards from recoil while levitating
don't let hostile monsters who follow up/down stairs share final ascension
add bodypart(HAIR) to correct some inappropriate messages
display monsters inventory (if any) when mon zapped with wand of probing
display inventory of encased items in statues zapped with wand of probing
display inventory of buried items below, by zapping wand of probing downwards
set dknown bit for all objects hit by probing beam
add ceiling function to alter the ceiling messages appropriately
fix 3.1.2's fix for reseting certain class-specific artifact properties
add selection menus to pickup and some apply functions
pre-menu container interface: don't let "%a" select all objects if no food
is present; make user's "<missing class(es)> a" become "A" instead
wake up monsters hit by potions thrown by other monsters
suppress vault hint messages if player is in the vault
make lev_comp check full object and monster names ([ring of] "protection" in
objects[] was matching "protection from shape changers" in .des file)
guarantee that stairs down from Juiblex swamp level always get created
[sometimes got impossible("couldn't place lregion type 0")]
prevent a three room level which has the stairs to the mines from also having
a special room [so that those stairs can't end up placed in a shop]
allow quest nemeses and other invocation tool guardians to wield artifacts
Mitre of Holiness is not a weapon
don't give "heat and smoke are gone" message when entering Vlad's tower if
arriving from somewhere other than Gehennom (portal via W's quest arti)
when a wielded cockatrice corpse rots away, set `unweapon' so that
further combat will elicit "bashing with gloved hands" message
fix behaviour of wielded eggs (breaking, stoning, etc)
tiny chance for "queen bee" eggs, rather than always killer bee eggs
change Tourist quest home base to Ankh-Morpork
prevent activated statue traps from creating hidden monsters
handle activated statue being the only object poly'd player is hiding under
prevent reference to unseen underwater object when hiding monster attacks
don't pluralize name when smelling opened tin of unique monster's meat
make tins of unique monster's meat be empty in bones file
don't leave a corpse in bones file if killed by disintegration breath
don't leave a corpse when monsters disintegrate other monsters
any food could be tinned (yielding giant ant meat) when corpse in inventory
destroy all boulders in invocation area when creating stairs down to sanctum
boulders landing on previously seen trapdoors will plug them instead of
falling through or settling on top
boulders on ice which gets melted will fill pool as if dropped
don't let dead or sleeping priests give temple greetings
chatting wakes up sleeping priests
don't exercise wisdom when making prediscovered objects known during init
don't generate any generic giants (mummy/zombie placeholder) on castle level
pets and g.cubes will polymorph if they eat chameleon corpses
slippery ice (temporary fumbling) only lasts until the next move
avoid leash limbo if quest leader ejects you while leashed pet's not adjacent
(ditto other unconventional level changes, like W's quest artifact)
release attached leash if poly'd player eats it
crash fix: handle other forms of monster-induced level change besides quest
ejection (swallower expels onto portal, level teleporter, trap door)
fix magic mapping of previously mapped maze walls dug away out of view
assorted drawbridge fixes (kill credit, auto-pickup, drown survival handling)
passtune becomes fully known once successfully played
wiping out engravings leaves partial letters
wipe random letters of trap engravings ("ad aerarium", "Vlad was here")
eating wolfsbane while in werecritter form rehumanizes in addition to purifying
don't penalize player (shop charges in general; bad luck for mirror) when
a monster breaks something with a wand of striking
when loading bones, keep track of unique monsters to avoid their duplication
don't allow a demon prince to summon two copies of a unique demon lord
enlightenment luck display ("extra", "reduced") did not agree with actual luck
avoid duplicate spellbooks in character's initial inventory (affects priest)
fix pets moving reluctantly onto cursed objects
can't #loot while overtaxed
time passes when items disappear on use of a cursed bag of holding
#offer cannot convert or destroy an unaligned altar
MUSEr's reflecting shield or amulet shouldn't become known when not seen
fix check for wearing shield when monsters wield two-handed weapons
don't restrict MUSE scimitar usage to strong monsters
make dwarves less eager to switch back and forth between weapon and pick-axe
clip swallow display at left & right map borders
prevent recoil [hurtle() while levitating] when caught in a trap
downward zap which freezes water or lava shouldn't bounce back up
Vorpal Blade: don't let damage penalty (very low strength, negatively charged
ring of increase damage) prevent beheaded monster from dying
make sure player polymorphed into jabberwock is vulnerable to beheading
make sure that when "The fiery blade burns the shade!" that it actually does
damage (double-damage for non-silver must do at least 1hp damage)
prevent divide by zero crash when hitting tame shade with non-silver weapon
don't lose alignment when throwing gems to/at peaceful unicorns
don't apply grease to worn armor if it's covered by other armor
fix unnaming monsters via `C <space(s)>'
fix calling object types via `#name n <anything w/ trailing space(s)>'
fix off by one problem when shuffling some descriptions (scroll label "KIRJE"
and "thick" spellbook never used; breathing amulet always "octagonal")
exploding land mines can scatter or destroy objects at the trap location
add rolling boulder traps
try harder to make monster hit point and level gain avoid anomalous losses
reduce odds of undead corpses on castle level and priest quest home level,
to make it harder to lure wraiths to more favorable spot
can't polymorph large piles of rocks into gems
hit point gain from nurse healing throttled substantially
make cursed bells be much less effective as instruments of abuse
fully implement object charges for Bell of Opening
allow '%' as destination on rogue level when specifying position by map feature
fire traps can burn up scrolls and spellbooks on the floor
fix inverted cancellation check for AD_SLOW and AD_DREN damage
bullwhips can be applied to disarm monsters and hero
bullwhips can be applied by hero to haul themself out of a pit
ensure that thrown potions hit their mark if you are swallowed
attempting to engrave on an altar causes altar_wrath
