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# host/port to bind HTTP server to
host = localhost
port = 8080
# domain name to serve the requests off of
domain = auth.example.org
# zone name server
nsname = auth.example.org
# admin email address, where @ is substituted with .
nsadmin = admin.example.org
# zonefile to write to
zonefile = zone.txt
# predefined records served in addition to the TXT
records =
@ 3600 IN NS auth.example.org.
@ 3600 IN A
@ 3600 IN AAAA ::1
# Minimum and maximum length of challenge tokens. Let's Encrypt and
# acme-dns both use 43, but ACME doesn't specify a length. Can be
# anywhere from 1 to 255.
token_length_min = 43
token_length_max = 43
# Password length, generated with secrets.token_urlsafe. Length is
# before base64url encoding, so a value of 30 actually results in a
# 40-byte long password. acme-dns uses 30.
password_length = 30
# none, signal, or exec
method = signal
# for signal method
pidfile = /run/nsd/nsd.pid
# for exec method
#command = nsd-control reload auth.example.org
# disable registration (/register) endpoint
disable_registration = false
# disable reload (/reload) endpoint
disable_reload = false