differentiate between a hole and a trapdoor, digging always makes a hole
check the right hit point values when polymorphed and encumbered
improve guard behaviour in vaults when player is blind
prevent dwarves from digging while wielding cursed weapons
displacing a pet mimic unhides it
'(' shows the proper tools as in use
improve shk's handling of pick-axe damage and taming
aging of items in ice boxes left in bones files
fix genocide of '@' while polymorphed
add gender to some unique monsters
disallow digging down while phasing through non-diggable walls
general fixes to various message sequencing problems
prevent shopkeeper names from showing up while you are hallucinating
prevent paralyzed pets from picking up items
jellies for Juiblex, not Jabberwocks (done properly this time)
rust monsters can't eat rustproofed objects
general fixes to inventory merging of items
monster inventory undergoes merging too; potentially affects probing and theft
monsters ignore items they want to pick up that are on 'Elbereth'
bows wielded by monsters now do proper (low) damage
even nymphs may not pick up rider corpses
treat cockatrice corpses in multiple item piles the same as one item piles
"PACKORDER" feedback incorrect on parsing failure
you can no longer choke on liquid
stethoscope on secret doors displays properly when blind
monster-hurled potions no longer produce quaff messages (or djinn)
giant eels now hide with mundetected, not invisibility
eels on the plane of water don't hide and aren't negatively impacted by being
out of water
don't give the big point bonus for eels if player is wearing breathing amulet
fix display bug (newsym after Wait! message)
temple priests now wear their cloaks
Orcus is no longer peaceful (had been made so by bad bribery check)
'uskin' save and restore done properly
don't improperly adjust int & wis for stolen non-worn P quest artifact
don't allow Vorpal Blade to behead a monster when it swallowed you
golems are not living and don't "die" in messages
fix "Rocky solidifies. Now it's Rocky!"
polymorphing into a flesh golem, which gets petrified by turning into a stone
golem, now works when stoned
correct "killed by a died"
allow the Wizard to come back and harass at his next reincarnation time even
if he's been left alive on some other level (fixes "paralysis" cheat)
make monsters subject to "mysterious force" in Gehnnom while climbing stairs
with the Amulet, so that once the Wizard has stolen it, his retreat
when wounded doesn't become an easy way to carry it up
changing attributes immediately checks encumber messages
confused monsters get confused SCR_TELEPORTATION effects
fixed "choked on eating too rich a meal"
kicked objects won't stop at stairs if they don't fall
general fixes to stealing from monster carrying cockatrice corpse
a nymph who polymorphs herself while you're frozen during a multi-turn armor
theft can't complete the theft if transformed into non-stealer monster
consistent corpse probability no matter what killed monster (also removes a
loophole allowing permanent rider death)
MUSE monsters no longer wield weapon same as (not better than) current one
incubi/succubi have hands, not claws
make #jump be ineffective on air and water levels
allow multiple sickness causes; vomiting only cures those involving food
#prayer reward: give books for not-yet-known spells preference to known ones
marker use no longer uses wishing interface, fixing several obscure bugs
archeologists' and rogues' initial sack starts out empty
candelabra "has now" 7 candles fixed.
kicked objects would set dknown when the kick caused an injury, even though
safely kicked objects wouldn't
make cloaks subject to burning
make exposed shirts subject to burning and rotting; greased ones defend
against wrap attacks
all types of fire damage affect worn armor [adds explosions, fire traps, and
zapping yourself to previously handled zap/breath attacks by monsters]
for explosions, destroy carried objects before killing player [affects bones]
replace triggered land mine with pit before doing damage [bones]
black dragon breath no longer referred to as "death" instead of disintegration
don't make ring of gain strength known when gauntlets of power mask its effect
can't have "slippery minor currents" or similar silly nohands body parts
proper support for polymorphed players using wrap attacks
cannibalism reduces luck as well as causing aggravation
picking up an item which will merge works even when all 52 slots in use
moving through diagonal openings checks how much you're carrying, not how much
free space you have left
monsters have same restrictions as players moving through diagonal openings
picking up subset of heavy group works for picking one and gets feedback right
taking subset of heavy merged group out of containers works the same as
picking up subset of heavy merged group from floor
when putting gold into containers, don't count its weight twice, thereby
messing up the status line's encumbrance feedback
fix the option parser's handling of attempting to negate string values
teleporting a monster on a trap with a magic whistle sets the trap off
iron ball dragging no longer confuses autopickup
cumulative temporary intrinsic increments can't spill over into permanent bits
eating food shouldn't give messages for intermediate states
don't make wand of death become known after casting finger of death at yourself
ignore case when checking artifacts against wish- or #name-specified name
ignore confusion when reading scrolls of mail
exploding runes for spellbook read failure doesn't imply that book explodes
divine rescue from strangling destroys worn amulet of strangulation
boulders pushed on level teleporters will level teleport; also, make one random
level teleport function to keep all level teleports consistent
MSDOS: add fake mail daemon
MSDOS: add VGA tiles to tty port
VMS: switch to lint-free, non-GPL'd termcap support code
X11: map behind popup edges was occasionally not refreshed
X11: allow permanent inventory window
X11: when using tiles, highlight pets with "heart" overlay (should be changed
to honor the `hilite_pet' run-time option)
X11: click-in-message-windows crash fixed
tty: fix panic when freeing endwin
tty: fix <ctrl/P> behavior when recalled text needs to wrap beyond top line
tty: allow selection from single line "help menu" (getobj's '?' response)
tty: don't format data.base with hardcoded tabs that are ugly on non-tty ports
tty: get rid of extra NHW_MENU space (improperly added when the menu was longer
than the screen)
tty: fix repeated "who are you?" prompting at game startup